Chapter 9: Hard Work (Percy's POV)

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Percy's POV

        Nico hated it that I was sappy sometimes, but he made me want to squish him. He was allowed to leave the infirmerary today and I was really happy to say the least. I was going to pick him up and walk with him to the fifth cohort and I couldn't wait until we could hold hands and be a cute couple that does cute couple things-

I'm so stupid.

But I wanted it. I wanted to share everything with Nico.

"Hey Percy," Will smiled.
"Sorry you had to come all this way," I say with a grin. Don't touch Nico.

"So... you and Nico going to-"
"FINISH THAT SENTANCE SOLACE," Nico yelled. I chuckled and walked into the room.

"Hey Neeks," I say with a smile. Nico looks at me and looks away with a small smile himself. Will rolls his eyes.

"Come on you saps. I have to get back to Camp Half-Blood," Will smirks. Nico glared and swung his legs out from under the blankets. Nico bristled and looked at Will.

"It wasn't my descision to keep me under your watch for, like forty-eight hours," Nico snapped. 
"Two days?" I raised my eyebrows and leaned on the wall. 

"Yeah, it's part of being a doctor. You actually helped me out Nico, I'm practicing for that sort of thing," Will smiled. I looked away, for some reason my stomach was doing flips, a feeling I only had when I felt...



Nico walked with me to the fifth cohort. He held his arms close, he didn't want to touch me. To be honest, it wasn't like I was one hundred percent unafraid of this deal about Nico, but for some reason, I could find it in myself to... not hate him. Or be scared of him for that matter.

"Thanks Percy," Nico said as he held his knees close to his body on a bed inside the room. "You didn't have to pick me up-"

"As your boyfriend, I should always pick you up. Wanna get something to drink?" Nico blanched.


"Stammer a little more, Neeks," I teased with a smirk, "I might not understand how shocked you are."
"Percy!" My smirk turned into a full blown grin. Nico calling me "Percy" always made me happy. It made my heart feel fuzzy and my stomach feel warm. 

"Y-you have to ask me! And I won't say yes the first time and then we'll cry and then it'll work out like every other fanfiction ever written-" Nico began.

"You've... read... FANFICTION about us?"
"The fanbase is scary."


"Sorry! I was young!"

"Whatever you dork," I smiled and sat down next to him. "I'll forgive you if you kiss me."

"You'll get something out of too," I protested, "I'll be kissing you!"

"Okay, okay," I laughed. "Wanna... talk about something more serious then?"
"Not really."

"I wanna know why you're... so uptight and don't wanna hold hands with me, kiss me, hug me, hold me-"
"Because in my mind you could die at any second. Any time your with me, your life is at risk," Nico snapped. "I'm not touching you because I'm thinking about your first!"

"Alright, but-"
"Maybe you should leave," Nico looked away. "Until I get rid of the Shadow. You can get back together with Annabeth, we can forget this ever happened."

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