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Ok So when this Chapter comes out it will be a Friday so Happy Frick and Frack Friday. To those who don't know what is a Frick and Frack Friday, every Friday is taken Frick and Frack Friday and to honor the good relation of Nick and Brian. They have inspired many people to build such a close relation and people want to honor them for it. On Fridays, they spend a good time and give wonderful gifts to their respective fricks and fracks. Hence for every BSBarmy this is the favorite day of the week. 


"So  you used to rap?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah a bit in the beginning in our first 2 albums for few songs I have done a bit of rapping. Not so much so I am not as skilled as y'all." AJ answered. "Why not have a small verse of you rapping then?" Yoongi asked. "Ok I wouldn't mind at all." AJ said. "A verse of 4 lines and the rest of your part will be singing. Is that ok with you?" Hoseok asked. "Sure. That sounds just right." AJ replied. "K let us start deciding the topic." Namjoon said.

"Insecurity. You guys write inspiring songs on mental barriers right. I have kinda dealt with insecurity that made me choose a wrong path so we can write a song on it showing how it could have destroy life." AJ said. "Ok that is a very nice topic there." Yoongi said. "Lemme ask Nick what is their topic." AJ said. He called Nick and then turned around saying, "Their topic is on close relation. Of course you have the closest members working together then what else can we expect." "Yeah" Namjoon said. "Now let us work on ours. Yoongi said. "Yeah." everyone else agreed. 


"Ok I just talked to AJ, their topic is insecurity." Howie said. "Yeah can write very well about it." Kevin added. "Ok so what about us?" Jin asked. "Gotta think." Howie said. "How about choosing a path as our theme?" Jungkook asked. "Great." Kevin and Howie said and Jin agreed. "So we are going with our theme as Choosing a Path in Life." JK said in excitement. "Yeah let us start working on it." Jin said. 

Back to the girl and the boy. "They are doing some discussion divided into groups huh. What are they discussing about?" the girl asked. "Sorry Vanilla I couldn't hear them. They are speaking very low. Maybe they are being careful." the boy said. "Well then we have only 1 way left to bring out information. You know what to do right?" the girl, Vanilla said with an evil smirk. "Yes." the boy said with a smirk. "Homan sir and Vanilla mam, shall we get ready?" someone asked. "Go ahead." the boy, Homan said.

"Ok we have discussed for an hour now, and it is snack time. Let us all go to the restaurant and have some snacks and beverages." Nick said on phone. All the BSB family and BTS sat down at the huge table for having snacks together. "It feels so empty without Baylee. Even though am filling in on what is happening here, he is unable to enjoy it." Y/N said. "You are right. I feel bad for him." Mason added. "We are all enjoying what he wants to enjoy. I wish he were here." Ava added. "Yeah!! I miss Baylee. He is so amazing." Odin said. "They are going to carry on the Frick and Frack legacy." Nick said laughing and everyone joined the laughter. "That would be good." Brian added to the laughter.

"Man even after we part ways, we should meet like this sometimes. BTS and BSB see how nice it feels." Nick added. "Yeah we surely will just because Lil Littrell is our friend not because you asked." Jungkook said to add some fun. "Nice one." Nick said impressed. Everyone started to laugh at that. "And we will only bring gifts for her." Taehyung added. "Not a problem. I will get it with my own Nick ways." Nick said. "He means he is gonna prank you real bad." Howie added. Taehyung started to laugh and was joined by another row of laughter. 

After the snack everyone left for their room, While Y/N accompanied BTS till their room. They asked her to stay for a while as Jin had made some sweet and they wanted to give to her. She told she would wait outside and they said ok. Jimin walked out with the sweet and saw Jungkook and Y/N  gazing at the stars. "Well they say that in the stars there are the people who wish they could be here with you but can't and they bless you with all the good things you have in your life. My biological parents must have blessed me to be a part of Littrell family. true that parents know what is right for their kids, they choose a perfect family for me." Y/N suddenly spoke up.

Jungkook looked at her and then back at the sky thinking about what she just said. Jimin over heard her talk and applauded. "Wow you think so positive. Here you go this is the sweet that Jin made." Jimin said with a smile. "Thanks Jimin. Smells delicious and tastes delicious." Y/N said. "So do you enjoying be a part of Littrell family?" Jungkook asked and Jimin was sitting down. "Yeah I love them. They have made me a part of them. I don't feel like I am adopted at all." she answered. "But then why do you still stay away from their life because you are a part of it too right?" Jimin asked. "I don't know I am just scared of being known as then there is no way of enjoying without people noticing you. It kinda feels awkward. This is why I keep away from the spotlight." Y/N said looking at her plate of sweets. They both just looked at her and then at the sky feeling scared for her.

 She handed back the plate, thanked Jin and bid them all before she walked back to her room. She noticed Nick standing on the way. "Uncle Nick what are you doing here?" she asked. "Well we have a stalker and I feel I saw them while we were leaving the restaurant who was trying to follow Brian but when noticed you were going with BTS he came your way. So I have come to take you. I am scared that they wanna get to you and find your secret." Nick said looking at her with: Fear??? There was fear in his eyes???

Y/N felt so touched that he worried so much about her. He dropped her back safely before heading to his own room with care and caution. He called to inform her that he was safe and told her to inform Brian and Leighanne about the whole thing he had told her. She agreed to do so. Suddenly Nick received a call from Taehyung. "Hello Taehyung!! Any problem??" Nick asked. "Well I felt I noticed someone chasing us when we left the restaurant. It could have just been a feeling but since we have a stalker-"

"Yes someone chased you and I a pretty sure their target in umm.... Lil Littrell. He was gonna chase Brian but when he noticed um....Lil Littrell with you, he chased you." Nick interrupted in fear. "OMG Thanks for informing me." Taehyung told. "Let the others know. Good night." Nick said "Sure. Good night." Then Nick hung up the call. He then called Howie, AJ and Kevin to inform them also.


What is  Vanilla's plan? Do you think she wants to kidnap Y/N and find out her true identity?? Well keep reading....

Anyways Happy Frick and Frack Friday!! Enjoy your day!!!

Anyways Happy Frick and Frack Friday!! Enjoy your day!!!

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