Chapter 5: They are Back

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Nolan woke up to whispers and quickly opened his eyes forgetting he wasn't at his house alone. Mason and Corey were looking over at them smiling. Nolan looked over and realized he was lying on top of Alec. He quickly sat up; he felt bad he hadn't meant to do that.

"How'd did you sleep?" Mason asked him.

"Good," Nolan lied. He eventually got in some decent sleep with Alec beside him on the couch, but he still probably only slept three hours. He was still exhausted. "You guys?"

"Great," Corey smirked, still staring at the two of them on the couch together.

Theo came down the stairs as if he was waiting for voices; he probably was Nolan couldn't picture him sleeping in. He started making coffee as Corey and Mason got up to help him. Nolan pulled himself off the couch, instantly getting hit by dizziness again. Corey looked back at him,

"Are you okay?" Corey asked as Nolan finally was able to walk over to them.

Nolan nodded.


"Yes, that must be it," Nolan said.

Corey knew something was off with him; he had slowly been getting sicklier looking. He could see that he was exhausted physically and mentally. The boy was even more closed off than the chameleon, and Corey wasn't one to reach out of his comfort zone either, so he let it sit like that.

Alec woke up to them all in the kitchen and pulled up a chair beside Nolan. He wanted to make sure; he was okay after his nightmare last night, but the boy didn't look to be in the talking mood. Nolan was gripping the cup of coffee Theo just handed to him as his life depended on it.

"You drink it black?" Alec looked at him.

"Oh, yes," Nolan answered as the werewolf snapped him out of his trance.

"Ewe," Mason rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me better than whatever you have," Theo smirked, "I'm with Nolan on this one."

Liam came down the stairs a few minutes later, wearing one of Theo's hoodies, the hood draping over his eyes. He sat down not saying the word.

"Liam, you just slept for ten hours," Theo stared at him, handing him coffee.

"So?" Liam snapped back still not completely awake.

Theo just shook his head and started cooking everyone breakfast. Mason and Corey helped him while Liam looked at Alec and Nolan.

"How'd you two sleep?"

"Great," Alec said looking at Nolan, not wanting to say anything.

"Good," Nolan told the beta again.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?"

"Homework probably," Nolan told him.

"We don't have homework," Liam looked at him.

"Uh, reading then."


"I don't know Melissa is at work today."

Liam nodded and went back to his coffee as Theo, Mason, and Corey started laying food out.

"I guess; I could get plates out," Liam finally got up.

"Since this is your house," Theo told him.

"You had it handled," Liam stated.

"It is 9 AM; don't start already," Mason stared at them both.

Liam brought back the plates, and they started eating. Nolan grabbed a piece of toast to stop anyone from saying anything and started to pick at it. It was too late though; he noticed everyone was looking over at him. No one said anything at first as they ate, but after everyone else finished. Nolan still only ate one piece of plain bread. It felt heavy in his stomach already. He casually just held his coffee cup tighter as he was waiting for someone to say something.

"Nolan, is that all you are eating?" Mason finally asked, being the sensible one of the group.

"I just don't usually eat breakfast," Nolan told him. He wasn't lying.

"Or eat anything," Liam blurted out.

Nolan wasn't sure who swung around to glare at the beta first Theo or Alec. Liam sunk in his seat, realizing he shouldn't have said that.

"I eat at home," Nolan defended himself, knowing it wasn't true at all. He didn't even have food at his house really; he had one box of cereal and a few pantry items. His mom gave him a large allowance each month; he just couldn't face eating right now. Everything just made him feel sick. It was like the guilt that just sat in his chest.

They all left it at that as Liam got up and started washing dishes. Alec's phone started to ring.

"Hello?" the boy picked it up.

"Are you at Liam's still?" Argent asked on the other line.


"Stay there; all of you stay there. I'll be over in a few," he told the werewolf.

"Okay," Alec hung up the phone. It was strange he could hear the urgency in the man's voice.

"That's weird; I wonder what's going on?" Liam asked from the kitchen.

"Did you just listen to his conversation?" Theo looked at his boyfriend.

"And you didn't?" Liam smirked, knowing they both did.

"What?" Mason asked, "I don't have supernatural eavesdropping abilities."

"It was Argent; he told us to stay here. He's coming over," Alec looked at the human.

Nolan didn't like this already. Why would Argent tell them to stay there, and why was he coming to tell them something at all?

Argent pulled in a few minutes later with Derek; the two had a decent partnership going with Theo. They were a good team; Peter even joined them once in a while to track weird supernatural occurrences or any signs of hunters.

"What's wrong?" Liam jumped up as soon as they walked in.

"Good morning to you too," Derek looked at the beta, "sit down."

Theo grabbed him and pulled him down in the chair beside him.

"They're back," Argent looked at them.

Nolan was waiting for those words, but he was hoping they weren't going to come today. He felt his breath speed up; his heart was definitely racing.

"Nolan?" Liam looked over at him.

"Nolan look at me," Alec said on the other side of him.

Nolan wasn't calming down; he felt his vision go black as his body fell towards the ground.

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