Chapter 19: The Puppy Pack

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Nolan heard the low murmur of voices as well as the beeping of machines. He slowly opened his eyes, realizing somehow he wasn't dead.

"Alec?" Nolan realized the boy was sitting on the edge of the bed, talking to Melissa who was doing something to the machines beside him.

"Nolan!" Alec said excitedly, "you're alive."

Nolan nodded, "where's everyone else?"

"They're okay; everyone's alive now."


"Well, you died you lost so much blood you went into shock, but they brought you back. Apparently, Theo was not breathing when Liam found him; he gave him CPR in the fire. We still aren't entirely sure how that happened. Liam stopped breathing after he rescued Theo and had burns all over him. Corey almost bled out. Derek and I had pretty bad wounds that needed to heal. Argent was pretty beat up, but everyone is good now except you."

"Ah, so everyone is healed?" Nolan asked him.

"They've been pacing in and out of your room for the past five days too," Melissa smiled at him.

"Five days?"

"Nolan, you've been out for a week. When you killed the clant, you had three bullet wounds, you landed in shrapnel and almost bled out. You hit your head off the ground; we weren't sure if you were going to make it."

"The clant is dead?" Nolan looked at the nurse.

"You saved everyone."

"How did we all survive?"

"Argent called Parrish before you guys left for back up; he and the entire sheriff station came to the rescue. He managed to get Theo and Liam out of the fire. While the other deputies took care of the hunters, who hadn't run away. Noah and Parrish had some medics come on-site for you all."


'She's still out there," Melissa admitted.

"Nolan?" Liam and Theo appeared at the door.

"Hey, guys," Nolan tried to smile at them.

"You're alive!"

"I told you he would wake up," Theo looked at his boyfriend.

"I was worried," Liam admitted.

"Correction, he has slept in the waiting room for four days, since he woke up himself."

Nolan laughed at them, "So, the hunters are still out there?"

"Unfortunately," Liam nodded.

"Stop it the only thing you guys are going to be doing for the next week is rest," Melissa glared at him.

Mason and Corey came in a few moments later after Theo texted them. They finally went home after three days of staying in the hospital.

"Hey, Nolan," Mason said as they walked in Corey trailing beside him.

"I think I have a pretty good pack," Liam looked at them.

"I think we have the best pack," Mason replied.

Nolan glanced around the room. Mason and Corey were holding onto each other; both skillful and strong in their own right. Theo kept the pack level-headed; his arm wrapped around Liam. He knew they could always count on him to protect them. Liam the excitable alpha, always ready for the next fight. He would sacrifice himself for any one of them, no matter the risk. Alec was gripping his hands, kind and loving, but also powerful. He knew how to handle himself, but also be there for everyone else. He looked down at his own hand. He killed the clant; he saved the day. Maybe he wasn't as weak as he thought he was. Liam was right they were a pretty good pack.

"I don't think; we need to be worried about the hunters," Nolan spoke up, "They can't win against us."

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