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Tomorrow is the festival, and Wilbur had gone crazy. He wanted to blow the whole thing up! It was a stupid idea, they had to take Manberg back. He needed to speak to Tubbo, and right now. So he rushed as close to Manberg as he dared to go and Tubbo met him there.
"Tommy!" The boys grinned at each other and embraced quickly. "What's the matter? You said it was urgent" Tommy looked him in the eye.
"Wilbur's gone mad"
"What? There's no way. I know the festival is stressing him out but it's going to be all right"
"I know it is Tubbo, but Wilbur is going crazy man. This festival is not going to go well"
"It's going to be great man, just wait and see. Oh! By the way Tommy, I have a speech at the festival!" Tommy felt a pang of sadness. His best friend was giving a speech at the spot his other friend was going to blow up.
"That's- that's great Tubbo, I'm sure you're gonna kill it" Tubbo beamed with pride.
"I feel kinda bad because I have to talk about how great Schlatt is and I don't really like him" Tommy laughed at his friend, and for a second they forgot all about the war, they were just 2 friends laughing without a care in the world. But reality snapped them back when Tommy realized just how long he had been gone.
"I need to get back to Pogtopia or Wilbur is gonna be worried about me" He turned to the forrest that was already starting to darken with the fading sun.
"Wait Tommy! I found these tunnels that lead from L'Manberg almost all the way to Pogtopia and I connected it to that base I made! I'll show you, it'll be safer than the woods" Tubbo waved at Tommy to follow him and set of towards Manberg.
"There's not people here are there?" Tommy asked as they walked through the buildings.
"No, everyone is out gathering for the festival, and Schlatt is asleep in a room in the whitehouse" Tubbo assured him, then they ducked under some branches and dropped into the entry. When they reached the crossroads of Tubbo's base and the hall that would lead to Manberg, the boys hugged one more time.
"Be safe" Tommy whispered. Tubbo nodded and they went their separate ways. Tommy couldn't help but wonder if it was the last time he would see his best friend again. He had a day to convince Wilbur to not blow up their home. So when he reached Pogtopia and found Wilbur cooking food, he decided to try beg again. Before he could say anything Wilbur started to explain himself.
"Listen Tommy, we are going to be seen as the bad guys no matter what. Let's just be the bad guys!"
"We can't just blow it up!" Wilbur turned to Tommy.
"Are you with me or not?"
"Will, I'm with you but I don't agree with this. We can find another way. Tubbo has a speech at the festival and-"
"He has a speech?" Wilbur furrowed his brows.
"Yes, he has to talk about-"
"I have an idea-"
"Stop cutting me off Wilbur! Tubbo has the first speech of his life! He is excited. Do you really want to take that from him?" Wilbur looked at the ground and for a second Tommy thought he might've talked some sense into him, but then Wilbur locked eyes with him again.
"When Tubbo gives his speech, that's when I'm gonna blow it up" Tommy's eyes went wide and he opened his mouth to say something, but Wilbur was already leaving. Leaving to lay TNT that would blow away his home, and maybe his friends, too.

Ahhhhhhh the next chapter is the big one! I cannot wait for you all to read it, I really like the ending it has! Btw thank you all so much for 3k reads!! If you like the story make sure to follow and vote, it means a lot to me! On to a new day -MJ

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