Chapter 13: Clant

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Melissa came up after giving the boy some time; she gently knocked at Alec stood up and let her in.

"Nolan," she gently called his name. He managed to sit up, "are you okay, physically? I know you're not completely."

Nolan stared at her tears still glistening in his eyes, "I think so." His hands were shaking; his head was fuzzy, but he figured it was just from stress.

"Do you want to come down and get something to eat, or do you want me to bring it up to you?"

"I'll come down," Nolan looked at her.

Alec went downstairs already and was talking to Chris about the new creature as Melissa and Nolan came down.

"A clant?" Alec asked.

"I think; I've never had saw one before."

Nolan stared at them, having no clue the word that just came out of the man's mouth.

"It's an old Argent myth; it hunts those who break the code. Ironically, my grandfather used to threaten me and my dad with it."

"It didn't come after him?" Melissa laughed.

"I didn't think it was real; it was supposed to be formed by an ex-hunter's dark soul. The hunter would be trapped forever, killing their own unless killed by a legend of a hunter. One that can intertwine werewolves and man."

"You don't think?" she looked at him.

Argent nodded his head, "you and I both know who just died, and let's just say his soul wasn't pure."

Nolan's head was swarming with all of this.

Argent looked at him, "we will figure it out; right now, you guys just need to stay together and go to school."

Nolan and Alec nodded as Melissa handed them food. The ex-hunter sunk in his seat; he didn't feel like eating even more than usual. Everyone else started eating, while Nolan just sat there shaking. He finally picked up his fork, while Melissa stared at him. He felt a wave of nausea go over him. He put another in his mouth and gave up, and ran upstairs feeling it come back up.

Alec when to follow him, but Melissa stopped him, telling him that she would go check on him.

Nolan was collapsed on the bathroom floor; already throwing up the two bites he ate. He felt stomach acid; he had nothing left. His body was shaking, so bad. Melissa ran in.

"Nolan, stay awake," Melissa tried pulling him off the floor.

Nolan could barely hear her as his body gave up on him. Melissa watched him as he passed out in her arms, "c'mon Nolan."

He didn't move at all; she quickly checked his pulse. He was still breathing; his body just gave out. Her mind raced if she should take him to the hospital or not, but she figured she had everything to handle him right now. She picked him up and was frightened of how easily she could. Melissa wrapped a blanket over him as Chris and Alec came up the stairs.

"Is he okay?" Alec looked at him looking so fragile.

"Not if he isn't able to hold down something soon," she looked at him.

"Melissa, do we need to take him to the hospital?" Argent stared at her.

"Not right now."

Argent nodded, knowing she knew what to do.

"Alec, can you watch over him?"

Alec of course nodded, sitting at the end of the bed again.

"Let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks, Melissa."

Argent walked out with Melissa as they went into their room, "what do you think?"

"I don't know, Chris; he's not okay. I threw him over my shoulder like a doll. Who knows the last time he properly ate or slept?"

"His mother just died."

"I don't want him dying too."

"We aren't going to let that," he hugged her.

Nolan eventually moved.

"Nolan?" Alec looked back at him.

"Alec," he mumbled, "it hurts."

Alec turned back quickly, "Hey, come here," he grabbed his hand, watching black veins go up his arm. Nolan relaxed into him.

"What hurts?"

"My stomach, my head," Nolan answered.

"I'm going to get Melissa."

"I'm fine; don't bother her."

"No, Nolan she wants me too; you're not okay."

Alec stood up and went to go get the nurse.

"Melissa, Nolan's in pain," Alec said panicking.

Melissa followed him in, "Nolan, honey what's wrong?"

"I don't know."

"Let's get some electrolytes in you. Your body is beginning to eat itself; I don't know how you were still functional. I'm going to get you some broth that hopefully you can keep down."

Nolan nodded, curling up into a ball. Melissa came back with some water with an electrolyte tablet and a bowl of soup.

Alec and she helped him sit down, trying to get something in him. Nolan tried but ended up passing out again.

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