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This old man was absolutely nuts. He wanted to tear down the Whitehouse! Wilbur and him had been far from friends, but they had built that together. It was history, and he was not going to let this mad man tear it down. So when he demanded a pickaxe, Quackity refused.
"I'm not helping you tear down the Whitehouse"
"What are you gonna do, cry about it?" Schlatt had taken to taunting him constantly.
"No man, it's the Whitehouse! It's a monumental, it's history! You can't just tear it down" Quackity spoke to Schlatt's back as he rumaged through chests. Eventually standing up and turning with a pickaxe in hand.
"Try and stop me" He walked over to the entryway of the Whitehouse, and swung. The pickaxe made contact and concrete cracked.
"No!" Quackity stood between him and the Whitehouse. "I won't let you do this Schlatt. I won't"
"You aren't gonna stop me" And with that he shoved Quackity away and continued to tear apart the Whitehouse, brick by brick. Quackity couldn't watch, he stormed off to the nearby woods with tears in his eyes. It wasn't right, nothing Schlatt was doing was right. He was supposed to be the leader that helped reform the country, not another tyrant. It was all wrong. His country was dying and there was nothing he could do. Well, there was one thing. The snap of a twig behind Quackity broke him from his train of thoughts. He whirled around, sword drawn. He stared down Tommy, unarmed and without armor.
"I was doing some recon and heard what happened. Is he really tearing down the Whitehouse?" Quackity did not lower his sword. He had seen firsthand what Tommy could do, and he wasn't about to fall for the helpless child act. After all, Tommy was only a couple years younger than him, and had spent much more time training.
"Yes. And as much as I don't like what Wilbur stood for, we built the Whitehouse together. I helped make that building and he's tearing it down" Tears again began to form in his eyes.
"Big Q, put your sword down. Come with me to Pogtopia. Come help us take it back" Quackity shook his head.
"I can't, I ran against Wilbur because we had different beliefs. I can't just go support him now"
"You ran against Will and I because of a few different policies, because you care about L'Manberg. Because you didn't want Will to turn into what Schlatt is. You didn't want a dictator" Quackity nodded.
"I just wanted what's best for Manberg"
"I know, so come help us right some wrongs. Help us win it back" Quackity finally lowered his sword and nodded.
"Ok" He and Tommy walked in silence until they reached the entrance to Pogtopia where Wilbur sat alone, staring out at the water. He turned as he heard them approaching.
"Hey Will! Look who I got! He wants to help us take back L'Manberg" Wilbur stood up and scowled at him.
"He's with us?" Tommy nodded. "I don't believe it. What happened that made you suddenly have a dramatic change of heart? Why are you here" Quackity looked to the ground in shame.
"Schlatt is tearing down the Whitehouse" Wilbur's eyes went wide, then he took off running into the forrest. Tommy right on his heels and Quackity after him. They reached Manberg panting and sweating. Wilbur climbed the hill, closer than he ever dared to go before, and looked over. The hill was empty, the Whitehouse already gone. In its place was a small monument. The sign read 'Tribute to Crying about It'. Quackity's fist balled at the silent insult. Wilbur dropped to his knees in front of him.
"The Whitehouse" He whispered as streaks ran down his face. "It's completely gone"
"What does the sign mean?" Tommy asked and turned to Quackity. His tightened his fists more and stared down the sign.
"That is directed at me" He turned back to Tommy and Wilbur, "I'm ready to fight against Schlatt" Wilbur stood.
"This is the one place my tnt wouldn't have hit, the one place I wanted to save"
"You're what?" Quackity spun to Tommy with wild eyes. "What is he talking about"
"Um, plan B. It's plan bomb. But if we can stop take it back he won't blow it up!" He spun again to Wilbur.
"You were going to blow it up!" Wilbur looked at him, no shame in his eyes as he nodded.
"At the Manberg festival. I couldn't hit the button because I didn't want to kill Tubbo"
"Well you're associate did that, not a bomb" Tommy's face turned angry and he turned away, looking over Manberg. Wilbur spoke up.
"Techno didn't kill him"
"We all saw him fire that rocket" He flinched at the memory that came to mind, "Some of us felt it too"
"Tubbo felt it more, but he's alive" Quackity whirled around to face Tommy.
"He's alive?" He felt a grin forming on his face.
"Pretty banged up for a while but alive" He had never felt so relieved. His friend was alive. He was safe.
"Thank god" Wilbur finally spoke up again.
"If we don't take Manberg back this week I'm going to hit the button" He turned to Quackity, "You better arrange that meeting" And with that Tommy and Wilbur walked away, leaving him to speak to the dictator alone. And he did. For Manberg, he spoke to Schlatt about an important meeting that even their differences can't stop them from attending. At the meeting he would bring a book Wilbur had written that when Schlatt signed it would transfer power to himself. After that he would allow Wilbur and Tommy back in and they would go from there. The book had a few tricks in there that would make Schlatt feel smart and in control when he found them. Other than that, they had to hope he wouldn't find the text hidden in the back. They had little time to do anything else, they needed Manberg back soon. Or Wilbur would hit the button.
Hey! Super long chapter pretty quickly to make up for the short one that took a while. Let me know what you think. Hope you are all enjoying the story, if you are make sure to vote and follow, it means a lot!! More soon -MJ

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