Ch 10 Interrogation

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I make it to the location of the tracker which is a warehouse. I look through the roof window and see a bunch of people in hoods. I look to the center and see Roman along with a chick with dual colored hair. I open the window and slowly drop down onto the catwalk. I sneak my way to the rafters above Roman and perch myself. I freeze time and grapple him up to me and dangle him in front of me. When he is secured I resume time for him allowing us to talk uninterrupted.

Roman: "Aw crap, you again."

Y/N: "Hello sunshine."

Roman: *looks down* "Neo get him!"

Y/N: "It's useless calling for help they're frozen."

Roman: "What is your deal with me? This isn't something about owing child support is it?"

Y/N: "No this about your boss; who are they?"

Roman: "Look kid, I don't like snitches and neither does my boss so I ain't speaking."

Y/N: "You will speak or else."

Roman: "Or else what you going to go crying to your daddy?"

My anger flares up and I slug Roman across his face and knock out a tooth.

Y/N: "You will not speak of my father."

Roman: *spits out blood* "Daddy issues?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Roman: "What, he didn't love you enough?"

Y/N: "Try having me killed and beaten senseless ever since I turned six."

Roman: "Geez and I thought my old man was bad."

Y/N: "Enough talk, who is your boss? I know they are here."

Roman: "Like I said I ain't a snitch."

Y/N: "Then tell me where I can find them."

Roman: "What's in it for me?"

Y/N: "You get to leave without having to experience the feeling of your balls exploding."

Roman: *wide eyed* "Fair enough. She is in the room down the hall and last door on the right."

Y/N: "There now that wasn't so hard."

I release him and freeze him before he hits the ground. I land near him and align him on his feet then follow his instructions to his boss' room. I arrive and walk in to see a woman in a red dress; I sit her in a chair and strap her down with the bedsheet. Satisfied I resume time and she looks at me.

Red dress: "Who are you and how did you get into my room?"

Y/N: "Easy, I talked to Roman."

Red dress. "Damn that rat."

Y/N: "Before I tell you who I am tell me who are you and do you have a boss?"

Red dress: "I don't have to tell you anything."

Y/N: "Please, I don't want to resort to hurting a woman."

Red dress: "You wouldn't dare."

I sigh and walk up to her and grab her right hand. I stuff some of the bedsheet into her mouth and break her pointer finger and thumb. She screams in pain but it is muffled by the makeshift gag. I take the gag out of her mouth then heal her.

Y/N: "I healed you, now tell me who you work for or it won't just be your hand that gets broken."

Cinder: "My name is Cinder and I work for my queen."

Y/N: "Who is she?"

Cinder: "I can't say."

I sigh and create a soundproof barrier so as to not alert anyone to what I'm about to do next.

Cinder POV

I stare at the man as he unholsters his weapon and folds it out. I start to sweat fearing what he is about to do; he aims the bottom of his cane only a inch away from my left ear and fires it. I scream at how loud it was and rub my ear on my shoulder in a attempt to stop the pain. After awhile the pain goes away but the only thing I can hear is a high pitched ringing.


I reholster my weapon and lean down to her level.

Y/N: "Tell me who your boss is or you'll spend the rest of your life without a sense of hearing."

Cinder: "Okay, her name is-"

Just then the room door busts open and in walks Roman, that girl he called Neo and two others. I see the girl walk to me but I freeze time and escape and walk back to Beacon. When I get there I unfreeze time and walk to my dorm.

*meanwhile back with Cinder, Cinder POV*

I blink and see the man is gone and the ringing in my ear is gone and I can hear again. He must have healed me; I smile for some reason and look at the others.

Roman: "Where did he go? He was just right here."

Emerald: "Is his semblance teleportation?"

Mercury: "No, we would have seen him leave."

Neo: *sign* "Then how did leave without us seeing him do so?"

Roman: "What did he want?"

Cinder: "He wanted to know who my boss is."

Emerald: "Why would he want to know that?"

Cinder: "I don'tknow."

Mercury: "Are you going to tell your boss about this?"

Cinder: "Yes whoever this guy is, he may be helpful to our cause if we can convince him to join us."

Me, Mercury and Emerald board a bullhead to my queen's castle; once there we exit and walk to her throne room. She sits on her throne with her typical scowl on her face and a cane by her side.

Queen: "Cinder what are you doing here?"

Cinder: *bows* "Lady Salem I bring news."

Salem: "Well, what is it then?"

Cinder: "There is a man searching for you."

Salem: "What does he look like?"

Salem POV

Cinder: "He wears a outdated suit, his hair is H/C with some white in it. And his eyes are E/C."

I lose my scowl at her description. No, there's no way it could be him; he died a very long time ago. But what if it truly is him?

Salem: "What did he have as a weapon?"

Cinder: "He had a cane with a wolfs head on the handle."

Salem: *slightly surprised* "Did you get his name?"

Cinder: "No, he left before I could ask."

I sit back in my throne and think to myself.

Salem: (thoughts) "Oum, please let this man be who I think he is."

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