Chapter 14: Kidnapped Liam

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Nolan woke up to Alec's alarm going off; he rolled over feeling exhausted.

"Nolan!" Alec saw him wake up.

"What happened?" Nolan looked at him.

"You passed out," Alec told him, "we almost took you to the hospital."

"I'm okay; I don't know it just hit me that everything was happening last night."

"It's alright," Alec assured him, "are you in pain?"

"Not anymore."

"Good," Alec looked at him, "do you want to just stay home today?"

"No, I'll be okay."

He slowly got dressed, and Alec and he headed downstairs. Melissa was sitting at the table, waiting for them.

"Good morning," she gave them a small smile, happy Nolan was at least on his feet.

Alec poured them both cereal, passing a bowl over to Nolan leaning back in his chair. The boy picked up the spoon and put a few spoonfuls in his mouth before he felt too nauseous to continue.

"Don't make yourself sick, just eat what you can keep down," Melissa looked at him, "it will be worse if you throw it back up."

"Okay," Nolan looked at her.

"I'll drive you two," Argent came down the stairs, "I don't think you should be behind a wheel right now."

Nolan nodded as they headed out the door.

"You're sure you are going to be fine?" Theo looked over at Liam.

"It's school; you're the one that should be careful."

"Fine, love you, Little Wolf."

"Love you too."

Liam went to walk into the locker room to drop off his stuff when he heard his phone ding. It was from an unknown number; it was just a picture of him and Theo in the truck.

The text read, "it's you or him, lacrosse field."

Liam threw his phone on the ground watching it shatter.

Argent pulled in beside Theo who had his phone out ready to text the man anyway. Nolan and Alec jumped out as Theo climbed into Argent's passenger seat.

"A clant?" Theo looked at the man.

"Unfortunately, with the dark soul of my father."

"What's the big deal; it goes after hunters?" Theo looked at him, "let it."

"Theo, first we don't just let people die; we discussed this."

"Are they still people?"

"Theo," Argent glared at him, "second, the clant goes after hunters, but it will kill anything in its way."

"Including law enforcement, innocent family members, and my stupid beta," Theo added.

"Exactly why we need to find this thing," Argent pulled out to meet Derek.

Nolan and Alec met Liam as he was headed out onto the lacrosse field.

"Liam, where are you going?" Alec asked him.

Liam looked at them, "uh, Coach needed me to check something out on the field."

"I'll go with you," Nolan looked at him.

"Nolan, you need to sit down," Liam snapped at him.

"Fine, Liam," Nolan answered angrily.

Liam went onto the lacrosse field towards the woods, when he sensed someone watching him. He turned around, but it was too late. He faced two hunters as he felt the arrow enter his calf.

"Night kid," he heard her snicker as his body hit the field.

Nolan started to panic as Liam didn't show up the whole way through his first class. He texted Mason.

"Liam's missing."

"Nolan, no phones in class."

He quickly put away his phone, "sorry family emergency."

"Nolan, I'm sure your mother can wait."

"My mother is dead," Nolan stood up and walked out of the classroom. He could feel tears streaming down his face as he walked into the locker room. He glanced at his appearance in the mirror; it was pitiful. He looked gaunt, pale, and in his bloodshot eyes were tears. He composed himself then tried calling Liam. Nolan heard it ringing on the floor where Liam threw it. He picked it up noticing it was shattered, but it was Liam's. His screensaver was a picture of Theo kissing him after a lacrosse game. He decided to call Theo.

Theo and Argent were sitting in Derek's loft trying to find anything on how to defeat the creature when he heard his phone ring.


"Theo, is Liam with you?"

"No, why would he be?"

"He's missing from school; I have his phone. It was shattered in the locker room."

"I'll be right there," Theo said quickly grabbing his stuff, "we have to go; the hunters have Liam."

"Theo, he could just be out somewhere, knowing him he went out to find the clant on his own" Derek looked at him.

"They have him; I feel it," Theo growled at him. Liam was his everything. He would do anything for him; he was the one person he loved in this world. He wasn't going to lose him.

"We will go," Derek glared at him, not feeling like fighting with the chimera.

Nolan managed to get Alec, Mason, and Corey to meet him onto the lacrosse field, where they found a spot of Liam's blood. Theo, Argent, and Derek pulled in, where Theo sprinted out towards them.

"What happened?' Theo snarled.

They all saw Theo's panicked rage.

"Alec and I passed Liam this morning, and all he said was Coach had him doing something on the lacrosse field. He made it clear; he didn't want us to go with him," Nolan looked at the chimera.

"Give me his phone."

Nolan handed it over as Theo quickly typed in his passcode as Derek and Argent were searching the scene.

"Damn it, Liam!" Theo said angrily looking at the text, "we have to go find him."

"I smell something weird mixed with the hunters," Derek looked at the chimera.

"Animal?" Alec looked at them.

"The stupid zoo tunnels," Theo said, "let's go."

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