Chapter 20: Once Upon A Time

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Hopes P.O.V

I was so desperate, I lost sight of everything but that goal. Once I entered high school I knew I had to change in more ways then one. My parents and I, we weren't that well off. Both my parents worked, sometimes my dad worked two jobs to keep money in their bank account. At first I never understood what that meant, never understood what it was like to not have anything. Every little thing I had my parents gave me unbeknownst to me just how hard they worked.

In middle school I was a problematic child, but in reality it was only to get my parents attention. And for the most part it seemed to have worked. All my anger, frustration of being alone I took it out on others. I got into petty fights, just so my parents could take me out of school to hang out with them. But sometimes that did more harm then good. Since I was always alone.

I remember that day my mom took me to the park to spend some time together. At first it was nice. We played tag and she pushed me on the swings, helping me climb the rock wall. But then she had to leave to go to work. Id begged her to let me stay at the park just for a little while longer. She called my dad and ask for his opinion. Since we lived close by he said it was okay and she reluctantly let me continue playing.

I was only 11 at the time. So being alone wasn't anything knew. But even as an 11 year old kid you still  do stupid stuff. Like hang out with a group of kids and play hide and seek in an abandoned house. So you can imagine how dumb I felt when I hid inside a metal cabinet and got locked in.

Locked in a metal cabinet that was outside was one of the most terrifying things I had ever experienced. Banging endlessly, screaming for help but to no avail. It was dark, scary, and cold... so cold. The thought of dying in a place like that only clouded my mind more.

"Hey is someone there" I heard a high pitch voice coming from the outside.

"H-help me please" I began to bang on the thin metal door. I heard someone from the outside struggling to slide the door open.

"Hold on. I think it's stuck. I'll go get someone" the voice shouted.

"No! Don't go anywhere. I'm really scared." I cried out. I don't remember how long I've been trapped in the cabinet. The random person continued to try and get the door to open while making conversation in order to keep me calm. By the time the door slid open I fell into their arms pushing her backwards crying as I held on. Their heart beat was racing and her breathing was heavy. She was panting probably tired from trying to get the door unstuck.

I got off and saw her. My savior. Her hands were all torn up. I looked up and the night sky. It really was hours that I've been trapped.

"Come on." The tall girl laughed as she placed both hands behind her head leaning back a bit. "I'll take you to my house and you can call your mom and dad to pick you up" the taller girl extended her hand out towards me.

"My mom and dad said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers, much less go home with one" I sternly said crossing my arms. The brunette laughed once more bringing her finger to her eye as if to wipe away a fake tear.

"Well that's no way to speak to a friend" Josie laughs once more.

"Uh s-sorry I give you my apologies, uh... strange... yet... respectable traveler" I stuttered confused as to what I'm saying.

"Haha I'm joking. My name's Josette, but you can call me Josie and you"

"Hope" I said almost as a question.

"Well Hope. Now that you know my name... let be friends" she closed her eyes giving me a wide smile. I reached out and grabbed her hand. She pulled me forward and we both started running as the rain began to fall. It was pouring making everything wet with in seconds. Josie had her jacket over both our head trying to cover us from the rain. Before I knew it my butt was wet and cold and I felt pain on my ankle.

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