Chapter 9: Why Are You Mad?

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Hopes P.O.V

Monday mornings always sucked. Especially when the first thing on the to-do list was go to meetings. However this one was different then the rest. My PR team decided to take it upon themselves to schedule a meeting without my approval. But it's PR so I was curious as to what scandals were being circulated around me.

At the moment the head of the PR was showing me pictures that were taken of me, and Josie together. "The story will be published shortly at around 11 a.m. but I said to despatch, carrying someone on their back doesn't mean they're dating. Ask anyone you see on the streets." The head of PR proclaimed. I couldn't careless. I was on my phone playing angry birds "So I said, 'they're obviously not dating.' I strongly denied it" the PR continued. "And we concluded that you two are good friends who like to pull pranks." He finished.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh causing the whole team to look at me weird. Even Penelope was a little concerned. "You call that a prank?" I said.

"Yes. I told them you two are very close and that's how you usually fool around... I mean, that's how you two usually hang out." PR said trying to get me to see the bigger picture. I couldn't help but laugh harder.

"Right we are close. Alright." I finally calmed down sitting up straight. "It already happened, so it's fine. It's all good, but can you do something about the blur effect covering my face?" I asked standing up and going to the screen to get a closer look at the picture.

"Should I tell them to blur your face more?" PR pointed out.

"What, no that's not what I'm saying. They blurred my earrings too. It's the accessory idea I'm promoting the hardest out of the whole collection. The blur effect should be... how shall I put this? Can they carefully shrink it so that the earrings show right away? Actually a full shot would be better. That way they Can see my shoes while we're at it" at this point I was just being sarcastic but the looks on their face only showed how serious they thought I was. I was growing irritated by the second and decided that I had enough for today. I didn't care about any of what they were saying. I stood up from my seat and just walked out the conference room and made my way towards Josie. Of course Penelope followed me again.

"You can go back to your desk Penelope ima go check on the sales team" I said pointing to the girls desk. She politely smiled and walked away.

As I was walking I saw a vase full of roses by one of the hall windows. I decided to take one. It smell sweet and the rose was brighter then any ive seen.

I finally found Josie doing her work at her desk. Of course everyone in her team was already at lunch but she kept working. I placed the rose in front of her face and she looked up at me. She raised an eyebrow then spun her chair to face me.

"Since when did you get so thoughtful" Josie took the rose from my hand and looked at it for a bit. Spinning it between her thumb and pointer finger.

"A girl could change. It has been 10 years." I shrugged my shoulder

"Right of course. So after I left the states."

"Huh?" I was taken back by the sudden question.

"I let you off the hook before. Back at the restaurant. But not this time." Josie sat on the edge of her seat with wide eyes waiting for my story. I laughed at her childish behavior. I grabbed a chair from one of the empty desk and rolled it to Josies side.

"Well, when we were kids... everybody wanted to be the usual doctors, lawyers, teachers, right?" I began

"How can i forget. We had to write a paper in class about what we wanted to be when we grew up"

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