Ch 13 A Plan And A Choice

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I sit in our dorm room just laying down with Lupus sleeping on my chest. He lightly twitches and barks; I scratch his head and this makes his tail wag. I hear the others arrive and Blake start to leave. Her hand barely touches the doorknob when Weiss stops her.

Weiss: "Lately, you've been quite, antisocial and moody."

Yang: "Uh, have you met Blake?"

Weiss: "Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual. Which quite frankly is unacceptable. You made a promise to tell me to all of us that you would let us know if something is wrong. So Blake Belladonna, what is wrong?"

Blake: "I just don't understand how everyone can be so calm."

Ruby: "You're still thinking about Torchwick?"

Blake: "Torchwick the white fang all of it. Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it."

Yang: "Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the huntsmen, I'm sure they could handle it."

Blake: "Well, I'm not. They don't know the white fang like I do."

Y/N: "Then let's do something about it."

They look at me and I place Lupus on the couch then walk to them.

Ruby: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "I mean let's see if we can find out what they're doing and put a stop to them."

I leave them to come up with a plan while I walk outside to get something to eat. I see three students walking in front of me and I recognize them. They are Cinder and the two from the warehouse. They spot me but I freeze time and stand in front of Cinder; I touch her and she is unfrozen.

Y/N: "What are you three doing here?"

Cinder: "We are transfer students and-"

Y/N: "Stop, I already know you're lying."

Cinder: "What makes you think I'm lying?"

I look at her deadpan and she looks down in embarrassment.

Cinder: "Oh right. You've seen our hideout."

Y/N: "What is your plan here?"

Cinder: "We were sent here with orders to blend in."

Y/N: "Well abandon your orders and tell your boss to leave Beacon alone."

Cinder: "Why should I?"

Y/N: "Because you and I both know I could kill you and your team and you wouldn't even be able to react."

Cinder: "Prove it."

I walk over to the boy with gray hair and sock him in the stomach and he doesn't react.

Cinder: "Mercury get him!"

Y/N: "It's no use. They are frozen in time."

Cinder: "I don't believe you."

Y/N: "Then look outside."

Cinder POV

I listen to him and look at out the window and sure enough everything in frozen in place. Even the birds are frozen in the sky.

Cinder: "If everything is frozen then how come I'm not?"

Y/N: "Because I am allowing you to move around."

I feel the color leave my face and feel my knees start to shake.

Cinder: "Just what are you?"

Y/N: "For now a friend, but if you betray me I will not hesitate in killing you where you stand. Do you understand?"

I go to answer him but my words get stuck in my throat. I steel my nerves and answer the best I can.

Cinder: "Y-yes"

Y/N: "Good. Now go tell your boss that they are to not touch this school. But if they want the headmaster then I will personally deliver him to them."

He walks away and the others finally return to normal with Mercury finally reacting to the punch he got earlier.

Emerald: "How does he keep doing that?"

Mercury: "Why does my stomach hurt?!"

Emerald: "Cinder what happened?"

I grab their hands and march us to our room as fast as I can.

Emerald: "Cinder, what's going on? Why are you so scared?"

I ignore her and finally reach our room and swiftly lock the door and pulling down the blinds on our window. I sit on my bed and take several deep breathes to try and calm myself down.

Mercury: "Seriously Cinder what is with you?"

Cinder: "That man, he isn't human."

Emerald: "Who that coward that disappeared the moment he saw us?"

I stare at her and grab he shoulders.

Cinder: "You wouldn't be calling him that if you saw what I did."

Emerald: "What did you see?"

Cinder: "His power, he can kill us anytime he wants and we are powerless to stop him."

Mercury: "How can he kill us with teleportation?"

Cinder: "That's just it he isn't teleporting at all."

Emerald: "Then how does he always escape?"

Cinder: "He can stop time. Whenever he does that everything and I mean everything stops except him and anyone he considers a enemy is at his mercy."

I see their faces go pale at the mention at what he can do. I let go of Emerald and we all take a seat on our beds.

Emerald: "Can a man really be that powerful?"

Mercury: "Did he say if we are friend or foe?"

Cinder: "Thankfully he views us as friends."

They sigh in relief.

Emerald: "Did he say what he wants?"

Cinder: "He wants us to abandon our plan to attack Beacon."

Mercury: "And if we don't?"

Cinder: "He'll kill us where we stand."

Emerald: "What if we get your boss to help us take him out?"

Cinder: "I'd say you have a plan, but I fear even my boss will be vulnerable to his time stop semblance."

Mercury: "What are we going to do?"

Cinder: "If we want to survive we will just have to listen to him."

Emerald: "Your boss isn't going to like that."

Cinder: "I know, but it's either be killed by him or her."

Mercury: "So we're screwed either way?"

Cinder: "Pretty much."

We all look down in dread at our circumstances. I look up the ceiling and think to myself.

Cinder: (thoughts) "Why Oum, why have brought this upon us?"

I lay in my bed and try to sleep knowing we don't have much longer to live no matter what we choose to do next.

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