Ch 18 Father And Son

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Salem: "It was a few hours after your father said you had been killed by a grimm. I was grief stricken and your father only made matters worse when he tried to take your sisters away. I lost it and in the aftermath of our fight our home was left in ruins and I knew I was the only one who survived. I ran away and made this place in order to forget everything that had happened. But now you are with me once again and I am happy."

Y/N: "Do you know why dad did what he did?"

Salem: "Long before you were born, me and him had plans on getting married. We both didn't look like what we did back then. But fate had a different course for us, your father died by a sickness and I sought the help of the gods. When the god of light denied me I was angry so I went to the god of darkness. He resurrected your father but this did not go over well with the god of light. After costly being brought back and killed they cursed me with immortality. But I still hated them, so I rallied all of the kingdom's warriors and with their help we stormed the god of light's home. Chaos ensued and long story short I was left the only human on Remnant. Not long after that I fell into a grimm pool and became the person you see now."

Y/N: "And what about father?"

Salem: "The gods resurrected him and gave him the mission to stop me or keep being reincarnated until he succeeds. But when it came time to face me, all of the love we once had for one another resurfaced and we ended up falling in love again. From this love you were born, but when we found out you could preform magic it reminded your father why he was here. Your ability to do magic made him remember that he needed to beat me in order to end the cycle of reincarnation."

Y/N: "That would explain why he saw me as a abomination rather than a son."

Salem: "Yes."

Y/N: "What are we going to do?"

Salem: "My original plan was to destroy his precious school but now that you are by my side I want to hear your opinion."

Y/N: "I want him to suffer for what he did but since you are the queen you call the shots."

Salem: "Actually since I am the queen and you are my child that would make you the prince. Also since you are eighteen you can be crowned king and that will give you full control."(that most likely isn't true but for the sake of the story just say it is)

Y/N: "How do I become king?"

Salem: "Simple, I just tell the grimm you are their king and they'll listen to you."

Y/N: "Oh."

Cinder: "As our new king what is your first rule of business?"

Y/N: "We are not going to destroy his school but we are going to get rid of its king."

Salem: "How do you suppose we do that?"

Y/N: "I have a plan."

Cinder: "What are we going to do?"

Y/N: "You can do whatever you want just as long as no one gets hurt. As for me and mom we are going to pay my old man a visit."

Me and mom leave and head straight towards Beacon. We make it to Beacon tower and I step on a rock. I pick it up and smile then put it my pocket. Once we are inside the building I stop my mother.

Y/N: "Wait here mom, give me five minutes."

She nods and I ride the elevator up to Ozpin's office. I walk inside and I hear a male's voice.

Male: "They are fear."

The elevator dings signaling my arrival and all the eyes in the room fall on me.

Male: "Sorry kid, but the adults are having a meeting."

Y/N: "Duly noted but this involves him." *points*

They follow my hand and find me pointing at Ozpin.

Goodwitch: "Whatever it is, it can wait."

Y/N: "No, it has waited long enough."

I start walking towards Ozpin and Ironwood stops me.

Ironwood: "You are acting hostile."

Y/N: "You're one to talk James."

Ironwood: "It is general Ironwood."

I scoff and freeze time and knock him out. I resume time and he falls to the ground. I continue to Ozpin when Goodwitch and that male stand in front of me.

Goodwitch: "Y/N, please stand down and think rationally."

Male: "Do it kid."

Y/N: "I am pretty sick and tired of people always calling me kid."

I send out a wave of magic and the two fly into the walls of the office. The impact renders them immobile and Ozpin finally gets up.

Ozpin: "I don't know who you are, but you will not come into my office and treat everyone like this."

Y/N: "Figured you wouldn't remember me. Allow me to jog your memory."

I pull out the rock and do what I did all those years ago. The moment the rock slows down a look of realization hits his face and I smile. I freeze time and bind him to his chair and break his cane.

Y/N: "I take it you remember now."

Ozpin: "That's impossible you should be dead."

I undo my buttons and reveal my torso and the scar he gave me.

Y/N: "Your attack missed everything important, but this scar is the only reminder of that day."

I redo my clothes when my father speaks up.

Ozpin: "Son, listen to me-"

I punch him across the face and knock out a tooth.

Y/N: "I am not your son!"

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