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Leaning over her potions book, scribbling on a lengthy piece of parchment she was perfect. Her nose grazed the paper every once in a while and she would reflexively flick the air with her non-writing hand. Remus sat in the opposite corner from y/n in the library, curled up pretending to read a book on unicorn blood uses and powers. The truth was, he was falling harder for her with each day. Sighing, Remus pulled himself out of the chair and headed for the common room, defeated. Another day wasted.

Y/n was still sat in the library when dinner time came, and had no intention on stopping her studies. Her jet black hair pulled messily back into a bun, strands escaping to frame her delicate heart shaped face. The olive skin stretched over her defined cheekbones and jaw, picking up a light sunburn on her nose , the freckles spreading to her cheeks. There was no doubt y/n was good looking, she took after her brother, James Potter. Just after she had finished her essay, a shy looking Ravenclaw came up to her, wringing his hands together.

"Oh hey Marcus!" You smiled. "Um... y/n... I was wondering maybe you wanted to..." You turned fully in your seat to look at him. "Yes?" He took a deep breath. "Wouldyouliketogotohogsmeadewithme?" "Oh Marcus I- "Just then you were cut off by a tall figure.

"No mate she would not thanks. Bye!" You groaned. "James stop being so rude." You protested in vain as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you and your stuff the whole way back to the common room. Once there, he let go of your arm and flopped down by the fire. "Listen y/n, were you really going to say yes to that squirt?" Peter crossed the room and began a game of exploding snap with James while you took a seat beside them. "Ooh, who asked my little princess out today?" You rolled your eyes at Sirius. Typical.

"Marcus. He's from Ravenclaw and is a very nice person." You huffed. Remus' eyes flicked up from his book. Marcus, huh? He felt a tightness right behind his ribs and a ripple of anger coursed through him.

Sirius was lying with his head on Remus' lap, oblivious to his feelings and looked up at y/n, beckoning her to him. You rolled your eyes at him again before perching beside him and lying a hand on his arm.

"Yes?" You asked impatiently. A cheeky grin spread across his face. "Nothing my sweet." He replied. At this, a loud explosion rang through the common room, scaring a crowd of first years. James laughed triumphantly while Peter sighed and began cleaning the stained rug. "Sirius get your hands off my sister's ass." Sirius put his hands up in mock surrender, his grin even wider. "Okay Prongs. As you wish" He winked at you and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

You threw your head back and laughed. "You wish Black. I'd rather Marcus at this point." It was Sirius' turn to roll his eyes this time. "Yeah yeah whatever you say. Guess we will all find out when you howl my name tonight."

James raised his eyebrows and whacked Sirius in the neck. "Hey! That's my sister twit!" He cried,but it was only halfhearted. James knew his sister would never go for Black and was confident he was only messing like always.

At the same time, Remus stood up, his face going bright red and trembling with anger. His sudden movement caused Sirius to tumble off the seat into the ground face first. "Ow!" He mumbled, his voice muffled by the carpet.

You looked at Remus with a confused face. James coughed and spoke up. "Uh, Moony? Care to enlighten us to your problem?" He asked.

Remus shot a look that could kill at Sirius before glancing at you, quite nervously. "No. Just stop messing with y/n Sirius." He spat before leaving for the boys' dormitories.

Peter looked at you wide eyed and James followed Remus silently. Sirius got up off the floor and looked confused. To be honest, you were too. Why did Remus care if Sirius flirted with you?

Remus stormed into the boys' room and slammed himself onto the four poster bed. His chest was heaving and blood was pumping through his temple causing a slight headache.

Remus sighed. It wasn't like him to get angry or lose control like that, but the fact was, he did. Focussing on his breathing, he lay down facing the dark wooden ceiling of the dorm and tried to ease his headache. James walked into the room and sat down at the foot of Remus' bed.

"Not in the mood James." He said wearily.

James shrugged and lifted a single eyebrow at his best mate. "You know Sirius is only messing with her and besides, I'd beat him to pulp the second he actually tried anything." James said. Remus sat up and chuckled at the image. "I know you would, but sometimes he gets a bit too cocky, you know?" As the words spilled out it was a struggle to contain the other part of his thought.

He loved y/n and was jealous of Sirius' confidence. Y/n only knew he was a werewolf because she was the biggest help in controlling him.

Remus and James had been up there for quite a while, Peter had left to talk to some hufflepuff kids by the Black Lake, which left you and Sirius alone in the common room. Great.

Just on cue, Sirius curled up on the arm of your chair and looked you straight in the eyes. "Y/n, we need to talk. You know that me flirting with you is only messing and I see you as only James' sister no matter how hot she may be." He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

I returned the smile and coughed lightly.

" I know, and you are like another brother to me. What's got me confused is what happened to Moony back there." You wondered aloud. Sirius shrugged and gave you a warm hug. He then returned to his original sofa and you took out a bar of chocolate, since you had skipped dinner and it was well past ten.

After a few more minutes, James came down the stairs to say goodnight to you and head up to bed, suggesting you do the same.

You stood up and stretched a little before bidding the pair of them goodnight and making your way to your sweet, sweet bed.

AN: Hi! This is my first story so please bear with me, I'm still getting to grips with writing but I have exciting things planned for the book. A new chapter should be posted every week for the time being, so I hope you enjoy!

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