Chapter 16: New Paths

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TW: hospitalization, eating disorder treatment

"Melissa!" Mason screamed at her as they entered the hospital.

"Oh gosh," she saw them carrying Liam's bleeding body. Nolan and Alec were coming behind them. She rushed them to her special supernatural room as Dr.Geyer rushed in seeing his son come in bleeding. They wasted no time, stitching him up until his werewolf abilities caught up to him. Melissa burned the wolfsbane out of his calf and began a blood transfusion and fluids to hopefully wake the boy up. They finished as Theo, Argent, and Derek barged through the door.

"Woah, everyone needs to calm down," Melissa looked at them, "he's going to be fine. He's already beginning to heal."

Theo rushed to Liam's side and instantly started taking away some of his pain.

Derek looked at him, "slow down, Theo you can't take it all," he grabbed Liam's other hand.

Dr.Geyer was already stitching the rest of Alec's arm that wasn't completely healed yet. Nolan was beginning to get dizzy as the adrenaline wore off. Corey caught his arm before he hit the ground.

"Nolan, you need to sit down," Mason pulled him a chair.

"I'm okay," Nolan tried to say before he felt his eyes close.

Nolan woke up a few minutes later. Everyone had calm down. Alec was sitting beside him letting Nolan lean on his shoulder. His arm was almost completely healed. Theo was sitting beside Liam's bed, waiting for the boy to wake up. Mason and Corey were sitting at the other end of the room. Argent, Derek, and Melissa must have walked out for a few minutes.

Nolan grabbed Alec's hand as they all just sat there trying to comprehend what just happened. An hour passed before Liam finally opened his eyes.

"Theo," he said softly.

"Hey, Little Wolf," Theo rubbed his hand, "I have you."

"Is the hunter?"

"Don't worry, Argent stopped me from killing her," Theo smiled.

"Good," Liam replied, "why did the clant just leave?"

"We don't know it just walked off," Mason got up to check on his best friend.

Derek, Argent, and Melissa came back in as they heard the boys talking.

"What just happened?' Liam looked at them for some clarity.

"The clant was scared of Nolan," Derek looked at the boy who was still half-conscious on Alec's shoulder.

"What?" Nolan and Alec said synchronously

"A clant according to legend can only be defeated by a hunter who can join werewolves and humans," Argent looked at them, their hands conjoined, "it wasn't scared of me when we met in the woods earlier, and you're the only other hunter out of us."

"No, I mean I can't," Nolan stuttered, "I'm not even a hunter anymore."

"You're still a hunter just for a better side," Argent smiled at him.

"He's right, Nolan," Liam looked over at his friend, "you have to stop it; we have to go after it together."

"Look at you acting like an alpha," Theo smirked.

"Theo, I was just saying we should fight this thing; you know I'm not an alpha nor will ever be an alpha."

"Uh, Liam um," Corey looked at him.

"What?" Liam stared at him.

"Your eyes were..."

"Red," Derek finished.

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