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As his comrade sang the national anthem that he recognized from all the times Wilbur had murmured it, he scanned the crowd to watch reactions. Niki sang with him, an ally that he already knew. One that surprised him was Eret. Smiling and singing in the front row a few seats from himself. Techno mouthed the words he could remember, which wasn't very many, and continued watching. Fundy looked like he might be sick. Wilbur's own kid seemed to be realizing what he had done, but there was nothing to be done now. Everyone else looked angry with Tubbo. Techno subtly moved his hand to his sword hilt. He was ready for the fight to begin. Tubbo's song finished and he gave the word for Wilbur to press the button, but walls slammed down around him before he could run. Techno's hand tightened and prepared to draw his sword. Schlatt spoke up.
"You see Tubbo, I something like this would happen. I found your tunnels. I know what you've been up to"
"Schlatt I can't get out"
"Good" Schlatt locked eyes with Tubbo and Techno knew this was gonna be bad. "You know what happens to traitors, Tubbo? Nothing good. Techno, my old friend, why don't you come up here" Techno tried to hide his shock as he made his way up to the stage. As he surveyed the crowd once more he saw Fundy, eyes brimmed but standing strong. He faced the tyrant before him.
"Techno, I need you to take him out" Trying to buy time, he tried a distraction.
"Like to dinner?" Tubbo, who looked petrified, shook his head.
"I'm not hungry"
"Tubbo you're very hungry let's go"
"No not take him out to dinner! Kill him! Kill the traitor. And make it hurt!" Schlatt shouted at him and Techno's eyes went wide as he faced Tubbo. The poor kid was barley over 17, and he was terrified. He desperately searched for any sign that he was not to kill the boy. Maybe they didn't trust him but he was Tommy's best friend. He couldn't just kill him. But there was twenty some guys in full nethrite waiting to jump him, and Techno was never good under this kind of pressure. Pressure of battle? Perfectly fine. Peer pressure? Bad decisions every time. He couldn't say no but he couldn't kill the kid. He needed a display that would cause enough of a scene that Tubbo could get away. He pulled out his crossbow. If it worked properly, it might hit Schlatt and the vice president as well. So he once again spoke to Tubbo, who's eyes flashed between him and the rooftop next to the stand.
"I'm sorry Tubbo, I'll make it as painless as possible" His eyes widened in fear as Techno loaded. The noise and light would do a number on his senses, but he should live. So he aimed for Tubbo's head, mouthed 'duck', and fired with little hesitation. His armor protected him but the other three on the stand were not so lucky. They were blown backwards. He decided the he needed more of a distraction, so he turned around and fired wildly into the crowd. He saw the telltale purple smoke of an ender pearl and Tommy was on the ground slashing. Not wanting to hit his ally, Techno sprinted to the lake, jumped in, and used his trident to fling himself away. He yelled for Tommy to pearl out. He hit the hill and looked back, the grand stand was empty and the crowd was in chaos. He no longer saw Tommy with them. He left for Pogtopia. Upon arrival he was faced with 2 options. Crazy Wilbur or very angry Tommy. He liked his odds better with the child. Tubbo was here too, clothes and hair dark from the ash of the fireworks. So he faced Tommy.
"You almost killed Tubbo"
"Key word, almost. I did not kill Tubbo"
"You tried too"
"I didn't want to k-"
"I'm going to make a fighting pit!" Wilbur announced. He then grabbed a pickaxe and carved away the stone. He argued back and fourth with Tommy for a while until they were both in the pit, standing still eyes locked into each other. Wilbur disappeared but quickly returned with Niki. Whispering things into Tommy's ear and grinning. Tommy's fist got tighter every time.
"Tommy if we do this, win or lose, fighting stops now. It stays in the pit" Tommy paid his words not attention and once again looked up at Tubbo.
Techno heard Wilbur whisper "He would've killed him" and Tommy throws the first punch. They fight for 15 minutes before Tommy is knocked to the ground and pinned. Techno is the winner, and he climbs from the pit.
He looks back at Tommy, "It stays in the pit" and walked away. Hours later Tommy is still tense and sticking with Tubbo like glue. One extra long glare at Techno set him off. He stood up and walked over. "Tommy, you're trying to use words, but the thing about this world, is the only universal language is violence. And we had that conversation, we've spoken that language. In the pit. It's over Tommy, onto a new day, a new era. To destroy Manberg" And with that Techno walked away.

Oh my gosh that last stream!!! It was crazy, I can't wait to write it. Super long chapter here. I hope you all are liking the story, if you are make sure to vote and follow. It means a lot!! Next chapter soon -MJ

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