Ch 5 Initiation Pt 2

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I fly through the air and watch as the ground slowly gets closer to me. Before I can hit the earth I slow down time and allow myself to step onto the ground. I resume time and head toward where they said the relics would be. As I make my way to them I encounter a lone Beowolf pup, it whimpers and looks around as if searching for something. It stares at me and whimpers; I squat down so I don't appear as big.

Y/N: "Come here little guy."

It shyly walks to me and sniffs my outstretched hand. It then likes it and pants happily and barks. It jumps onto my chest and knocks me onto my back while repeatedly licking my face. I pet it's head and lift it in the air and see it is fact a boy.

Y/N: "What are you doing out here all alone?"

Beowolf pup: *bark*

Y/N: "Did you get left behind by your pack?"

Beowolf pup: *ears go down and whines*

Y/N: "Well then, how would you like to stay with me?"

Beowolf pup: *barks then howls*

I put him on my back and surprisingly he latches on like a baby monkey would its mother. I continue on my way until I reach the temple these relics would be at. I grab my piece which is a chess piece and turn around to find Yang and Blake behind me.

Yang+Blake: "Hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey girls."

I feel the Beowolf pup move and see his head poke over my shoulder. I look at him wide eyed then at the girls and they looked shocked.

Yang: "Y/N, why is there a Beowolf pup on your back?"

Y/N: "The poor little guy was left behind by his pack and was lost so I decided he should come with me."

Blake: "Does he have a name?"

Y/N: "No, I haven't given him one yet."

Yang: "Well since he is a Beowolf what about naming him Lupus?"

Beowolf pup: *barks*

Y/N: "I think he likes it. From this day onward your name is Lupus."

We hear screaming and look up to see Ruby falling from the sky. I get ready to catch her but Jaune comes flying out of nowhere and collides with her. She follows Jaune's path and they land in a tree with Ruby on a branch and Jaune hanging upside down. Another commotion is heard and I see that ginger from earlier riding in on the back of a Ursa. It falls over dead and she goes to get a chess piece which is a queen. Not wanting to be outdone Pyrrha comes running through the trees with a Deathstalker right behind her. The final crazy thing to happen is Weiss screaming from the sky.

Blake: "She's gonna fall."

Ruby: "She'll be fine."

Y/N: "She's falling."

Seeing she is not slowing down I run up a tree and jump off the highest branch and catch her. I slow us down until my feet land on the ground. I look at Weiss and she is tightly clinging to me and lightly shaking.

Y/N: "That was too close, you almost became a Weiss pancake."

Weiss: *hugs me* "My hero~"

Lupus jumps onto her and starts licking her face. I set her down and pull Lupus off of her and hold him in my arms. My attention is grabbed by Ruby getting her hood caught by a giant Nevermore feather. My eyes widen in horror when I see the Deathstalker raise its stinger at her. I give Lupus to Weiss and speed myself up to reach Ruby. I catch the tip of the stinger with my hands and use it to pull the Deathstalker away from her.

Yang POV

I watch as Y/N is able to pull the Deathstalker away from Ruby; just how strong is he? He then swings the deathstalker around and flings it into the Nevermore and knocks it out of the sky.

Y/N: "Everyone, I'll hold them off you guys get out of here and Yang help your sister."

Ruby: "No, we won't leave you!"

Y/N: "Just leave!"

We all look at each other and take off while I free Ruby. We run away as fast as we can and arrive back at the launch pads. I see everyone looking at a projected screen and it is showing a live feed of Y/N fighting. Me and the others gather and watch as the Nevermore and Deathstalker roar at Y/N.

Ruby: "Is he going to be okay?"

Yang: *hugs her* "You saw him hold back the Deathstalker, he'll be fine."

I try to comfort her as best as I can. She seems to perk up but there is still worry in her eyes. I turn to face the screen and watch the fight unfold while praying to Oum that Y/N makes it out of this alive.

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