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He was ready for the siege. Tubbo was healed and would fight by his side. He missed his country and was ready to take it back. Just before the fighting started Wilbur called a meeting.
"Now is the final time for the traitor to reveal themselves. If we find out on the battlefield, you will die"
"And no lying" Technoblade joked. Tommy hid his grin. It felt so good to smile again. It had worked its way into everything he did since his best friend had joined them. He was finally getting his life back. L'Manberg was the final step. He just needed his home, then he could focus on other matters. He stopped his daydreaming when Tubbo tapped on his shoulder.
"Time to go" Tommy took a deep breath and nodded. Tubbo smiled, "You and me against the world, right?" He grinned again.
"You know it" They walked up to the tower to hear Techno's voice boom out.
"Arrows from above! Shields up!" Tommy and Tubbo barley had time to block their shields before arrows landed with a loud thud. They quickly moved to the bottom floor of the building. Tommy yanked a still sizzling arrow out of his shield.
"Careful of fire arrows!" He shouted in an attempt to warn those already climbing. Still, he followed them up. The noise of Techno's fireworks going off was deafening. When the noise subsided him and Tubbo were finally at the top. Wilbur shouted orders to people who had wandered out of line searching by for enemies.
"They've dropped down, fire on them from above!" Tommy and Tubbo ran to the edge and leaned over at Wilbur's order. Sure enough, they saw Dream and his men formed ranks on the ground below. They rained fire down on them. Eventually Techno even trusted them with extra fireworks. When their was no more benefit from firing at them, they left the tower. Some jumped into water, others climbed down the ladder. Their assault on the ground began. It was much more dangerous here. There was an even playing field, and Dream was known to play dirty. In their battle of independence, he had blown up the ground beneath them. It was a bit of a traumatic experience, so they gave him no time for tricks. Techno dropped men left and right. Shouting out names once they could no longer fight. Soon him, Tubbo, and Techno formed a circle that moved through enemy ranks effortlessly. Back to back, he gave complete trust to them. It would've been painfully easy for them to betray him, but neither did. Only when their enemy had scattered did they stop. Tommy turned to Techno.
"Where's Wilbur?"
"I don't know"
"Can you find him?" Techno nodded and jogged over to the lake. He pulled out his trident. When he stepped into the waters he aimed the trident straight up and shot into the air. He crashed back down and landed with a splash. He sprinted back to Tommy and pointed a dripping hand towards the wooden path that ran through Dream's land and L'Manberg.
"He's over there, and Dream is headed his way"
All three of them took off for Wilbur. When he was in sight Dream was just behind him. Tommy tried to shout in warning, but when Dream raised his had there was no sword. He simply tapped Wilbur on the shoulder. Still, when Tommy was there his sword was drawn. He knew how strong Dream was and knew that his gear was not that strong. But if he threatened Wilbur he would fight anyways.
"Calm down Tommy. I'm here to negotiate surrender. I gave Schlatt gear and men, but do you see him?" The crowd that had gathered looked around. Schlatt wasn't here. "He's a coward. Refusing to fight. Let me show you something" They followed Dream to the van Wilbur and Tommy had built L'Manberg in themselves. Inside sat Schlatt, surrounded by bottles. Wilbur spoke up.
"Schlatt? What are you doing in my van?" The smell hit them all at the same time. "Are you drinking?" Tommy wanted to cover his nose at the smell. It was disgusting, and strong.
"You all abandoned me" Schlatt cried out suddenly. "In my time of need you all left" He squinted at the roof. "Fundy? Fundy is that you?" Fundy jumped down from where he was stood. Schlatt attempted to swing a broken bottle at him, but stumbled and missed. "You left me!"
"You ruined this country man! I thought-" He dodged another swing with the bottle. "I thought you were something!"
"Oh I am something. Something you aren't Fundy"
"And what is that?" Schlatt took another long drink.
