Chapter 2: Arena (Nico's POV)

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I walk out of my cabin, still straightening my jacket. I sigh softly and walk into breakfast. Leo waves me over with a loud call.
"Nico!" He yells. "Over here!" I roll my eyes and pick up some breakfast. I sit down at the lonely Hades table and pick at the fruit and syrup saturated pancake I picked up. I poke at them with a fork and pop a slice of pineapple into my mouth as Leo runs over from his table and plops down across from me.
"Yo, Death Breath," he says with a smile. His hands shake as he speaks. "What brought you to breakfast? Is it a blue moon tonight?"
"No," I say stiffly.
"No to the breakfast or the blue moon?" Leo asks cheekily.
"What do you think, Dumbass?"
"Woahhhh sorry Mr. Grouchy pants."
"Please," I scoff. "You're just-"
"NEEKS!" I stiffen and turn around slightly. Jackson.
"What could he want?" I mutter under my breath.

"Soo... I gave it some thought," Percy smirked. His hands jammed into his pockets and his eyebrow quirked up just so... Gods. I think I might die. SHUT UP DI ANGELO. What did I fucking say about falling for someone?!
"And...?" I ask synically with my own eyebrow raised and a skeptical look.
"And I thought I'd make it up to you with your own personal training lesson!" Percy breaks out into a smile and I could seriously slap him or face palm myself right now. I decide to go with the latter. I face palm loudly.
"Look Jackson, even if I wanted you to give me a training lesson, which I don't, I wouldn't ask you."
"Right! Which is why I'll help you-"
"You do realize I held my own pretty well in other places right? I don't need your shitty help," I sighed loudly.
"My help is not shitty, Neeks," Percy laughed, brushing off my insult right off. "Arena. Hour after breakfast. Be there."
"Fuck off, Jackson," I snarl.
"OOOOOOH SHOTS FIRED," Leo grins and I turn to glare at him. I could say something super harsh now, but the fangirls might not agree with me, so I keep my mouth shut.
"Hush Valdez," I say and pick up another piece of fruit and keep eating it until a pomegrante touches my lips. I look down and raise an eyebrow as Percy leaves.
I hate pomegranet.


I walk into the arena, feeling like shit, but coming just to prove a point. I'm going to beat Percy Fucking Jackson. I touch the handle of my sword as Percy walks in.
"Neeks! I thought you wouldn't come," Percy smiles.
"Clearly you miss judged my character then," I reply coldly.
"I guess so," Percy doesn't know anything. I watch him turn to the side.
"Annabeth!" He grinned. "This win is for you."
"Isn't every one for me?" She smirked. "I'm always saving your ass."
"Hey!" She and Percy share a hearty laugh and I think I throw up a little in my mouth. I roll my eyes and grit my teeth.
"You might want to change that win to a lose," I smirk.
"Yoo-hoo! NICO." Shit. Valdez.
"What is it, Valdez?" I snap.
"I may have Calypso, but I'm expecting a dedication too!" Leo smirked.
"Your hear is too far up your ass to understand anything I try to say," I reply swiftly and take out my sword. The sword comes out with a satisfying shink and I flick my hair out of my eyes.
"Ladies first," Jackson smiles teasingly.
"Yes I agree," I say calmly, swinging up my sword and gently touch the tip with my finger. I take it away, a small bead of blood hangs off of it and when it falls I smile wickedly. "Start, by all means." Leo makes a comment and Percy scowls. His previous nonchalant demenor gone. He knows shit's going down up in here.

Percy takes out the infamous Riptide and uncaps it. He smiles and shakes his head condescendingly.
"That was clever, Neeks, but not clever enough!" He leaps towards me and I parry his strike easily.
"You're predictable, Jackson," I smile. "Good, I like easy prey." I slide to the side easily and he stumbles forward. I watch him glare at me and come at me again, this time I'm just as prepared, but he's in the business of well placed blows. Now, as a person who can barely tip the scale 105 in his favor, I should know that taking on Percy Jackson, a well muscled guy at probably 120, I will lose, but while he is smart, I'm quick. I may not have good skills or strength, but I make up for that with good form, posture, and clever, quick blows. Percy scowls as I slam and kick quickly. He shoves me back and I fall. He smirks, thinking this is going to be the win and he comes over teasingly, with a swinging stride that screams confidence, I grab a handful of dust and throw it up. He yelps and jumps back in time where his eyes aren't damaged, but I can get up in his moment of panic. I come at him with both hands on the sword this time and stygnian meets celestial bronze. I push hard and he and I are moving back to a wall. I remember a move I had seen Reyna do to Jason once (stop thinking like that you perverts, Jason had Piper) and rotate my wrists and Percy's hands give at the painful twist. He yells in pain and I kick his sword away. I point my sword at his through and his hands go up.
"Well done, Neeks," he smiled. "I taught you well."
"Yeah, taught me to be a jackass. I could write a book based on your actions alone!" I put my sword in its sheath angrily and he scowls himself, the surfer act gone. I walk away and he pulls on my shoulder and I whip around angrily.
"What the Hades do you want?" I yell.
"What did I ever do to you?!" People are coming, I don't like this. I may have a tough demenor, but I'm nervous.
"Not here, Jackson..." I say nervously.
"Come on! Tell me!"
"NO!" I scream and the ground shakes. Percy glares at me and I at him.
"Leave me alone," I whisper and turn around to leave. He lets me.


When I get to my cabin I slump to the window. I throw down my sword and sigh softly. I don't like fighting with Jackson. He's... not really...

You know what I mean. Him and that stupid arena....


Haha... hey! Long time no see, am I right? Sorry I haven't uploaded. I just started high school so it's been pretty hectic...(Not that you probably care, but I thought an explination was needed haha) Updates will be hopefully more frequent! I hate it when someone doesn't update. Alright, until next time!

P.S I forgot to mention how much your comments made me smile! They maded me fangirl and I was so happy! Haha, leave comments here too! Even if it's just hi or something, it makes my day.

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