Chapter 37: Houdini

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The family took their seats at the table. "You do realize what this means Roman. It's two-against..." Josie paused as she counted the people in the room. "Well you get the idea."

"No... these aren't the shareholders. I know that for a fact" Roman yelled into the room.

"True... But they are now. I bought the share from the other directors" Josie handed Roman a folder. "Before you say anything about using company funds I like to show you this document. It clearly states that the money that's been used was in fact money from the Mikaelson private bank account. I bought the remaining shares from the board director for 3 billion dollars" Josie leaned back in her chair she noticed Roman and Penelope eyeing the piece of paper mouth agape. "Ms. Josette Mikaelson the shares aren't 3 billion dollar what else did you buy. Good question. Let me tell you" Josie stood up and walked towards the projector. She turned on the monitor and pointed at the screen. "I also bought Sienna and Park entertainment shares from my former shareholders"

"So you gave them to you're family. That's nepotism... that's clearly a lawsuit" Roman laughed.

"It would... if I gave them the shares. You look like an idiot so I'll explain..." Josie rolled her eyes.

"Did you just call me an idiot" Roman shouted loud enough to cause an echo in the room.

"She didn't call you an idiot she said you look like an idiot... do you understand the English language" Freya calmly stated. Josie only smiled at her aunt.

"I sold the shares to these fine people. As the sole owner of the shares I simply marked the price to a dollar per share... therefore these fine people bought shares with their own money..." Josie smiled. I Josie Saltzman own 25% of the shares Hope Mikaelson owns another 25% ... but since she isn't here at the moment those 25% rolls back to me which brings my total to 50%. while these lovely people own 10% each. If my calculations are correct which they are... that's more then the 5% Sienna and Park own."

"Do you honestly believe I'm that stupid. This is an outrage" Roman scoffed.

"I didn't think my expectations could be any lower... and yet I'm still disappointed" Rebekah laughed slightly.

"So you bought out the board of directors and gave the position to your family in a legal manner. But the remaining question is yet to be answered. What happened to the 300 million dollar Hope took from the company" Penelope asked waving a piece of paper around.

"Ever wanna answer every question with a middle finger? That's kinda where I am right now" Rebekah leaned into her sisters ear and whispered.

"Hope set up a joint venture company called J.M. Enterprises..." Penelope and Roman looked dumbfounded.

"Let me explain... remember when both Sienna and Mikaelson industries share prices took a nosedive after the Art Center problem. J.M Enterprises bought a large amount of shares... which makes J.M the biggest shareholder in both companies"

"In other words Sienna and Mikaelson industries will proceed with the merger. But this joint venture company gets to call the shots. In the future J.M will have a say in all decisions made by Sienna Global Groups." Josie laughed as she leaned over the podium.

"So, the 300 million dollars..."

"That's right...Hope spend 300 million dollars on behalf of Mikaelson industries to fund the joint venture company" Jed explained to the guy who began to glow red in anger.

"Josie, you knew about this, too" Penelope stood up pointing at the younger girl. Narrowing her eyes slightly, speaking calmly.

"Of course I did. Before I was active C.E.O i was Hopes secretary for a couple of day. I found this remittance slip with a few signatures of former partners. You know Penelope, you should of looked at the few documents before you quit working for Hope. You see Hope could of told the company where the money went and what it was for yet she kept silent. This further proves my theory"

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