Chapter 10: Whipped

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Penelope P.OV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Hope and Josie were fighting for an unknown reason, and I couldn't be happier. I mean I felt bad for Josie since Hope was giving her the cold shoulder all week. Even when I went to talk to her during lunch, Josie didn't say anything on the matter. Sure enough it was effecting Josies performance at work, which gave me time to help her, and spend time with the girl.

"I'm telling you Roman, i think everything is sorting it's self out on its own" I was walking around Romans office telling him about everything that I've witnessed. "Now that Hopes out of the way, maybe I could get a chance" I sat down on one of the empty chairs. I crossed my legs one over the other looking smugged.

"You know P, I don't know why you still work for Hope, I mean you hate her, and your father owns Park Entertainment so why don't you just quit and work with me, actually no that won't work, once I'm back together with Hope we'll be spending more time together." Roman stopped what he was doing and leaned forward.

"Because my dad is trying to get onto the board of directors and by me being Hope secretary he might stand a chance getting a partnership with her, but that's not the point. We're talking about Josie and me. All you have to do is get Hope out of my way, and with this current fight, what better timing. After all Hopes an idiot. I've seen Josie, she's way to overqualified to be working in sales, its like she wants her to suffer. Roman tell me the meeting went the way we planned" I excitedly asked.

"Yes, yes I have made sure we did not do any form of partnership with Mikaelson industries. Josette Saltzman is a very persuasive girl, but we managed to pull our partnership" Roman handed me a folder of the contract that was yet to be signed.

"Perfect, I'll just go to Josie and give her a few pointers, become her saving grace, and help her climb the social ladder while falling in love with me" I stood up in victory as I saw my plan falling perfectly in place.

"So when do I get Hope back in this perfect plan of yours" Roman asked confused

"I can't think of all the ideas" I rolled my eyes and made my way out of the mans office. Next up Mikaelson's sales department team 3.

Before I could make my way down to see Josie, I knew I had to take care of a few assignments with Hope. I couldn't complain much since neither of us ever talked unless it was business related. Even then the conversation was nothing but questions and a one worded answer here and there. It was like talking to a wall with her. I could only imagine how Josie felt talking to her on the daily.

I walked into her office and handed her 2 leather folders containing a few contracts. She was on her computer and writing down a few things. She didn't even bother to glance my way.

"Why are you suddenly so concerned about Josie Saltzman?" She asked me never once taking her eyes of her work. I was a little taken back by the sudden question curious as to why she cared about who I was socializing with. Was she some how jealous that I spend time with the girl. Or was she just trying to give both Josie and I a hard time.

"Well she's knew to this type of field work, I just can't stand there watching her drown in work she has no idea of doing. I am just giving her a helping hand. The work that has been given to her is not her responsibility. She's in sales yet you give her executive tasks. Why are you pushing?" I calmly told my boss trying not to sound sarcastic or annoyed. She closed her folder and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Park Im going to say this one, so listen close. While your help is appreciated I advise you to stop trying to get close to Josie. Stay in your lane and do your job." Hope leaned back crossing her arms.

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