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A/N: Before we move ahead, I wanted to tell you all that I may not update quite regularly as I have school. I write a bit everyday and update. The previous chapters were only 1 day apart as I had holiday from school for 4 days due to heavy rain.  But now that school is back they are trying to cover up for those 4 days too. Hence pls forgive me if I make you wait. 

They decided that the remix should be their 'Intro' for the album. But right now they were more interested in getting to know each other so they thought they will discuss more about BTSB the next day onwards. "Anyways, now let us get to know each other. We can discuss BTSB from tomorrow." said Howie. Taehyung suddenly spoke up, "Don't mind me ask, but how come you never call Lil Littrell with her name? Isn't it hard to know her name and still be careful about what you call her?"

"Good question there V. Well you see, we got accustomed to call her Lil Littrell all the time. We know her real name but we have never use it at all. The kids call her Big sis so you know they don't know her real name. And me in particular, I call her Uncle Nicky's princess cuz she is my princess." Nick said proudly. "Uncle Nick you are so hilarious." Y/N said laughing. Everyone at the table was laughing at Nick's proud expression.

"Are you 2 very close?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah. When I was 3, since then uncle Nick has been always playing with me and I admired his childish and fun nature so we got along very well. To say I am more close to uncle Nick than my own dad. Sounds weird but it's true." Y/N said. Nick once again put a proud face making Howie say, "I feel like throwing you out that window." "ALL THE BEST with that Howie." Nick said with a smirk.

"Moving ahead, How did you make the remix." Yoongi asked. "Well, I have always wondered what a BTS and BSB collab would be like. So when we met at Billboard, you guys came for Fake love and us for Don't go breaking my heart, I got the idea of making a remix of these 2 songs. Thought it would be cool and I love cool things so now you know why I love AJ so much, the reason is he is Mr. Cool." Nick said laughing. "Hey!!! I hate you bro. You only love me cuz I am so cool?? So not cool.."" AJ scoffed.

 "Anyways, so I started working on it. Lil Littrell came into my studio as I was working on it. I made her to listen to it and she liked it but few things were off like the placement of AJ's part and the inclusion of the I don't know I don't know part of your song. So she sat down with me to figure those out. Eventually I had put AJ's part after RM's and then came J-hope's part but then we changed and put it after J-Hope's part which sounded better and we also removed the I don't know I don't know part. The remix sounded much better after these editing. So I preserved it just in case we ever plan a BTSB soundtrack.

The most surprising part though was that Lil Littrell helped me, I mean she knows nothing about music all her life she has tried staying away from the spotlight and had never took interest into music and yet she helped me edit it so well. I am so very proud." Nick completed his story with a proud smile once again, much to Howie's dismay. Taehyung couldn't help laughing out loud. Nick's proud face and Howie's reaction to it were just too hilarious. Y/N looked at Taehyung laughing and giggled. He seemed to be just like her. She too found Howie and Nick's relation pretty hilarious. 

"All right you 2, don't make us laugh while we are eating, we may choke on our food." Kevin stated. "As you say 'dad'." Howie said winking and Kevin rolled his eyes. "I mean you sure do behave like our dad maybe cuz you are the oldest, you have always been a very mature and level-headed person and you want us to be the best version of ourselves. What is wrong with that?" AJ said poking his nose into the matter. "Now this is BSB for you." Brian said to BTS pointing out his bandmates. They all had a hearty laugh.

 "And daddy is the center of this mess." stated Odin much to Nick's surprise. "Kiddo, you are gone over me, aren't you?" Nick said smiling at the mini Nick, Odin. "BTW, I have my tour coming in so I would probably be gone day after tomorrow." stated Baylee. "Oh Boy!!! We wish we could have been able to spend more time with you." Rochelle said. "I know, even I wanna be here with my Backstreet family and our new friends BTS." said Baylee with a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Aww...little brother don't feel bad, it's not your fault. I will update you everyday." Y/N said comforting her brother with her hand on his shoulder.

"We will miss you though Baylee." said Ava, Lyric and Saoirse. "Are you sure that Saoirse is not your biological sister but Odin's?" Nick said jokingly at their unison. That sent down a huge row of laughter. Baylee knew no matter his sister updated him or not, he would miss this fun so very damn much. " This is so much fun. I love it when we are all together." said James and Mason in unison. "Now y'all should be brothers too." Brian said adding to the enjoyment. This was fun, really fun, BTS enjoyed the company of BSB and family.

 "Anyways let us talk about ourselves and not music." Lauren said. "Tell us who is the father of your group." Nick said looking at Kevin while Kevin rolled his eyes. "I guess Namjoon." Jungkook said. "And Jin is the mother of the group." stated Jimin. Namjoon rolled his eyes and Nick said, "Are you sure you and Kevin aren't brothers?" "Alright that's enough Nick. Shut up. Why do you like getting onto others nerves?" Howie asked. "It is fun." Nick said winking and everyone rolled their eyes. "Yes, purpose of the day fulfilled. I got onto everyone's nerves." Nick said with excitement. "Yeah whatever." AJ scoffed.

"Anyone is BTS like Nick??Only born to annoy everyone?" Brian asked. "Hey I thought we were the Frick and Frack, I never thought you would betray me by making fun of me. I am highly disappointed in you Brian." Nick said. "Well I don't know about how professional you are at acting or scuba diving but you sure are the best at being overdramatic and annoying others." Brian said. "I know I am great" said Nick with a smirk. "Anyways back to the question now." said Leighanne. {A/N I will use Leighanne for Leighanne Littrell and Leigh for Leighanne Dorough cuz she is Leigh BTW 😅} "Well I guess the whole Maknae line which means the youngers Jimin, V and Jungkook." RM said. "Even Jin" said Suga. "Yeah, so basically the Vocal line are all annoying. Although Jin is the oldest" said RM.

"Wow" said Nick "So I am not alone is annoying am I?" he continued with a smirk. "I would throw you out that window right now."  Howie said. "Oh yeah, try me small Puerto Rican." Nick said with a smirk. "Yeah, yeah, but who is the sweetest to you?" Howie said "Well who is the sourest to me?" Nick snapped back. "Fine!!!" said Howie annoyed. "He is sensitive hence I like to use him as my target for annoying." Nick said.

"Nick is a prankster, mocker and trickster and cuz Howie is sensitive he is Nick's biggest target but yeah Howie is also an eye for an eye guy so he has gotten back at Nick in pretty tremendous ways. Payback's a B***h Nick." AJ said. "Sweet D ain't that sweet. We call him Sweet D cuz he is sweet Howie D. Get it? But he ain't so sweet." Nick said pouting. "Only to you cuz you always pick on me you brat." Howie said laughing. "Now don't pout makes me sad. I love you though." Howie said and Nick beamed a huge smile. No one could help but laugh at that. It was so adorable. 

Seems like BTS and BSB were getting along pretty well. 


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