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Axel continued his gaze out the window.

He didn't like lying to Melinda. He liked her.. just, he didn't want her to be hurt when he died.

"Death is inevitable, we just want to avoid it for as long as possible.." Axel murmured to himself.

Chandler held Marisa's hand and they both smiled.

What would happen when Chandler died? No, Marisa thought, I can't think about that.

"What's wrong?" Chandler asked.

"I'm just thinking about Emily. She was annoying but I loved her. I just.. can't believe she's dead." Marisa dabbed her eyes.

Chandler hugged her, "its all going to be fine."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't."

Marisa closed her eyes, resting her head on his chest, "I love you, Chandler." She didn't feel like it was too soon, what she felt with him was unbelievable.

"I won't let them get you." Chandler promised, "I love you, too. I've never felt anything like this."

They squeezed each other tightly then Roberto stopped the RV.

"Walgreens!" Augustine said, a bit too happy.

KayLee was the first out of the car.

Behind her, Anne, Augustine, Melinda, Chandler, Marisa, Roberto and then Axel.

Emilio, Claudia, Sheila, Romero, Lucio, Alison and Jaime were waiting outside.

Lucio, Romero, Roberto, Axel, Chandler, Marisa, And Emilio were the only ones with weapons.

Everyone else used the buddy system. Rules: stay together.

Axel and Romero went in, checking if any zombies were in the store.

"Clear," Axel announced.

Everyone ran in, filling all the backpacks.

Alison and Jaime got the medical supplies, Anne and Augustine got canned food, Melinda and KayLee got things they thought they'd need. Like, for example, string.

Lucio was able to hide some liquor bottles and Axel stuffed some toys into a bag, praying to be discrete.

Sheila caught him, "and what are you doing here?"

Axel blushed and his his bag, stuttering, "N-n-nothing."

"Doesn't look like it-- are those POKEMON CARDS AND LEGOS?! And.. what are those?"

"X-Men. Trading cards.. why?"

She laughed, "we're in an apocalypse and you're collecting Captain America!?"

"Captain America isn't an X-Man, there is no possible way he can be an X-Man. but he often helps them."

"I thought Chandler was our only fanboy."

"Nope. I was much like him in my youth."

"I never expected you to be like that."

"How did you think I was?"

"Tough, fearless, cunning..." then she mumbled, "sexy."

"What was that last part?"


"After that."

"I didn't say anything else."

"Oh... why can't Captain America be part of the X-Men?"

"He's not a mutant. The X-Men, they are mutants."

Roberto walked by. "what's going on, sir?"

"Nothing. Go on your way."

Roberto kept walking and Sheila said, "wow, you're really in control here, aren't you?"

"Well, I dunno, really. I'm the kind of person who will follow but is a terrible follower. I will often attempt to be the leader."

"Interesting. You're more than I thought." she stepped closer to him.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Robinson?" he smirked and walked away.

Sheila mumbled, "maybe."

Melinda walked by and glared at the officer.

Augustine and Anne were playing on the canned good isle.

"Hey, Austin!"

"It's Augustine."





Romero walked by and Augustine quickly grabbed a can and began to examine it.

Romero was down right furious at the boy. "Why do you have a can of dog food?!"

Augustine dropped it and ran to Anne, who ran to Axel when her brother was nearby.

"Now, Romero, leave these children be."

"They're fooling around when we could die any minute now!"

Lucio patted his brother's back, "calm down, homes, they're only kids. C'mon, let's go over there, ey?"

Romero nodded and walked away.

"Thank you, Axel!" Anne hugged him.

"Anytime," he patted her back.

The two children ran off.



Axel smiled and grabbed some water.

Marisa was walking around with Chandler.

"You won't have to lose me, Marisa."

"I believe you, Chandler, you're a strong boy."

Claudia decided to help KayLee.

"I'm sorry for all your losses." Claudia said.

Kyle walked by, her hair in her face, "I miss Maddy. She was my best friend. Why didn't you lose any people?! Did you do this on purpose!?"

"No, we would never.. most of our people were in cars."

"You did this on purpose. AND I KNOW IT!" She walked away, furious.

Kyle knew something. She was catching on. The only the was, she was blaming it on the wrong person. That's how people go crazy and that's how they die. Maybe it's not just the zombies that will kill off the few people.

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