1. The Skater Gangs

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Reader P. O. V

"Oi Y/N! Move those sexy legs, girl!"

This rings through the ice rink. I don't even need to raise my head to know who it is.

"Same for you Yosano! How's your toe loop going?" I yell back.

Yosano throws a bag next to me. "Better than your Axel sweetie~" she grins, sitting beside me. 

I roll my eyes at her antics and strengthen the knot on my skate lace. 

Despite me acting annoyed, I loved this girl! The air already felt more friendly with her around. 

Clacking of ice skates echoes through our silence as Yosano began to tie her skates. 

"Where are rest?" I ask when I got off the bench to stretch. 

"I don't know. I saw Kunikida talking to the president  before I came here but that's it" she also gets to stretching with me. "By the way you still owe me 500 yen Nick/N~ Dazai didn't show up yesterday!"

My void of my penniless pocket wallow around me, I try to avoid making it bigger:

"Let's do it like this then if he doesn't show up today I give you double, but if he does you give me the money!" 

"You really have money to spare? You know he won't show up~" Yosano lays her elbows on the edge of the rink waiting for me to finish stretching. 

"Maybe today I'll be lucky" 

We enter the rink, Yosano begins to slide around, her gloved hands painting elegance in her small movements, all that was missing was her well known dark music and tones and her nickname "The Angel of Death" would be justified. 

I watch her move and on their own my legs slide on the ice. 

I glaze around the bumpy surface, cold brezze pulling my face into a smile the faster I go. 

Skates scraping across the ice kept company to Yosano and me. Keeping the frost in the air peaceful, until a heated... 


I turn around to see Dazai booking it to the rink gate, smoothly getting onto the ice, his half tied laces flying behind him. 

"What the..." I whisper as I watch him crouch while sliding to tie one of them.

That's how good the bandaged bastard was!

A swift clank of his skate hitting the edge of the rink implied he stopped. 

Kunikida could only yell at him from the other side with a shaken up Atsushi at his heel. 

Dazai laughed and stood up. He wiggled his fingers at Kunikida, a theatrical smirk on his face. 

I keep an eye on him and his antics, smiling at the money in my future. 

This circus was the usual for us and it would have kept ongoing if president Fukazawa didn't show up. 

"Everyone,  please gather around!" 

Loud and clear said in such a calm voice. 

The gate to the rink acted as meeting place so both us on the ice and the ground could talk. 

"I'm glad to see you all here" he looks at Dazai for a brief moment "I have some news for you all... "

He cures our curiosity by pulling out a couple papers "The Armed Skating Agency has been qualified to Japan's figure skating championship!" happiness brezzes through our eyes and gasps. 

The excitement stumbled in our circle until a voice blew it away. 

"Will there be abilities allowed?" someone speaks up "Asking for Y/N-chan~"

We turn our heads to see Ranpo licking a lollipop and strolling toward us. 

"That's why this competition is soo important. They will be allowed this time..." the focus goes back to Fukazawa "Wich gives us the chance to improve all of your programs" 

I started to feel left out. 

"We're starting with practicing your improved programs tomorow. No slumping around, we're competing against the Port skaters in this. I don't think either of you want to lose to them..."

His eyes scan over all of us. 

"Now back to work! And you Y/N!" everyone turns to me "You don't have an ability and you still made it in our agency. I want you to shine the brightest in this, prove those rumors wrong"

I nod, stiffening with determination in me. 

All of us go in the rink, the president leaving us under Kunikida's supervision. 

The practice then began. 

Third person P. O. V
[The Port skaters] 

"Abilities will be allowed this time... This only gives us more advantage"

Mori spoke to a group of skaters wich drank up his every word. 

"This means a lot of work to improve on all of you, the Agency is taking part and loss is not an option. Do I make myself clear?"

The skaters form a yes in union. 

"Good... Now get to work!" Mori turned to a short ginger skater. 

"Do you have a moment Chuuya-kun?"

The skater turned to him, one eyebrow raised. 

"Instead of re-doing your old program you'll be skating to a new one. Your ability is the best of all we have and we need to use it to it's full extent. Wouldn't you agree?" 

Chuuya nodded cautiously. He skated closer to the edge and accepted a tiny piece of paper Mori offered him. 

"Your specialized training starts tomorow. Be ready. " 

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