Chapter 33: By My Side

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Why is Roman doing this. Why go this far. It was the first of many unanswered questions she'd asked herself without success. Why would someone go through so much trouble to scare and manipulate someone to hand over their business? Why now all of a sudden? And, most disturbing to her, why threaten to kill her? Hope was in her home office working on her computer. Trying to get things ready for the art center to open by the said due date. Yet the more she thought about work the more her mind wondered towards Roman. Hope decided to call it quits for now and make her way towards her Art room and paint or take a nap.

She walked out of the office room passed through a hallway lined with paintings of landscapes. Some were of water falls and the forest area. She always found comfort in painting. Also saw beauty in something that was anything less. It always helped her see things in a different light. Dozens of paintings lined up the walls of the second floor hallway. It was a hallway of peace into her sanctuary. Specially since most if not all of these beautiful pieces of arts were made by her father. They were Hopes most prize possessions.

Suddenly, Hope couldn't breathe. The walls billowed inward. The hall was too hot, too small. On her toes, she jogged down the stairs, lifting her coat from the hook near the door. Her fiancé's and sister-in-laws voice floated out from the kitchen and she hoped their conversation was enough to cover the click of the door as she pulled it close behind her. She was desperate for air and some time to think. She was grateful she had a huge mansion that made it easy to sneak away.

She mentally cursed herself when she realized just how big her own drive way was. Her house was basically in the middle of nowhere. She thought for a moment before making her way towards the courtyard. Hope would occasionally glance back for any sign of Josie or Lizzie if they had noticed her departure. All was quiet.  She looked up at the night sky taking in the spring breeze that send chills down her spine as soon as it hit her face. She took her phone out send a few quick texts before leaving towards the gate entrance of her property.

With nothing to break the wind out of the north, and icy gust blew right through her and towards the now blooming forest to the south. Ahead, shadows twisted and the sounds of spring night danced eerily around her. The shrill of an owl made her lurch back from the trees. But it was the sounds of wood on wood that sent a shiver through her bones.

She finally felt relieved when she saw Jeds car pull up beside her. She opened the passenger door and made her way inside. "Did you bring it" Hope asked extending her hand.

"You know Hope I don't want to tell you how a to manage your relationship but do you think this is a good idea" Jed handed Hope a small box.

"You are my friend, not someone shrink to question my relationship" Hope rolled her eyes and began to step out of the car. "One more thing Jed—"

" I know what happened between you and Josie." Jed cut Hope off before she could finished her statement. Hope frowned at the guy and stepped closer to door. "You shouldn't have done that"

"That's between the two of us. It's none of your business. I have to get back home now" she closer the door a little to hard. Jed got out of his car and walked towards his friend stopping right in front of her. Each time Hope moved to the side to get passed the guy, Jed would only block her path again. "What are you doing Jed" said in annoyed.

"You're going to push her further away."

"She's my wife, so I won't allow her to leave my side." Hope crossed her arms.

"Fina— ugh... yes she's your wife. But she also has her own thoughts and feelings. You can't just manipulate her life as you wish. Nobody can, so accept that." Jed grabbed hopes arm by the wrist that was holding the small box.

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