Chapter 23: I'll Be Waiting

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Hopes P.O.V

I had gotten up from my bed ready to start the day. As always I was determined to make Josie remember me no matter what. I went to my library and looked at my glass board where my plan was set up. I had spent 2 days working on a game plan with the whole day filled with our favorite activities. The plan was simple. First we would go to the lake and enjoy our time swimming around; Josie can't swim so I'll teach her, Next we would have a picnic by the dock for lunch. Lastly I was going to take Josie to the nearby arcade and play games like we use to when we were kids. It was perfect. Especially since each place had a story i could tell Josie in hopes of remembering. Plus Josie loved camping.

I knew i couldn't do it alone so i asked for help. Lizzie and Jed were more then happy, since i finally got out of my funk. Both Jed and Lizzie were going to meet us at the lake so i could ride alone with Josie. I looked over the plan one more time before making my way to my room.

Once i entered i saw Josie already ready. She was wearing light blue high waist shorts an olive green tank top and a white/black flannel tied around her waist. She finished the look with a pair of black timberland Skyla boots.  Her outfit was breath taking and she looked so good in those shorts. She really did have nice legs. I couldn't help but stare.

"Hey my eyes are up here" Josie snapped her fingers trying to get my attention. When i looked up i saw Josie smirk before giving me a playful eye roll. I walked into my closet and began to pick out some clothes that was sure to match Josies. I went with black shorts with a white shirt and black converse with a red flannel tied around my waist. Something simple yet cute.

"Are you ready to go" i walked towards Josie picking up her backpack. She followed me outside towards my 12 car garage.  When I opened it all of my cars were lined up looking beautiful as ever.

"Yeah... but uh. We're going to the lake. I don't think a Ferrari is an off road car" Josie began to walk to one of the luxury cars.

"Love, we're taking the Jeep"  i nodded my head towards the end of the garage. 

"You're kidding right" Josie looked to the white Jeep. "It doesn't even have any doors" Josie yelled in surprise.

"What?! yes they do. These doors are called trail doors. It's perfectly safe" i placed the bags into the back seat and moved the car forwards into the drive way. Josie looked a little hesitant but finally decided to get into the car. Not like she had a choice. Once we hit the road, we sat in silence. It felt awkward, like we were both trying to figure out what to talk about. It was like two complete strangers sharing a ride. That's how Josie felt since she still didn't remember me anyways.

"C-can I play some music" Josie asked me shyly.

"You don't have to ask. You can grab my phone whenever you want" i told Josie as I handed her the phone. Once Josie turned on the phone she saw the Lock Screen. It was a picture of the two of us, Josie kissing my cheek, while i gave that great Mikaelson smirk. Josie smiled to her self a bit but didn't know I saw her.

"What's your passcode" Josie turned to me.

"Passcode, babe it's face recognition" Josie looked back at the locked phone and slid the screen up unlocking it. "Technically you were the one that set it up because you were tired of putting in the passcode." I smiled at Jose which she happily returned. Josie looked at my phone once more and opened the Spotify app.

"Do you have any recommendations" Josie asked. I sat there and thought for a minute.

"Just play anything you want" i shrugged. Josie looked at me for a bit and then decided to pick a random playlist and hit shuffle. The song started off slow and then lyrics followed suit. Both Josie and i reached for the volume at the same time. We looked at eachother before i turned the volume a slightly louder. Josie sat up a bit in her seat as she began to take in the song. "I'll be waiting, I'll be waiting, whatever you decide to do with my love, I'll be waiting" Josie looked at me but I had my eyes focused on the road.

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