Chapter 1: An Old Friend

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Hope's P.O.V

The bright light that creeped through my curtains began to irritate my eyes. I couldn't help but slightly open them, squinting at my alarm clock in front of me. 7:00 am, great, I thought to myself sitting up on my bed. I let out a long sigh hoping if I just close my eyes for a tiny bit I can get another few minutes of sleep, maybe even let my exhaustion pass.

Sadly that didn't last long. I threw my covers off of me and got up heading straight to the bathroom for a nice shower. It was always the mornings were I felt lazy to get into the water, but as soon as the warm water hit my body it became relaxing. Suddenly the laziness to get out was the next challenge.

Once that was done I stood in front of my closet, towel wrapped around my body, hair dripping water trying to think of what to wear. My preference was a nice suit, but since it was Friday, business casual was the perfect outfit.

Then, I made my way to my display case where my luxury watches were neatly organized. I always had a thing for vintage watches and some how I found myself collecting all sorts. Even so, out of my 20 watches I always wore the same one every single day. A simple black Quartz Watch with steel band and it was water proof too. It was a present I had gotten for my 15th birthday from... an old friend. It was my keepsake that I still cherished.

Lastly, when I finished getting ready I made my way outside where my driver Charles was waiting for me. He was cleaning the window just a bit before he turned his attention towards me.

"Good morning Ms. Hope. I take it you slept well?" the old man softly spoke opening the door chuckling a bit.

"Of course I did Charles" I smiled as I playfully tap the man's hat. Once inside Charles closed the door gently, then made his way to the drivers seat. It wasn't usual for me to have a personal driver take me to work but, I still felt exhausted since I didn't get much sleep last night. All I wanted was to go to what I like to call my empire, maybe finish my work while resting on the way there.

I always hated working while in the car. It always took away from the scenery and made the car ride longer. Looking out the window I saw the beautiful New Orleans city that I loved. It was early Friday morning so there were few people out walking the streets also heading to work. Some made their way to coffee shops while other ran to catch the near by bus.

Once we reached a red light I saw a blue bus pulled off to the side letting people off before others got on. I couldn't help but notice a girl in black high waist shorts and a stylish yellow and blue varsity jacket. Looking at some papers and looking around the area. She seemed to be lost in thought since she ended up bumping into a light post hitting her right shoulder. She turned around a few times making sure no one saw. Aww if only she knew. For a mere moment her glance shifted towards me and I got a better look at her. She looked familiar yet I couldn't place my finger on it. Maybe it was just the tiredness.

It wasn't long until I finally arrived at my office building. I always hated showing up for work. Everyone was always on edge and walking on eggshells around me. But who could blame them. I was after all the CEO and when you're in that position everyone becomes a kiss ass. It's seriously annoying. So when I walked inside sunglasses on, nose in the air and everyone stopped to greet me nervously yet cheerfully. A few employees would walk by myside handing paper work or update me on current events. It wasn't all that bad. That was until I had to use the stairs to climb 80 stories. Lets just say I was terrified of elevators.

The day consisted of morning meetings, budget hearings and so on and so on. I think there was a meeting on toilet paper in the men's restroom, but It could of been anything really. Finally, I was back at my office enjoying my lunch that was brought to me. One thing I always did was eat lunch as I worked. Nor did I enjoy going out to eat on my own. It's not like friends visited me or anything either. I think you have to have those in order for that to happen.

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