"I'm a man" Fury showed in Wilbur's face as he pulled his crossbow.
""That's enough from you. Don't talk to him like that. Schlatt, are you ready to die?"
"If I die, this country goes down with me"
"No it doesn't" Tommy was so sick of this man ruining everything. Schlatt turned to him.
"Oh, you don't even wanna know TommyInnit" He said between coughs.
"Tommy" He looked at Wilbur and stood to face him.
"Yeah Wil?" Wilbur handed him the crossbow.
"I want you to put one between his eyes. Tommy nodded and aimed the bow. But he hesitated. Could he really kill this defenseless old man? He had to. He would. Schlatt's cough was getting more frequent.
"Does anyone smell toast" His voice was hoarse from the coughing.
"Schlatt?" Wilbur said. Schlatt didn't answer, he was in a coughing fit. He clutched his chest tightly, and collapsed to the floor. Silence filled the van. Until Tubbo's voice rang out.
"Did he just have a heart attack?" Wilbur nodded.
Tommy didn't take his eyes off Schlatt's body. "We won" He said quietly.
"We won" Wilbur repeated.
"We killed an old man with heart problems" Techno tried taking the edge off a little. And it worked. They walked out of the van and headed for the president stand. Wilbur put his hand on Tommy's shoulder.
"I know you thought you'd never hear me say this Tommy, but take your place on the stand and give us a speech. Or should I say, president elect Tommy Innit" His eyes went wide. He walked up to the microphone in a daze.
"Thank you so much for making me president. But I can't accept it." He searched the crowd for Dream, and found him standing near the edge of the crowd not far from Technoblade. He held his stare. "Dream"
"I'm here, but I'm not bowing to you Tommy Innit"
"Well I'm standing so" Techno said. Tommy ignored him.
"We have unfinished business Dream. Until I have those disks, we have unfinished business" Dream nodded.
"Until then, I can't be president. So I want the real President of L'Manberg to come up here. And yes, I said L'Manberg, my only decree" He pointed to Wilbur and he smiled. He walked down and passed Wilbur on his way up. A quick hug was all he could give him. His president was finally back. He took the seat Wilbur had been in near the back by Dream.
"You know, someone here has one of your disks Tommy" Dream whispered to him. Tommy whipped his head around, searching the crowd.
He saw Skeppy next to an ender chest. In his hand he saw a black disk with a ring of purple around the middle. Skeppy had mellohi. Tommy reached for his sword, but as quick as it was out it was back in the chest. He needed to be calm with Skeppy, violence wouldn't work with him like it did Dream. He faced Wilbur who was now preparing to speak.
"Thank you Tommy. But I also can't be your president" Tommy's brows furrowed.
"Why not?"
"I learned a lot from Technoblade these past few weeks. I can't judge how others run their government, and it would be hypocritical of me to run one. Like Tommy I have one decree. That flag come down. It's not the flag of our nation" People cheered as Wilbur pointed to the obsidian flag. "There is only one person who could possibly run the country. Tubbo get up here" Tommy grinned and cheered for his best friend. Tubbo would be the president.
"Okay. I wasn't expecting to be up here again. I am getting a little PTSD so let's get those festival decorations downs soon please" They all laughed at his joke. "No hard feelings Technoblade, you did what you had to" Techno nodded to him. "I'm stood here surrounded by friends," He looked at Niki, Eret, and Fundy. "Family," Tubbo looked straight at him, who was still beaming with happiness and pride for his best friend. "And enemies that I don't hate all that much. I want an era without violence, without war. An era of peace. So let's get going shall we!" They cheered, and when Tubbo was stood on the ground with Tommy they all began to tear down the decorations. Tommy finally had back his L'Manberg.

Holy crap!! Sorry it took a while to write, it was very long! 6k reads!! You guys are insane! Thank you all so much. The next chapters will be shorter and plot heavy, probably out today or tomorrow! Thank you -MJ

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