Chapter 9: Awkward Dinner

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Nolan got his car taking in a breath; he was okay. It was okay; he looked over almost expecting Alec to be sitting there, but he realized he was alone once again. He missed his company already.

He pulled into his house, fortunately, his mom was already there. He thought about it Monroe knew his mom wasn't home. She knew his history. Out of anyone she could take alone, it would be him. He can't fight back like the rest of them; he knew she wanted him dead. He still thought Gabe was sent to kill him in the hospital but decided just to knock him out instead.

He left his lacrosse bag in the back seat and walked inside. His mother came to the door and hugged him.

"Guess what?" she started talking about all the stuff she did the past month, the celebrities she met, the bonus she got. She didn't even give Nolan time to speak.

He just sat there in nodded, not really listening to her.

"So, you get a bonus this month," she smiled handing him a check.

"Uh, thanks," Nolan looked at her.

"I'm going out to dinner tonight with some of my friends; I want you to come with me," she told him.

"Okay," Nolan answered,. Great, he thought to himself; he hated going out to dinner with his mom and her friends. She just took him to drive, so she could drink. He hated the gossip; he always just sat there awkwardly, seeing the vicious side to his mom. He didn't like it.

"You have like no food here; I'm going to order something for lunch. Do you want something?" she looked at him.

"I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow," Nolan assured her, "no, I just ate at my friend's house. " He lied.

"Gabe's?" his mother looked at him.

"Uh, mom I told you Gabe was killed last month," Nolan said quietly.

"Oh my gosh, honey, I'm so sorry I completely forgot. In the shootings right?"

Nolan nodded.

"Well, who's house were you at?"

"Liam's he's my co-captain on the lacrosse team, Theo, Mason, Corey, and Alec were there too."

"Look at you being popular, wait did you say the captain of the lacrosse team?"

"Co-captain," Nolan corrected her, "I told you that last month; Liam should be the only captain."

"Oh, I forgot you told me that; you're a Holloway. You should be captain," she smiled, since he had her last name.

"Okay, we have to be ready by 6; I'm going to go get food, then freshen up," she smiled at him, "you should take a shower; you have leaves in your hair."

Nolan nodded, heading upstairs. It was going to be a long day. He got into the shower and rinsed the dirt off of his body from lying in the woods with Alec. He remembered the boy grabbing his hand and tried to shake it from his head. He felt lightheaded as he got out of the shower, but ignored it throwing on a sweater and jeans since he imagined they would be going somewhere nice. He picked up his phone and saw a message from Alec.

"Is your mom home?"

"Yes, she's making me go out to dinner with her."

"Sounds fun."

"It isn't. I just don't like her friends that much."

"Aw, I'm sorry. If you need me to rescue you, let me know."

"I wish," Nolan put down his phone with a smile. Alec seemed to enjoy his company as much as he liked the werewolf's.

Nolan hadn't even noticed he passed out until he heard his mom knocking on his door, "ready?"

Nolan quickly got up and threw on shoes, "ready."

"Are you feeling okay? You look pale," his mother stared at him.

"I'm good, you look great," Nolan said to get her off the subject.

"Oh, thank you," she smiled at him as they went towards the car, "I'll drive there, but do you mind driving home?"

Nolan already knew he was going to have to, "no problem."

She talked the whole way there while Nolan just stared at the window.

They walked into a table with five of his mom's friends; they were deep in conversation about someone's new car or something. Nolan just sat there and stared at the back wall. He knew not to bring out his phone but also had no interest in their conversations. The waiter came around and took their drink orders.

"Coffee, please," he told him.

"Cream or sugar?"

"No, thank you," Nolan stated.

"Nolan, how old are you now?" one of his mom's friends asked.

"I'm almost eighteen," he told her.

"Guess what Nolan's the captain of the lacrosse team," his mother bragged.

"Well, my son is on the front line of Devenford Prep," one of them replied.

Here it goes Nolan thought to himself; the competition of the better kid.

"My co-captain used to go to Devenford," Nolan spoke up.

"Really, who?"

"Liam Dunbar," Nolan answered quietly.

"Oh, he was the one that got kicked out a few years ago," she rolled her eyes, "he was an awful kid; he never listened. I remember my son complaining about him." She started going on and on; Nolan had a weird suspicion her son helped Brett beat Liam up.

"He's the best-ranked player in the league," Nolan stated, defending his best friend.

His mother glared at him for arguing with the woman. The woman stared at him then shut up, knowing he was right. The waiter saved them from more awkwardness.

He came over to Nolan; Nolan really didn't even know what to order at this point. He didn't know what he could even stomach. He just ended up getting some soup. He knew his mother would be too drunk in a little bit to even notice he wasn't eating.

The food came Nolan just pushed his soup around with his spoon taking in bites here and there. They were there for almost three hours when finally, she decided it was time to leave. Nolan was relieved and helped her get to the car, completely tipsy. He drove to their house and made sure she got into her bedroom.

"Good night, Nolan."

"Good night, Mom."

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