Chapter 17: Nightmare

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They woke up to Liam screaming.

"Liam, wake up!" Theo turned to shake him awake.

The alpha's eyes flung open; his breathing was rapid. It was unusual for him to have a nightmare; Theo had them all the time, Nolan recently has been too, even Alec had them about his family being killed, but not Liam.

"What Little Wolf?" Theo stared at him as he calmed down.

"We have to get kill that thing," Liam looked at him, "the more it kills the more powerful it gets."

"What happened in your dream?"

"It kills every one of you; everyone in this town except Nolan and me."

"Well lucky for you and Nolan, but it was a dream," Theo stared at him, "you're okay; I'm okay."

Nolan stared at Liam across the room, "do you remember anything else?"

"Theo's watch; it was November 12th."

"Today's November 12th."

"Perfect," Theo muttered.

"We have to go," Liam stood up, almost falling over. Theo was prepared and grabbed his arm before he hit the ground.

"Neither of you are discharged from this hospital, and I'm not facing the wrath of Melissa when you walk out."

"I heard my name," Melissa smirked, looking at Liam half off the bed. Theo pulling him up. Alec basically holding down Nolan. "What are you guys doing?"

"We have to go now," Liam pleaded.

"I have to check you out first."

"I'm fine," Liam stood up and spun around, "see perfect."

Melissa just watched him almost fall over again, "you lost a lot of blood Liam."

"I'm fine look," Liam showed her the wounds, "they are almost healed."

"Liam, I still can see them if they would have healed I wouldn't be able to see them."

"Please, Melissa it's life or death. I'm leaving if you let me or not."

"No, you are not," Theo looked at him.

"I will take you down," Liam growled at him.

"Liam, stop it; I'll discharge you if you don't do anything else to land you back in here which means chasing this clant or whatever it's called."

"Okay," Liam nodded, knowing he had no intention of listening to her.

"Here, your dad dropped off clothes."

Liam grabbed them and quickly went to change. Theo and Melissa just shook their heads at each other.

"Okay, Nolan, how do you feel?"

"Better," Nolan looked at her.

"Do you think you can eat something at home? I work until 2, if you can't I'll give you a supplement."

Nolan nodded in agreeance as eager to get out as Liam.

"Here Argent went shopping for you," she handed him some new clothes.

"Thanks," Nolan smiled at her.

Liam was pacing waiting for Nolan to get changed.

"What are you going to do?" Theo questioned him, "shoot me to make it think you are a hunter."

"Theo stop it; this is life or death!"

Mason and Corey walked in.

"He drug you into this too," Theo rolled his eyes.

Mason showed the chimera the frantic text his boyfriend sent him this morning.

"We thought he died, or you died, someone died."

"He had a nightmare; that we all died."

"Even better," Corey said; you could hear the wariness in his voice.

Nolan came out ready to go while Liam was already calling Argent.
"Liam, are you even out of the hospital?" Argent answered him.

"Almost, I'm telling you it killed everyone," Liam pleaded.

"Fine, we have a plan; first we need a hunter. Theo, Liam, Mason, and Corey go to Monroe's house and make them mad. Derek, Nolan, Alec, and I will be on clant defense. We will meet in the middle."

"So, you want me to be target practice this time?" Liam asked.

"Dodge though," Derek looked at him.

"This is really dangerous," Mason looked at them.

"Very, we might die," Theo nodded.

"Stop!" Liam snapped at him.

"We are going to be fine, Little Wolf."

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