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Since the title suggests: 

Y'all from past week my story is on #3 or #4 in BSB stories 😎😎. #ktbspa

Howie woke up and found himself with Yoongi, Namjoon and AJ. He saw they were all waking up too. "What the Hell?? Where are we?? Oh yeah we got kidnapped. Great. Just great." AJ said. "We have to get out of here somehow." Howie said. "But how??" Namjoon asked. Suddenly they heard a muffled voice. "Nick??" Howie and AJ said. "Nickolas Gene Carter, we are here." Howie whispered a little loud. "Guys, is it just me or could you hear Howie?" Nick asked "I heard him too." Brian said. "There he is." Mason said pointing to a cage. They noticed Howie, AJ, Namjoon and Yoongi. "Come on." Kevin said. Taehyung, Jimin, Brian, Nick and Kevin pushed the cage door with full force till it flew open. They freed the Yoongi, Namjoon, AJ and Howie. "Let us go get the others." Nick said. "Good to know that they didn't harm you Nick." AJ said. "I know Big brother." Nick said hugging AJ with a big smile on his face.

Lauren woke up to find Rochelle, Ava and Odin with her. "OMG we are kidnapped too, aren't we? What did they do to Nick??" Lauren said panicking. "Calm down, we have to get out of here first." Rochelle added. "Mom, I think I hear someone." Ava said. "I felt like that was uncle Howie." Odin added. "What??" Rochelle and Lauren said together. "Kids they will be captured somewhere else too. Maybe somewhere nearby that is why you can hear them." Rochelle said. "We have to get out of here." Lauren said. Being a fitness instructor, Lauren was very strong, so she put force against the rope she was tied with. The rope tore. She then freed her legs and helped Rochelle and the kids.

"But what about the cage?" Rochelle asked. "We have to break it." Lauren said cracking her neck bones and knuckles. She then stepped back and ran straight at the door and used full force. But the door didn't budge. "Ok I need to apply more force on it." Lauren said. She went to the other end of the cage and ran starlight at the door and put a lot of force. The hinge was coming off but Lauren's shoulder was hurting. "Lauren, just stop and give a gap. It will pain more." Rochelle said. "But we have to get out before they come." Lauren added. 

Nick heard someone putting pressure on the cage door. "Lauren!! She is somewhere nearby." he said to the others. He obviously could identify his beloved wife and fitness instructor. They ran over and noticed Lauren, Rochelle, Ava and Odin standing inside the cage. As soon as they reached there Lauren noticed them. "Nick!! OMG are you okay?" she said running towards the door. "Yeah I am fine. Is your shoulder okay? Did you put too much force?" Nick asked very concerned seeing Lauren holing her shoulder.

"Guess I did." Lauren said giggling. "Okay boys let us do this." Nick said. He noticed the hinge came out and smiled to himself knowing that no one could be this strong as his wife. So he and AJ broke through the door. Immediately Lauren ran towards Nick and they kissed each other for about. "Guess I should stop pranking you. What if you break me like that door?" Nick said. "Shut up." Lauren said hitting his hand. "Daddy!!" Odin said running over to Nick. "Are you okay daddy?" "Yes, I am fine cupcake." Nick said to Odin who was hugging Nick very tight. "We need to find the rest now." Ava said. "Yes my princess." AJ said. 

Nick scanned his eyes across so that he would know how many more people to save. There was his beloved wife, his first born, his BSB brothers, Mason, Y/N, Ava, Rochelle, Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon. They need to find Leighanne, Leigh, Kristin, Saoirse, Lyric, Maxwell, James, Holden, Jungkook, Jin and Hoseok. Nick was very worried about Saoirse cuz she was just 1. "Ok, we need to find 11 more of us. S let's be quick." Y/N said. "Yeah!!" Mason added.

In another cell, containing Jungkook, Jin, Leighanne and in Leighanne's lap Saoirse, Jungkook can be seen trying to break through the rope. "Just a bit more." Jin cheered him on. The rope tore. "Yes!!" Jin exclaimed. Jungkook freed the others after freeing himself. He and Jin dashed the door with full force and it flew open throwing the both out. "Ouch!!" Jin said. They got up and brushed the dust off their clothes and carefully began to escape.

Nick saw a shadow and he turned around to see Jungkook running across on the other side. He went behind him and whisper yelled, "Over here." Jungkook and the other noticed him. "NICK!!" they whisper yelled back before following him. "So Brian's family, Nick's family, all the BSB and 6 members of BTS are here right now." AJ said. "Cool...Now we need to find 11-4 that is 7 more people." Odin added. "Saoirse. Baby are you okay??" Nick and Lauren asked taking her in their arms. Leighanne chuckled and said, "She was asleep the whole while." "Well that is good. Let us rest." Nick said and put the light of his life on his shoulder so that she could sleep peacefully

In another cell, Hoseok, Kristin, Maxwell and Lyric stare at each other not having any idea on what to do. Lauren noticed their cage and the whole team came over and freed them. "Okay so 3 more." Brian said. "And that too Dorough family. What a coincidence." Nick added. "Hey that is true!!" Howie said. "Wait a min. Even though breaking the door made sound, how come we didn't get caught?" Taehyung asked.

"Wait!! He is right." Nick said. Something came in Nick's mind and he went around for a bit while everyone looked confused. "There is no one in this part of this dungeon. This is the right time for us. Let us find them and free ourselves." Nick said. They kept going around in circles. Leigh noticed Howie and called out to him. Howie saw her too. "Guys, here they are." he exclaimed. they freed the Dorough family too. Everyone was free and safe. "Group hug please." Nick said. Everyone giggled and then they had a group hug. 

The more ahead they went, the messier the place was. Nick bumped into a button and an alarm rang. "Trying to escape!!" someone said walking towards them. OH NO!!! THEY ARE CAUGHT!!! WHAT WILL THEY DO NOW???


What do you think will happen now?? I am scared. 

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