Chapter 18: Heros

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Nolan wasn't so sure; he grabbed Alec's hand as they walked out. Derek and Chris were already waiting for them. Mason, Corey, Theo, and Liam got into Theo's truck and went off towards the house as Derek, Chris, Nolan, and Alec followed a few minutes later.

"Make them mad," Liam looked at his boyfriend.

"You're good at making people mad."

"One of my specialties," Liam smirked.

"Nolan, do you think you can shoot this thing?" Argent looked back at him.

"Ah, I," Nolan stumbled over his words.

"Nolan, you have to," Derek looked back at him.

"I can do it," he muttered.

Theo flew up to Monroe's house parking at the end of the road.

"We will go first," he looked at Mason and Corey. They nodded as Corey grabbed his hand going invisible.

Theo and Liam jumped over her wall of traps, but Theo looked back they were disengaged anyway. Weird he thought to himself but just kept going. Liam being Liam went straight up the door and knocked.

"Hunters, Monroe! I know you are in there," Liam screamed.

"You're so bad at this," Theo broke down the door. Mason and Corey caught up following them in.

"Why isn't anyone here?" Liam looked at them.

"They must be in the basement keep going," Theo kept going further in the house.

"Do you smell that?"

"Smoke," Theo stared at him as they all saw a flash of light.

"They've had enough time," Derek looked at Argent.

"Let's go."

Alec, Nolan, Derek, and Argent neared the house as they heard the explosion go off. They ran towards the clearing seeing the house go up in smoke.

"They are in there," Alec looked at them in a panic as suddenly a bullet entered his shoulder.

"Alec," Nolan rushed to his side.

They realized they were surrounded; Monroe walked out in front.

"You really thought; you could take me?" she laughed, "we aren't scared of a little creature."

Nolan stood up and stared at her as Derek was trying to help Alec.

"Nolan, your friends are burning alive, you guys are all going to be dead in a few minutes, but what you are now scared of food?" she smirked at the feeding tube, "I mean you always were weak."

She didn't have time to finish her speech as the clant took out two hunters on the other side of the mass.

"Fire!" she yelled.

Bullets were flying, the clant was tearing hunters apart. Nolan was knocked over. Derek was guarding Alec. Argent was trying to hold off his own; the house was still burning. A hunter aimed at Nolan as he saw the hunter magically get knocked out as he heard another gunshot. Corey appeared, blood dripping from his arm as Mason went to catch him. Liam appeared next to them taking out two hunters.

"Where's Theo?" he screamed at Mason and Corey.

"He didn't come out with us!"

Liam turned and went back into the burning house. Nolan heard it collapse and panicked; everything was happening too fast. He was the last one standing. Argent was backed against his car, overwhelmed by hunters. The clant was tearing apart at the ranks. Mason was trying to stop Corey from bleeding out as Derek and Alec were both unconscious blood seeping from their wounds. Theo and Liam were trapped inside the burning house. He was it.

He saw the clant turn, and he pulled up his bow. He had a bullet wound in his back; he could feel it, but he didn't care. This was a monster; this was what was left of Gerard.

The man's voice played over in his head, "shoot to kill."

He pressed the trigger and saw the arrow hit the monster straight in the chest. The clant exploded in a flash of light, and that was the last thing he remembered before hitting the ground.

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