Chapter 1: The Start

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The Wolves of Twilight

["I think there's this website you should check out. It's called"]


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"Casey Apha, you are more than you believe. Become one with yourself. You need to wake up!"

My window slammed open as the wind howled my name. I wasn't sure how to react, how to breathe, if I was dead. But with that being said, I sprung from my bed, throwing the sheets and comforter away as if they were restraints holding me down. I practically pounced like a caged animal trying to survive for its dear life. However, I lacked the proper reflexes, and I felt my face collide with the floor as I fell to the ground. "Ow."

My breath remained rigid as I slowly surveyed my surroundings, becoming familiar in seconds as I remembered where I was. I sighed deeply as it occurred to me. The dream I previously had was gone, along with all that happened within it--just another typical day in the life of Casey Apha.

My door swung open, the person holding the doorknob looking both concerned and completely done with my bullshit. "Oh my god, are you alright?" It was my twin sister, Jessie, who was still wearing her pajamas. "What did you do?" It was more than obvious she had been asleep up until this point by the slight gravel sound to her voice.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I responded as I unstuck my face from the floor and sat on my knees.

She gave me an exasperated look. "That was the point in asking."

I presented her with a simple grin and then looked down at the floor. My head ached, and my body felt sore. It was as if I'd run a marathon in my sleep. I didn't do anything last night besides draw for a bit, then went to bed. Or, more accurately, I stared at the ceiling while my embarrassing memories of my past ran rampant until I eventually passed out from pure exhaustion. Simple as that.

"I must've fallen out of bed." I settled on an obvious answer.

Jessie rolled her eyes with a smile. "Yeah, must've." She said sarcastically. "Here." She outstretched her hand for me to take.

"Thanks," I said as she pulled me up. The pure gesture reminded me of how dependable she was as a person. She was stronger than me in more ways than one.

I rubbed my face in an attempt to wake myself up. I was never a deep sleeper. I wished I was; life might've been more manageable that way. I was the type to wake up to the sound of a pin dropping. Sleep had never really been a friend of mine. But, hell, I wished it was.

"Did you roll out of bed, or just generally not stick the landing?" She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her index finger.

"I'll go with option B because that sounds cooler." I decided.

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