Chspter 19: Cold

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Hope was sitting on the hood of her car waiting for her jet to land. Playing games idly on her phone. Every few seconds she would check her watch for the time, and every few seconds it would always be the same time. She let out a frustrating sigh before bringing her phone back up to her face to continue her game. The pinging of her phone consisted of one message after another. One of them was a notification saying that the jet was clear for landing. She looked up and sure enough there was her plane slowly lowering itself down as the wheels began to pop out. She looked back at her phone to see the other messages from an unknown sender.

She opened the unknown message and saw a couple of pictures of Josie and Jed and what looked to be a close moment between the two hugging and having their arms around one another. 'Someone is trying to make a move on Josie' Hope thought about what Jed had told her yesterday. She placed the phone to her lips gently tapping it against them. She took a deep breath shaking off any remaining thought she had and got off her car. Once she saw Josie getting out of the jet she instantly went straight for her almost knocking her down with a hug. Of course Hope couldn't say hello without bringing her girlfriend in for a kiss. It's been a week after all and that's all Hope has been craving.

During the car ride it was fairly quiet with only the music on low volume that sometimes became drowned by the sounds of Hope's roaring car engine. Every once in a while Hope would take a few glance at Josie, while she Leaned her head on the car window. She was slowly falling asleep and Hope didn't want to ruin that.

"Hey, Hope" Josie said almost in a whisper. Hope didn't say anything she just gave Josies hand a tight squeeze to tell her she was listening. "What do you think is most important in a relationship?" Hope took another look at Josie who still had her eyes closed. She smiled a little.

"What do you think?" She softly asked. Josie removed her head from the window and leaned on Hope's shoulder, hugging her arm tightly. The space between them was a little uncomfortable because of the car seats, but Josie didn't mind. She found comfort in hopes shoulder.

"I used to think that loving eachother was enough. Now, I think it's being completely honest... and respecting every decision the other person makes. That's what it takes to have a relationship." Josie almost whispering the words that came out. Hope kisses Josies head and places her head against her fiancé.

"What if someone lied to you?" Hope didn't smile nor did she laugh at Josies cheesy thought on relationship. Hope was calm and focused on their conversation.

"It depends on the situation." Josie mumbles the last words as she began to drift to sleep. Hope gently kissed the girl once more and when she didn't get any response she knew Josie had fallen asleep. Hope waited a few more minutes to be sure. And when she was confident enough she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Actually, I lied to you... That day you carried me home... I knew it was you the minute I stepped foot in the club and saw you. I was the reason why you left Europe. I was the sole reason your life had been hell for the past 2 years."

Josie was peacefully sleeping on Hopes bed and all Hope could do was watch her fiancé as her chest slowly rose up and down calmly. It was currently 8:30 pm so sleep was very much on the table. However Hope couldn't seem to be tired at all. She leaned back against the head bored looking at the images that some rando sent her.

Hope was a little scared when she felt Josie's hand begin to move slightly. "You're not going to sleep" Josie sat up rubbing her sleepy eyes letting out a small yawn. Hope flicked Josie's forehead before getting up and walking into her closet. Josie was confused but didn't bother to get up or anything. She just sat there and waited.

When Hope entered the bedroom once more, she placed a jar filled with jigsaw pieces on the bed. "Marry me Josie" Hope asked Josie once again, more sincerely.

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