Chapter 1: Forgiveness

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Liam was sitting on the bench in the locker room, throwing a ball up and down. He was waiting for Nolan to get out of the shower; the boy of course waited until everyone else was done before even going in. Liam knew he was shy, but this was ridiculous. Finally, the boy came out and jumped as soon as he realized Liam was sitting there.

"Geez, Liam you gave me a heart attack," Nolan looked at his co-captain, "what are you still doing here?"

"I was waiting for you," Liam looked at him, "what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Want to come over to my house? Mason, Corey, and Alec are coming over and of course, Theo will be there."

"Uh, sure," Nolan looked at him. They have been friends for two months now since the night at the hospital, but they haven't really hung out outside of lacrosse and school. Nolan never really had hung out with anyone before; he was friends with Gabe, but they never really did anything. He was pretty quiet around everyone else except when he decided to stab everyone in the school. Nolan shuttered just thinking about it.

"Great! Do you have to go home and get clothes?" Liam asked.

"No, I have extra clothes in my bag; I should be fine for the night," Nolan stared at the beta.

"Perfect, let's go."

Nolan realized Liam expected him to drive both of them to his house.

"I'm guessing you want me to take both of us to your house."

"Oh yes, um I usually have Mason and Corey drop me off, but I sent them on their way while I was waiting for you ."

"What if I would have said no?" Nolan laughed.

"I guess I would have walked," Liam smiled.

Liam got in Nolan's passenger seat.

"Sorry, if my driving is bad," Nolan looked over at him.

"Nolan, stop apologizing for everything. I've told you this how many times. What was it fourteen different times you apologized for beating me up; nineteen for the zoo?"

"I tried to kill you!" Nolan looked at him ashamed.

"And I almost tore your head off, Theo saved both of our asses, so we are even."

"If you say so," Nolan said pulling out carefully.

"Do you have to tell your parents you are coming over?" Liam thought about it. Nolan never mentioned his parents or home life actually. He always wore nice clothes; his car was nice. He figured they must have money or something.

"Uh, my mom is away for the month."

"A month? What is she doing?"

"She's a personal assistant for..." Nolan named off some celebrity Liam only heard about through Mason.

"That's awesome! Have you met them?"

"A few times; she pays for everything of mine," Nolan gave him a small smile.

Liam realized that being a personal assistant was a full-time job, "wait does your mom ever come home?"

"Once a month; she has two days off usually," Nolan said starting to get uncomfortable with the beta's questions. He never talked about himself much less his mom. He didn't even know his dad; he left before he was born. All he knew was his mom got a check in the mail once a month from him.

"Then, who do you live with?"

"My mom," Nolan stated.

"So, by yourself."

"I mean we are almost eighteen; I'm fine. Don't tell anyone please," Nolan pleaded.

"I won't," Liam was shocked. He didn't know which more surprising: Theo living in his truck until Liam let him move in or the fact that Nolan lived by himself most of the time. It made sense why the boy was a little socially awkward, how he fell under Monroe's wing, and he guessed being a hunter in general. No one asked where he was all the time; Liam knew how hard it was to hide being a werewolf from his parents.

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