Chapter 20: A New Chapter (Nico's POV)

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*Bleeeehhhhh I have so much other things I should be doing*

*Procrastination and Percico/Pernico (pls tell me which I cri) ftw*

*Also, the music you can listen to is up above!! Cookie leveled up with the wattpad stuff lol*




noun: rebirth; noun: re-birth

the process of being reincarnated or born again.

"the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth"

the action of reappearing or starting to flourish or increase after a decline; revival.

plural noun: rebirths; plural noun: re-births

Chapter 20: A New Chapter

"What Will Be is next," a man with a white mask and gold accents says. "It may change based on your decisions in Elysium and the decisions of your friends because of your decisions. Please keep this in mind, Mr. Di Angelo."

"I will," I said quietly. My hands were shaking with the last images of What Could Have Been. It hurts to think that I missed out on that. There were hundreds of possible outcomes... I know that. We could have broken up, he could have died before me.

I guess none of that matters now.

"Here is What Will Be," the man with the white mask says quietly. I take a deep breath and turn to the screen.

What Will Be

*Also, quick author's note before we start. This is what WILL BE HAPPENING IN THE REAL WORLD. Nico is not alive, and it may have some things that could possibly change depending on decisions later in this chapter or in others. Just keep this in mind. There was some confusion last chapter about What Could Have Been that made me feel bad >.< sorry if you were sad and thought Nico lived. OKAY OKAY BACK TO THE CHAPTER*

Percy was sitting at the lake. His feet were dangling in the water and he looked across it with bloodshot eyes.

"I wish I could drown." Percy looked over the water silently after that. He rarely went places anymore, only his cabin, Nico's old cabin, the lake, and sometimes the ocean if he was feeling adventurous. Percy's friends stayed in touch, each of them touched by a whisper of grief, but none of them truly knew Nico that well.

Percy was not an exception.

Hazel also dealt with her grief fairly poorly. She would cry if she used any magic, summoned jewels, or if there was any talk of the underworld. Any talk of siblings, cousins, or family was also strictly avoided. Hazel was a strong girl otherwise, it wasn't like she fell apart all the time, her friends just tended to try to avoid those topics as much as possible.

Jason didn't blame Percy for Nico's death. He blamed himself for the way Percy was acting and the grief Percy was going through. If Jason hadn't pushed for Nico to tell Percy how he had felt behind the scenes... Percy might not feel as bad as he currently did. Percy would have felt terrible, yes, but sometimes, Percy's brain only held onto certain subjects for only so long. Especially nowadays. It was mostly Nico, and probably death.

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