Chapter 2: Thiam Introduction

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After the night at the hospital, Theo moved in with Liam. It was an interesting night. After Stilinski, Scott's dad, and Parrish took away the remaining hunters, Melissa checked over them, pulling the bullet out of Theo's shoulder and two out of Liam's back. He didn't even realize he got shot with his adrenaline mixed with his anger. Theo looked at Liam; Mason and Corey left an hour earlier they were the only ones left with Melissa and Argent who showed up to make sure everything was okay.

"I can take you home," Theo looked at the younger boy.

"Thanks," Liam stared at him, exhausted. He knew something had changed. He just watched Theo take away Gabe's pain. The chimera came back to help him; he could have been far from Beacon Hills at this point, but he came back. Liam watched him in the elevator; Theo's eyes had traced his body. He smelled a different feeling come off the chimera; he noticed it a few times, but he ignored it. He couldn't help but look over as Theo was gripping on the steering wheel. His smirk resting on his face, through all the blood and sweat he still looked perfect.

"What are you thinking about, Little Wolf?" Theo asked, calling him the nickname, he started using after Liam brought him back from hell. At first, it annoyed Liam, but he enjoyed it now; he just wouldn't admit that to Theo.

"Nothing," Liam lied looking back at the bags of clothes and food in Theo's back seat, "Theo, do you want to stay at my house? I know you've been living out of your truck."

Liam noticed the last time he was in Theo's truck, but he knew the chimera wasn't the most open person. He was stubborn, independent; he figured he wouldn't accept if he asked, but he was willing to take the risk tonight.

"I mean would your parents be weirded out by you bringing a stranger into their home," Theo looked over. He wanted to say yes. He didn't want to admit it, but he cared for the beta. It was pretty obvious at this point, but he somehow caught feelings for the beta with anger issues. Never would he thought it would happen, but somehow the boy stole his heart.

"No," Liam shook his head, "they don't even know I'm a werewolf."

"Uh, you think you might want to tell them?" Theo was shocked that somehow Liam kept it a secret for that long.

"Can you help me?" Liam had wanted to for a long time, but he was afraid. Theo gave him some sort of support; he knew that he would feel more comfortable with him there. "I mean they probably will think I'm a monster; they could kick me out."

"I'm sure they love you enough," Theo told him. Who couldn't love Liam? He thought to himself.

"I guess," Liam said quietly as they pulled in.

"Liam!" Liam's mom opened the door and wrapped her arms around the boy. Theo smiled at the scene. "You're okay; you haven't been picking up your phone. There were shootings all over town."

"Mom, I'm fine," Liam pushed her away.

She finally looked up at Theo standing outside the door.

"Mom, this is Theo; he doesn't have a home. Do you mind if he stays with us?" Liam just straight out asked.

Theo was shocked at his boldness.

"Of course," she stared at the boy instantly feeling bad for him. His bookbag hanging over his shoulder with his few belongings.

Theo was amazed by her willingness.

"Thanks," Liam started walking up the stairs.

"Liam, your father and I want to talk to you," she called him back down.

Here it was, Liam thought to himself. Theo cringed out of this confrontation.

"Fine, I have something I need to tell you," Liam said quietly. Theo could sense the fear radiating off of him.

Dr.Geyer and the woman sat down on the couch as Liam stood in front of them. Theo stood by the entrance of the living room.

The beta took in a breath, "I'm a werewolf."

Theo was shocked as both of them smiled at Liam. Liam looked at them confused.

"Uh, did you hear me?"

Dr.Geyer laughed, "you finally told us; it took you long enough."

"You guys knew?" Liam stared at his parents.

"For a year now, honey," Liam's mom smiled, "you're an awful liar. One day I saw blood on your clothes after hanging out with Scott, and I asked Melissa what you were up to. She led us through being parents' of a werewolf ever since. We were just waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to tell us."

"You're not mad?" Liam asked.

Both of his parents shook their heads.

"We are more worried about you than anything," Dr.Geyer looked at his step-son, "it's a dangerous time for you guys."

"Hopefully after tonight it's over," Liam stated.

Theo was holding back laughing at the whole situation. Liam was so worried; he figured both of them would be living out of his truck after this conversation. Liam deserved this, a good family, a good life. Theo knew he didn't deserve this luxury; he hurt a lot of people. He might have changed, but it couldn't erase his past.

"Theo, you can come in," Liam's mother called him in, "are you a werewolf too?"

"Half werewolf, half werecoyote," Theo told them.

"That's awesome," Dr.Geyer looked at the boy.

"Ya, he's awesome," Liam said trying to drag Theo upstairs. Liam's cheeks were flushed; Theo could tell he was embarrassed for how naïve he had been for an entire year.

Both of Liam's parents laughed at their son.

"Since Liam's dying to go to bed, and both of you need a shower. I'll set up an air mattress for you. You don't mind sleeping in Liam's room, do you? We don't have a guest bedroom," his mother looked at him.

"He doesn't mind," Liam tried escaping upstairs again.


"Not at all, Ms.," Theo had no clue what to call the woman.

"Call me Jenna," she smiled at the chimera, "this is David."

By the time the two had got into bed, Liam looked down at the chimera.


"What Little Wolf?" Theo looked up exhausted.

"Do you want to sleep up here? I feel bad for you sleeping on the floor."

"Liam, I've slept in my truck all summer; I think I will be fine on the floor unless you want me up there," Theo answered. He wanted to sleep with Liam. He wanted to wrap his arms around the beta and not let go, but he didn't know what the boy wanted.

"I want you," Liam said quietly.

Theo climbed up and laid beside the beta.

"Hey, Liam," Theo stared into his blue eyes.


"I have something I need to tell you; I l..."

"Just show me," Liam smirked.

Theo pulled him onto his lips. They held for a moment before the chimera let go of him.

"Why didn't you do that in the elevator?" Liam asked him.

"I didn't know if you wanted it," Theo smiled.

"You should have asked," Liam grabbed him again.

They fell asleep together; Liam wrapped in the chimera's arms. They've been together since that night.

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