Chapter 7: Ex's and NO's

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Hopes P.O.V

"The next slide features data analysis for the first half of the year, based on the figures, we can see that compared to last June" One of the directors began to go over the reports. I was trying so hard to focus but my mind kept wondering to a certain brown eyed girl.

Ever since Josie spend the night at my house 2 days ago she'd been acting weird towards me. Not that I could blame the girl, I haven't been up in my game either. I kept thinking about how she asked me to kiss her. I mean she was asleep, but to think she was dreaming of me put a smile on my face.

Being lost in thought was something I've never done at work, yet now its all I've been doing. Bringing me back to middle school when I would just stare at Josie, watching as she took notes for me because she thought All I did was sleep. She was so considerate towards me and only me.

I sat back on my chair trying to focus on what was going on once again. I was still at work and needed to act professional no matter how lost in thought i was. "Okay so now we have to come up with a few new promotional ideas, does anyone have anything" another director stood up. I looked at the room and everyone began their usual answer. Donate to charities, support a local business, invest in new projects. Even though i was tired of these same ideas, they always seemed to help the company in one way or another so i was all for it. I loved doing things for the community, and giving back. it made me feel happy, and gave me a sense of purpose. On the other hand there wasn't an original idea nor was it fun anymore.

"How about we make an art center for kids" I looked up and noticed Josie slowly get up from her chair. she looked nervous and could possibly pass out any moment. She could take being the center of attention when she's played soccer but make the girl do a presentation and she'll have a panic attack. She was smart but public speaking wasn't her strong suit. Josie looked towards me so I gave her a smile to comfort her. She was now only talking to me. Not because I was the boss in the room, rather because I was her only source of calmness for her.

"An Art Center, are you serious. Who do you think you are. You're just a sales associate. Mikaelson Industries focus on high prio-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence" I cut the man off slamming my hands on the table. One thing I hated more then anything was someone bullying or belittling another person. Thinking because they had the better position they can automatically do as they please.

"Ms. Mikaelson building a art center isn't in my job description" the man nervously laughing looking at his friends. They didn't return his little joke with laughs that's for sure.

"Oh, that task isn't in your job description? Well, dealing with your bullshit isn't in mine" I simply smiled.

"B-But M-Miss. Mikaelson we cant afford" he stuttered through his words

"What we cant afford is someone like you. Get out" I shouted pointing at the door. The man looked around hoping for someone to defended him, but everyone just looked the other way. The man finally gave up and with his head down he left the conference room. "There is only one person in this room who can approve or disapprove an idea and that's me. If someone has a problem with that then you guys can do what director chad did and leave. Other then that you will shut up and listen to someone who has an idea." I looked at Josie who didn't know how to react. She was shocked, possibly embarrassed. I couldn't help but feel bad. "Josie go to my office, everyone else can leave now." I left the room feeling irritated.

Once I got into my office I walked into my mini bar and poured myself half a glass of whiskey. Who the hell did they think they are acting like they're better then everyone. No who the hell do they think they are being better then Josie. That girl is full score Saltzman. She could easily run circles around those executives idiots.

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