Chapter 4: Announcement

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Josie P.O.V

I opened my computer and began to type away. I typed in Hopes name in the search bar of the google page to see if I could get any more information on her. It's been 10 years and I haven't heard about her in so long. But to think of her business as the largest in the world. Hope Andrea Mikaelson C.E.O of Mikaelson Industries is a multi-industry company. From biotechnology, to Media outlets, to high fashion and jewelry. Impressive.

I sat back on my office chair amazed by how the Queen on Zeros managed to get this far in life. I was proud of her, happy that she proved everyone that gave her shit wrong. Now she was in my life again making my life hell.

I let out a sigh and closed my laptop spinning idly on my chair. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Hope Mikaelson didn't just barge into my life. She barged and shiver and wedged her way into my life. But even so, I made sure to help her out in any way I could. We were inseparable, now I hardly knew her.

"Hey pretty young thing" I stopped what I was doing looking up. I saw Penelope walking my way giving me a small wave. She leaned over my desk smiling.

"Hey what's up" I smiled.

"I was hoping maybe we could have some lunch or so-" before Penelope could finish her sentence. Hope approached both of us. For some reason she was glaring at Penelope.

"Josie I need you"

"What for?" I raised an eyebrow

"I have to go to a jewelry exhibition tomorrow night and you're going to be my date" she smiled crossing her arms. I stood up to protest but she stuck her hand in front of my face. "I am the Queen, and you are the pawn, you have to listen to me" she laughed turning on her heel.

I snapped a pencil in half, I didn't know I was holding. This girl. Even if I wanted to make a sophisticated ditch I knew Hope would be one step ahead. I had no choice, literally.

"Jo" I turned my head to the girl in front of me. "Before I was interrupted I was going to go to lunch, I was thinking maybe you'd like to go with me" she gave me pleading eyes.

"Sure" I smiled back

"Great, uh I have paperwork to give to Ms. Mikaelson. I'll be right back" she held up the 3 leather folders and walked into Hopes office.


Narrators P.O.V

Josie was walking down the street, headphones in with her soccer bag around her shoulder. Saturday mornings were always her favorite because those were her club soccer games, which were more intense then her schools team. She was excited since it was the beginning of the season which meant she was ready to destroy all the new players that dared take her spot being left Midfielder.

"Morning StudyBug" Klaus, Hopes dad said smiling away. Josie pulled her headphones back over her neck watching as the Mikaelson family approached her. She saw Hayley holding on to Klaus arm while Hope was walking besides them.

"Papa Klaus, hey... morning stroll around the neighborhood" Josie smiled back, running towards them giving the family a big hug.

"of course, spending time with the family" Hayley chimed in keeping her arm around Josie. "And where are you off too, sporting event" Hayley pointed down at Josie's bag

"Soccer Game actually" Josie laughed.

"Sounds like fun, mind if we join you" Klaus asked. Josie turned to Hope who was trying to hide from embarrassment.  Josie couldn't help but laugh as she invited the Mikaelson family to tag along.

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