Chapter 79

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(No Control | Holding Me Ransom - 79. All That You Need Tonight)


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

If I tell Jess everything, it'll ruin the surprise that I'm planning. It'll also cause a huge rift between her and Callie, and ultimately I'll be the one that gets blamed for coming between them. And who knows how Callie will twist things to make me look bad? I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.

"Argue about what?" Jess repeats, louder and with impatience.

"She's apologising for being a bitch these last few months," I supply. "I wasn't being very gracious about it." It's the truth. Part of it, at least.

Jess isn't distracted. "That doesn't answer my question."

Callie is staring at me. She looks upset. She's worried how Jess will react to the full truth. This makes me think Jess has clashed with Callie over me before, and Callie hasn't come off too well.

"Why don't you ask her?" I suggest, playing for time.

Jess looks at Callie.


"It was just an expression," Callie mutters, not meeting Jess's eyes.

"So you weren't arguing?" Jess demands in a sceptical tone. "You just said you didn't want to argue anymore."

"I just meant I'm sorry for being an arse to him," Callie answers, her voice becoming clearer. "I misjudged him, and I don't want us to be at loggerheads anymore."

Also the truth. Jess looks at me, as though waiting for me to confirm Callie's response.

"Whatever," I shrug. "I don't want any trouble. I've never wanted any trouble."

There is no way Callie won't get this pointed comment.

"Me neither," Callie sighs. "Can we start again?"

"Ironic," I mutter, considering my secret plan.

"Harry," Jess admonishes softly, an undertone of surprise unmissable in her voice.

"Fine," I respond, my tone clipped. "She's your friend. We're cool."

And before either of them can add anything I turn my back on both of them and walk back to the table and catch Calvin slipping a piece of paper into the waitress's hand, smirking suggestively. I take a seat and take a large glug of wine. My hands are shaking. I feel sick. I promised Jess I wouldn't ever lie to her again, and yet here I am concealing the truth from her. It isn't for personal gain - not really. But would Jess see it that way? How would I feel if it were the other way round?

My phone vibrates in my pocket before I have time to dive into a full analysis of this and I pull it out awkwardly. I'm not even remotely surprised to see a text from Callie.

Can we meet and sort things out properly? You can have Jess's things. I'm sorry I kept them for so long. I don't want us to be at loggerheads.

I don't know whether to be amused or furious. I think I'm a bit of both.

I'll be in touch, I reply quickly and shove my phone back into my jeans pocket as Jess approaches the table alone. The length of time she's been tells me she has obviously spoken to Callie about what she just witnessed, and perhaps Callie has stayed in the bathroom to lick her wounds. I don't want to talk about it though, and pray she doesn't want to dissect it and get my side of the story. Thankfully she doesn't. She's either satisfied with Callie's explanation or she just can't be bothered indulging any more of Callie's drama. 

We say goodbye to everyone and then Mum, Robin, Jess and I take a car back to my house. I need to pack for LA as we're flying out tomorrow, although I usually only take a small bag with essentials - I have plenty of clothes over there, most of them better suited to the warmer climes than anything I have here. Mum and Robin are staying the spare room and we leave them to it as we get ready for bed. Jess is already under the covers when I emerge from the bathroom after brushing my teeth with my hair pulled back in one of those mun things she likes. I slide into bed beside her, straight onto her side, and she pulls me down for a kiss.

"Hi," she smiles.

"Hi," I smile back, climbing fully on top of her. "Have you had a good birthday?"

"The best," she confirms, and gives a little sigh as I kiss her neck. Her fingers stroke the back of my neck as I slip mine beneath her top and stroke her stomach.

"What was your favourite part so far?" 

She moans softly as I run my fingertips along the underside of her breast before reaching up carefully to cup her gently.

"Cat got your tongue?" I tease, gently trailing my thumb across her nipple.

"Harry," she breathes.

"You make me so hard when you say my name like that," I groan, pressing my erection against her and kissing her again, sliding my tongue into her mouth and reaching down to slip her knickers down. I remove her camisole and bury my face in her breasts, licking each one in turn and flicking my tongue against them as she whimpers softly. 

Her fingers are tugging at my hair as I reposition my hips so the tip of my erection is pressing against her. She spreads her legs, lifting herself off the bed and allowing me to slide slowly inside her. She is hot and wet, and I groan softly into her mouth as we kiss.

She wraps her legs around me, pulling me in deeper and I move slowly at first to let her adjust to me and carefully build up the pace. Her hips are grinding against me and her nails are digging into my arse; I can tell she's close. I pound harder, burying my face her neck until I hear her cry out in pleasure and then I press my lips to hers again, slowing down to draw out every last second of her enjoyment. I study her face - I love watching her when she comes, it's such a fucking turn on.

I wait until she has finished, and then eye her coyly. "Think you can go again?"

She frowns at me in confusion. "Did you... have you not...?"

"Not yet. I'm close. I want to make you come again."

Her face breaks into a grin. "Fine by me." 

I begin to move again, aware that she will be feeling sensitive and not wanting to make it uncomfortable. I move slowly and gently and as her face becomes serious again I can tell she's almost there again. Trouble is, so am I. 

She squeezes my bum again, pulling me so deep inside her and I know I'm not going to be able to last any longer like this.

"Baby... I'm really close," I begin, but she whimpers again in my ear as her second orgasm starts and I let out a sigh or relief that I don't have to control myself any longer. I thrust hard into her, and come hard enjoying the feeling of her lips as they slide over mine and the feel of her skin pressed against me. 

I've never had this deep connection with anyone before. It's fucking incredible.

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