Chapter 8: No One is Alone

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"Liam," Theo tried to wake him up; the boy remained unconscious.

Mason and Corey were headed back to the McCall house when they got Theo's text. Mason quickly turned around and headed to the vet clinic.

"Maybe, Theo's panicking," Corey suggested.

"Theo doesn't panic unless Liam is in trouble," Mason looked at him as they drove faster.

Nolan and Alec received the text and looked at each other.

"He's going to be okay right?" Alec looked at Nolan.

"I know as much as you do," Nolan snapped at him.

Alec was taken aback by his tone, but also could see his hand shaking more as he turned around. Nolan was panicking again.

Argent, Parrish, and Derek were in the woods staring at the body of the werewolf.

"Why do you think they just left it?" Parrish looked at Argent.

"A warning," the hunter muttered, "she wants us to be afraid."

Parrish nodded as he took the body to the police van.

"The kids are out there searching places where they might be hiding," Derek told the deputy.

"You split them up?" Parrish glared at him, "do you know how dangerous that is?"

"What other choice do we have?" Derek answered the hellhound.

"I don't know," he admitted, "but they're kids."

"You didn't seem to have that issue with Scott and them," Derek glared at him.

Parrish sighed over the past two months; he's grown a liking to the boys. They had a few small supernatural cases he helped them out with.

"You're right," the deputy nodded.

Argent's phone began to ring from Theo, "Theo?"

"Liam's hurt; we are going to Deaton's," Theo said in a worried tone.

Argent never heard the boy's voice break like that before, "we will be right there."

Derek and Parrish turned and looked at one another as they all headed towards the vet's office.
Theo pulled in and quickly grabbed Liam out of the passenger seat. He could hear his breathing slow and ran inside carrying his body.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" Dr.Deaton said before looking up.

"I need help now," Theo looked at the man.

Deaton quickly looked up at the chimera and saw Liam's body in his hands. He instructed him to set him down on the table. He examined the beta's bullet holes and quickly went to burn out the wolfsbane.

"Hold him down," the man looked at Theo. The chimera obeyed grabbing his boyfriend's other arm as his body thrashed as the man burned the wolfsbane out. After a few minutes, the wolfsbane was out, but Liam still wasn't awake.

"Is he going to be okay?" Theo said fighting back tears in his eyes.

"He's going to be okay, Theo; there was just a lot of wolfsbane on those bullets. The concentration of it in his system is going to knock him out for a little bit."

Theo sighed as he gripped Liam's hand, taking away some of his pain.

Deaton smiled at the chimera, knowing how much he cared for Liam.

Mason, Corey, Alec, and Nolan barged in, pulling in at the same time.

"Is he okay?" Mason looked at the doctor.

"He's fine; he's just going to be sleeping for a little bit," he smiled at them.

Theo was still holding his hand and looked up at them for a moment before taking his eyes back down to Liam.

"Theo, he's not going anywhere," Corey looked at him.

"I swear Corey," Theo muttered as the other three laughed at him.

Argent, Derek, and Parrish pulled in next. They were relieved by the boys smiling as they walked in.

"He's okay?" Parrish looked at Theo.

"He just needs to wake up."

"What happened?" Derek looked at him.

"We were at the zoo; they had cameras set up. I didn't realize until it was too late; five hunters came out of nowhere. There was no cars, nothing, and weirdly no scent," Theo thought about it for a second, "Liam tried to take down a hunter, but another one-shot him, killing the hunter he had taken down. We took down the other two, while the other ones probably went to get back up. I managed to get Liam and drive away before they came."

"Wait, came out of nowhere?" Mason stared at him.

"No scent?" Alec added in. He quickly thought back to the hunters; Nolan and he saw earlier. He realized they had no scent either.

"There's maintenance tunnels under that zoo," Argent looked at them, "if there were cameras, they probably have something set up down there which allowed them to come up when you two walked in front of the cameras."

"Corey and I were almost caught by hunters at their stockpile underground; they had weapons, a lot of them," Mason spoke up.

"Nolan and I saw the three hunters at Monroe's; I couldn't smell them either," Alec added in.

"They are blocking their scent, spread out, and have weapons. They are planning on taking us down one by one," Derek looked at the group, "do not ever be alone; you hear me?"

The boys nodded.

"Those bullets in Liam were heavily concentrated more than usual," Deaton looked at them, "if Theo didn't get Liam here so quickly, he easily would have died."

"Quick kills less time for back up, " Parrish said.

Theo felt Liam grip his hand as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey," Liam muttered.

"Hey," Theo stroked his head.

"You were right," Liam looked at him, "we shouldn't have gone to the zoo."

"Probably not, but we know got the information we needed, and you're okay," Theo pulled him up into his arms.

Nolan's phone began to ring it was surprisingly his mother, "hi, mom."

"Hey, sweetie, I'm coming home today until Monday; are you home right now?"

"I'll be home soon," he told her, "I'll see you when you get there."

Alec looked at Nolan, "are you going to be alone? You can't be alone."

"No, my mom's coming home today until Monday. I should be fine," he looked at the werewolf.

Theo looked at Nolan, "you can come with us to get your car," he had Liam in arms. The boy was nodding off again.

Alec went home with Argent and Derek, while Parrish took the body back to the station. Corey and Mason went home as Corey just lived with the Hewitt's at this point.

Theo pulled in from the silent drive from the vet's station, "you sure your mom is coming?"

"Yes, I'll be okay," Nolan told him.

"Be careful, call us if you need anything," Theo looked at him as he went around the car to pick up an unconscious Liam from the passenger seat.

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