Chapter 6: Partners in Crime

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"So, we have to figure out where they are hiding out?" Nolan heard Liam ask as he slowly came to it. They laid him down on the couch after Liam and Alec managed to catch him before he hit his head on the ground. He tried to sit up, but the dizziness returned as he felt someone grab his hand.

"Hey, slowly," Alec looked at him.

Nolan shut his eyes and slowly pulled himself up. Everyone else realized he was awake at this point.

"Nolan, are you okay?" Liam asked him as he sat up. The boy looked around; he was on the couch. Alec was sitting at the other end beside him. Theo and Liam were leaning against the wall facing him. Mason and Corey were sharing the armchair, while Derek and Argent were looking at him from the loveseat.

"I'm fine," Nolan tried to shake away the dizziness and stand up.

Alec gently pulled him back down.

"Here drink this kid," Argent handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks," Nolan didn't even look up and just sipped on the water, "so the hunters are back?"

"Unfortunately," Derek looked at him, "Nolan, you don't know anywhere they could be hiding out at do you?"

"I only knew the armory," Nolan thought about it, "Monroe split us up, but she didn't tell us where she had other people located. At least she didn't trust me enough to tell me."

"So, they are going to spread out," Theo said.

"What made them come back now; do you think?" Liam asked the group.

"Well, they knew Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Malia would be out of town, leaving you guys and us," Argent looked at them, "Peter's even out of the town; Parrish is our only other help."

"They must have figured out something as well," Derek looked at them, "Monroe knows she can't take you guys on in the state they left."

Liam nodded, "I mean we held them off at the hospital."

"They know that; you and Theo threw them off at the zoo too. Nolan knows their secrets. They have something new."

"Sounds promising," Alec looked at them.

"That's not the word I was thinking," Corey looked at the werewolf.

"So, what are we going to do?" Liam looked at them, "I think we should split up and check the town."

"That's dangerous," Derek looked at him.

"What else can we do?" Liam snapped at the older werewolf.

"We can't just run into their space without a plan," Theo looked at his boyfriend, "it would be a suicide mission."

"But people are going to die," Liam stood his ground.

Nolan was overwhelmed by the whole thing; his head was spinning. He leaned back again; Alec stared at him.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"The hunters are coming for us all of us," Nolan muttered.

"We have each other," Alec looked at him.

Nolan nodded as Liam was fighting with the two men and Theo. Mason and Corey were standing there listening.

"People are going to die if we don't go now!" Liam screamed at them, "we don't have time to wait."

"We get that Liam, but getting yourself killed in the process isn't going to do anyone any good," Theo stared at him.

"Wait, how do you even know they are back?" Mason finally stepped in.

Argent looked at Derek realizing they forgot that part, "there was a dead werewolf in the woods with one of my father's arrows sticking out of it. They left it as a message."

"They want us to find them then," Theo realized.

"But we can't let them get to us first," Liam jumped in.

Nolan finally added his word, "Monroe knows where we all live."

"She knows what?" Liam turned to look at him.

"She's not interested in killings civilians especially after Scott's house, bad publicity; that's why she hasn't attacked us at home yet. She stole our records from the school," Nolan added.

"She doesn't want to kill our parents," Mason stated.

"That's why she wants us to come to her."

"Liam's right; we need to split up and search, but not engage," Derek looked at them, "do not fight." He stared at Liam, "we can't take them on individually."

"Argent and I will take the preserve and help Stilisnki and Parrish at the death scene," Derek started, "Nolan, any idea of where they could be?"

"The zoo maybe, the tunnels, uh Monroe's house, anything abandoned," Nolan thought about it.

"We'll take the zoo," Theo looked at Liam. They knew the pathways well.

"Mason and I know the tunnels well, plus we'll be invisible," Corey chimed in.

"I know where Monroe lives," Nolan told them; Alec nodded his head.

"You need to take a car that they don't know," Argent looked at them, "take Melissa's."

Nolan nodded warry but knew it was safer.

"Okay, call if you see anything suspicious," Liam looked at the group, "let's go hunt."

Nolan went to get up to grab the keys off Argent; he still felt weak. Argent looked at him before giving him the keys.

"Hey, Nolan look at me are you up to this," Argent looked at the boy.

"I'm okay; the hunters just made me anxious," Nolan answered the man.

"You don't look okay."

"I can do it," Nolan assured him.

"Be careful," he dropped the keys in Nolan's hand, "Derek and I will drop you off to get it."

Theo and Liam were already out the door as Liam drug the chimera towards the truck. Mason and Corey were headed towards his car to head to the tunnels. Nolan and Alec followed the hunter and werewolf out.

"He's getting bold," Derek looked at Argent.


"He's taking this substitute alpha role seriously," Derek looked at him.

"Beta of a true alpha has to mean something," Argent nodded.

"You feel it too."

"If he doesn't get himself killed," Argent looked back at Nolan and Alec in the backseat, "don't tell him this."

"Okay," Alec murmured.

"Where's her house?" Derek looked at Nolan.

"Secluded on the southside of town; she bought an old cabin."

"Of course, out of sight," Derek sighed, "what's your plan?"

"Park far away and walk," Nolan looked at the werewolf.

"Don't get too close," Argent told them.

"She has it weaponized; I know that."

"Good take care of each other," Argent pulled into the McCall house.

"We will," Alec assured him while Nolan gave a small smile.

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