Chapter 15: New Tricks

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Liam woke up tied to a chair; he almost laughed about how easy it was to pull his arms out of the chair. He ripped the ropes off as he went to leave. He felt his body get thrown back from the mountain ash barrier. He growled as he got back up.

The man and the woman were laughing.

"Oh, little one," she smirked, "I'm sorry; we wouldn't make it that easy on you."

Her partner pressed a button, and he felt an electrical current pulse through his body. The floor had electrical charges pressed down on it. Liam felt his body still shaking, blood running out of his nose.

"You really think; that's going to stop me," Liam growled, "my friends will come and find me."

"We hope they do," he smiled at the beta, "they will meet our defense mechanisms."

"Straight landmines," the woman laughed.

"Monroe doesn't know what is going on here; does she?" Liam looked at them.

"Does it matter?" he smirked.

"She didn't tell you," Liam nodded his head.

"Shut him up," the woman glared as Liam was electrocuted once again.

"Don't worry little one. We get to play with you a little longer."

Liam panicked hearing that the others were going to be led straight into a trap; he also knew the clant wouldn't be far behind. He suddenly heard a giant thud outside as well as explosions.

"Your friends must be here," she smiled.

Liam couldn't smell Theo; he would have sensed him by now or at least someone he knew. He realized what was happening. He saw the figure's shadow in the corridor. He knew the hunters would be killed if he didn't do something. Liam started pushing on the mountain ash barrier; Scott broke through it before maybe he could too. The clant entered the room as the two hunters screamed. It threw a shelf down on both of him. It slashed out taking out the male hunter; it tore him to shreds as the woman was trapped waiting for her doom. It turned to go for her as Liam jumped on its back.

"Fight someone like yourself," Liam growled eyes glowing red.

Liam howled as he was thrown against the wall. He stood up charging at the clant, claws out. He jumped on it as it sunk its claws into the alpha's shoulder.

Theo, Argent, Derek, Nolan, Alec, Mason, and Corey pulled into the zoo. Theo instantly caught his scent, running towards the tunnels.

"Theo, wait!" Derek called after him, seeing the set off landmines. The clant was there. They went sprinting after the chimera as they heard Liam howl.

"Liam!' Theo screamed as he saw the clant and him fighting. He joined his boyfriend with Derek and Alec, but they were no match. The four without supernatural speed finally caught up. The clant was about ready to finish Liam for good its claws digging into his chest. Theo and Derek were thrown unconscious in a pile. Alec was holding his arm, fighting to stand on his feet. It was as it suddenly had some weird force called him away as they walked in. It turned and stared at them and ran retracting its claw from Liam's chest as if it was scared.

Mason and Corey ran to Liam as Argent was helping Derek and Theo up. Nolan rushed over to Alec.

Liam's eyes were still glowing red as his best friend ran to him, "Mason?" They slowly returned to blue before closing. Mason quickly tried to wrap his sweatshirt around him to stop the blood.

Corey grabbed his wrist, "he still has a pulse." Mason and he picked him up, "We are taking him to the hospital now!"

Nolan had Alec on his feet; his arm was healing, but he was still losing blood from the clant's claw marks, "we need to go with you."

"We will meet you there," Argent looked at them, "go!"

Derek and Theo were both stirring as the other boys quickly went to Mason's car to rush the werewolves to the hospital.

"Liam?" Theo said as he slowly sat up.

"Mason, just took him to the hospital," Argent helped him to his feet. Derek was already up and standing over the woman hunter.

"What happened?" he glared at her still struggling under the shelf.

"We were just holding him, but then that thing came. It ripped," she was struggling to speak as she saw the parts of her partner's body thrown across the room, "the werewolf; he somehow broke through the mountain ash. He saved me."

"You are the reason; he was almost killed," Theo growled pushing the shelf further down on her.

"Theo, stop," Argent grabbed his shoulder.

Theo let it go as Derek and Argent pulled the shelf off of her.

"Can we go now?" Theo was heading towards the entrance.

Argent shook his head and followed the chimera's desperate pleas.

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