They moved on to target, Kyle didn't say a word.
Most of them were quiet. So quiet, they forgot to clear it.
Chandler was looking at clothes when he heard:
Click, clock, click, clock.
Chandler looked around, nothing.
Click, clock, click, clock.
He heard next a groan and stepped back.
"Hey, Watch it!"
He punched the girl in the face.
"Oh, god, I'm so sorry!"
She hit Chandler with one of her crutches.
"I deserved that."
"No duh, asshole."
KayLee ran by, "Anely! I knew I had heard you!"
"You've got to help me! There are creepers everywhere!"
Just as she said these words, what seemed like hundreds of zombies popped out.
Most were employees.
"GET BACK TO THE RV!!" Chandler yelled.
He ran to Anne and made sure she was first in.
Axel, Jaime, Lucio, Kyle, Sheila, Melinda, Romero, Augustine, Alison, Emilio, Chandler, Claudia, Roberto and KayLee were next. Anely seemed to be the last one out.
Chandler nearly ran in, "Marisa!!!"
Axel pulled him back, "don't."
"I have to!!! She's in there!" Chandler fell to his knees mumbling, "she's in there, she's in there."
"C'mon, we gotta go." Everyone got into their cars, ready to abandon the flooded store.
Chandler sobbed, "she's in there."
They switched cars around.
Romero and Lucio in their car, Axel, Melinda and KayLee in Sheila's car, Chandler, Anne, Claudia and Emilio in his truck and everyone else in the RV.
Chandler continued sobbing as he was between Claudia and Anne, both failing to comfort him.
"We've all lost somebody. I lost my boyfriend." Claudia attempted.
Chandler stayed quiet, sobbing lightly, "she was different."
Anne stayed quiet, trying to hide her anger. He didn't mourn like this over Joey.
Joey was better than that..... Don't use inappropriate language, Anne, she told herself.
"Marisa is dead?" KayLee asked.
Anely nodded. There was no other explanation.
"So... Augu-- uhm.. Austi-- erm--" Kyle began.
"Call me Gus." Augustine said.
"What next?"
- MEANWHILE- (dun dun dunnn)
The strange man types on the massive computer.
He had a plan. A plan to save the world.
They told him what he had to do.
His hair was greased to the side. I mean, like, it looked like a porcupine stuck on on one side of his head.
His dark eyes darted around the computers.
His hands moved swiftly but oh so carefully.
"It is almost complete, friends. The human race shall be destroyed. Just one more--"
The man lay on the floor, his hair icy, his eyes pale and his skin blended in with the bleached carpet.
A figure stood at the corner.
It said something. In a language I'm unable to comprehend. In a voice that gives me chills. He...I can't even describe it's so terrifying. I see him then I try to hang on to the cursed image but as soon as it's there. It's gone.
Sorry for the really short chapter. I mean, in my opinion it's getting pretty weird. But.. that's just how my stories end up. I don't know when I'll update next or if it will even be this story (probably the truth of the healing soldier will be the one next updated) or how long it will be. Hang in there baby 😉😜
Game over
Science FictionLife used to be normal until someone stupid planted a virus in our machines. Yea, cars. The dumbest thing is.. Ha! I'm not telling you! What a spoiler that would be. Oh, right, don't forget the zombies. I would tell you about zombies but they're qu...