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Tommy was so busy packing that when Techno brought Wilbur back with lines streaking through the dirt on his face he almost didn't notice. With their return they brought word of the festival. 'A great celebration of democracy' Schlatt had said 'freedom from the tyrants before me'. He had to admit that stung. But it didn't matter. He was leaving, he was going to find his best friend. His best friend who was lost in the woods, who probably thought he had abandoned him. Tommy knew that his friend hadn't turned, and now it was time to prove to Tubbo that he hadn't given up on him. When the necessary things for his trip were packed he headed for the door, but found it blocked by Wilbur and Technoblade.
"Tommy," Wilbur said cautiously, "Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm going to get Tubbo"
"Tommy I don't think it's a good idea to rush off and-"
"Don't try to get in my way Will. He's my best friend I'm not leaving him by himself in the woods." Tommy stared down Wilbur until he nodded.
"Bring Techno with you," He murmured and then went to find Niki. Techno told him to wait, and minutes later he was back with two horses.
"Where did you get those?" Tommy asked as he grabbed the saddle Techno handed him.
"I've been breeding them for a while, they are some of the fastest horses you'll find" Techno handed him reins and Tommy jumped up.
"Let's go then, Niki said Tubbo was headed . . . west?" Tommy furrowed his brows and glanced around frantically. Techno looked and him started laughing.
"Tommy do you? Do you not know directions?" He said between laughs. Tommy felt some anger bubble up.
"All I need is left and right, now which way are we going?"
"Well based on the moon-" Techno was cut off quickly.
"Just tell me LEFT or RIGHT Techno!"
RIGHT AND LEFT MEAN NOTHING IF- you know what? Nevermind." Techno's horse started trotting and Tommy ushered his to follow. They rode silently through the forest for hours. Techno occasionally pointed out places to hide or berries he could eat so he knew what to look for if they were pushed further out into the woods away from Manberg. They stayed away from beaten paths in case there were patrols. If Tommy had the keenest sense of direction he couldn't have told you where they were. But techno took a couple looks at the tree branches and made small adjustments to their course. It was kind of amazing. He tried to memorize the path as well as he could, but he was lost before he even knew it. It was almost morning time before they saw any signs of human life. Shoe prints and scraps of clothing that Tommy missed but Techno caught. But Tommy clenched the green scrap of fabric for the remainder of their trip. Eventually Techno stopped and motioned for him to do the same. Once their horses were still, Tommy heard it as well. Ragged breathing coming from the bushes. He jumped down from his horse and immediately started shouting for his friend. He was searching the ground wildly while Techno slashed away undergrowth.
"Tommy look" Techno was pointing to a trail of blood on the forrest floor. His eyes widened in fear. Tubbo was hurt, and he had no idea how bad. He started swatting away plants frantically, and Techno shushed him again. Once again dead silence in the forrest. More ragged breathing and then,
"Tommy?" Tubbo's hoarse whisper from is left sent him into a frenzy. He began yelling again.
"Tubbo? Tubbo!" His friend was laying near motionless in the brush. Him and Techno rushed to his side. Tommy propped up his head while Techno assessed his wounds. Cuts and scrapes covered him, but there was nothing to serious. Tommy tried desperately to get his friend to react. "Tubbo can you hear me? Listen to me man it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay big man"
"T- Tommy?" He murmured.
"Yes Tubbo i'm right here, I'm right here man" Tubbo seemed to sigh with relief and then closed his eyes. Tommy worried for a second but Techno assured him that he was resting, and that he really needed it. So they started the long trek back to Pogtopia.

Hey! This chapter took a while so sorry about that but we are starting to get into the good parts. Stay tuned cuz next chapter is a good one, can you guess who's it is?

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