Chapter 8: You don't have to choose me (Nico's POV)

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Percy didn't stay the night. He left when I was falling asleep, I had asked him to. And despite the fact that I had asked him to leave, I still felt.. disappointed. I'm childish and weak I know, but it's hard not remembering this fact when you have the Shadow whispering it in your ear that he'll never return any feelings for you. Not after what you did to him.

The Shadow's right, but it still hurts. I get out of bed and see a handwritten note from Hazel. I read it over to see a hastily written message.


Frank and I went into New Rome. Apparently Annabeth and Percy just broke up and Reyna is fighting him. There has been an official time later today in the afternoon. We let you sleep because you looked so peaceful!

Hopefully you slept well and will meet up with Frank and me soon.

Love always,

Percy and Annabeth broke up? I hope it wasn't too hard on Percy. He's gentler than he lets on most of the time. Heck, we're all gentler than we let on. 

I get out of bed and look down at my clothes. They're from yesterday, but relatively clean so I brush my hair  little with my fingers tiredly and slip on some sneakers. When is school supposed to start again? Hopefully it'll put a stop to all this drama and we can hopefully move on.

I pull on a black jacket and sulk out of the cohort. I walk into New Rome and Terminus glares me down.

"Terminus, sorry I need to get past-"
"Weapons boy! Don't make me pat you down!"

"Yes, wouldn't want that," I say with a smile. "Where will the duel be held?"
"You mean between fish boy and Reyna? Not in New Rome that's for sure!" Terminus yelled. I winced, why does this guy yell even though I'm standing three feet away from him?!

"Thanks man, I'll ask around," I replied and dropped my sword into the bucket and the little girl (whose name I can never remember because of too little fucks given) takes the bucket and my sword. I am about to walk by without saying anything when suddenly Terminus's boundary magic or whatever shoves me back. 

"All of your weapons, Mr. Di Angelo!" Terminus yelled.


"I mean the knives in your jacket!"
"I don't have-"

"Lying is futile!" Terminus declared with a huge grin and what would be a triumphant stance if had hands to put on his hips. "I already know they're there!"

"Fine," I sigh and open my my jacket to see the knives lining the inside. I place them all in the basket with the little girl and I sigh again rolling my eyes.

"Anything else boy?"

"Wanna pat me down?" I finally snap. "Oh wait. You can't!" The Shadow takes me over and I just walk past a barking Terminus about how rude I am and how my father wil be hearing about my behavior.

"Neeks!" I look up and see Percy standing a ways away from where I'm standing. He looks tired, weary, and disappointed.

"Jackson," I say stiffly, the Shadow is swimming over my consciousness and everthing flickers.

"I thought we'd be on a first name basis-" he stops when I double over. Everything is swimming and Percy reaches out for me. My skin crawls the same way it doesn when the Shadow is going to take over.

"Don't touch me!" I beg. My last words up in my own consciousness. "Please! The Shadow will curse your soul with death! Don't... touch-" I suddenly fall onto the grass and Percy is yelling for assistance, someone who understands what is going on.

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