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A/N: Hey there ARMYs did u get the title🤭. If you did tell me where you heard it in the comment session. BTW BSBarmy what do you think about Nick's remix. Did he do a good job??Is our Nicky smarter than smart😎

After the lunch BTS headed to their room while the BSB families to theirs'. "형! 너무 재밌어요. 40 대라서 좀 진지하다고 생각 했어요. 특히 Nick Carter는 농담을하고 있습니다. (Bro! they are so hilarious. I thought since they are in their forties they would be kinda serious. Especially that Nick Carter, man he is just joking around.)" said Jimin. "그리고 Howie Dorough가 그에게 좌절감을 느꼈습니다. 너무 재밌었어요. (And that Howie Dorough was getting frustrated at him. It was so hilarious.)" added Jungkook.

While everyone was talking and laughing about the Backstreet boys, Taehyung was stuck in his own thoughts. "We are used to calling her Lil Littrell. The kids don't even know her real name they only call her big sister.이건 미친 짓이야. 왜 그녀는 스포트라이트가 너무 무서워서이 사람들이 그녀를 Lil Littrell이라고 부르는 것을 기억해야할까요? 기분이 안 좋아. 나는 알아 내고 어떻게 든 그들을 도와야한다 (Man, this is crazy. Why is she so scared of the spotlight that these people have to remember to call her Lil Littrell only? I feel bad. I should find out and somehow help them out.)" Taehyung thought.

Taehyung was concerned about the life of Littrell family. There will be people who will try to get out the truth to please people and earn money. They may even torture them to death to do so. Namjoon noticed the worry on Taehyung's face. "괜찮아? 걱정의 문제는 무엇입니까 ?? (Are you okay? What's the matter of worry??)" Taehyung was still stuck in his own thoughts. "김태형!! 당신은 어디를 잃었습니까 ?? (KIM TAEHYUNG!! Where are you lost??)" Namjoon yelled. Taehyung came back to his senses.

"아 죄송 형.나는 존 아웃했다. (Aah sorry hyung. I zoned out.)" Taehyung said. "문제 없어요. 그러나 당신은 무엇에 대해 생각하고 있습니까 ?? 어떻게 든 도와 드릴까요 ?? (No problem. But what are you thinking about?? can I help you somehow??)" Namjoon asked quite concerned. "나는 Lil Littrell에 대해 생각하고 있었다. 왜 형 ?? 동생도 자기 이름을 모를 정도로 심하게 숨기려하는 이유는? 너무 무서워요. 내 말은 그녀의 인생은 풀 타임 위험에 처해 있지 ?? 형을 도울 수있는 방법이 있나요 ??? (I was thinking about Lil Littrell. Why hyung??Why is she trying to hide so bad that even her  brother doesn't know her name? It sounds so scary. I mean her life is in full time risk then right?? Is there anyway we can help hyung???)" Taehyung asked sounded very anxious.

"앗 ... 태, 정말 돌보는군요. 가능한 한 오랫동안 그들을 도울 것이라고 걱정하지 마십시오. 이제 우리가 그녀를 즐기고 더 잘 알게합시다. 그것은 매우 도움이 될 것입니다. (aww...Tae, that is so caring of you. Don't worry we will help them out for as long as possible. Now let us enjoy and get to know her better. That will be very helpful.)" Namjoon said giving Taehyung a smile. {A/N: I am not making Tae look too good but I had to do this cuz Tae is the only person who knows her real face so he is probably very concerned about her. It is quite an obvious situation.} Taehyung sighed, "당신이 옳습니다. 어서 가자 즐기자 (you are right. come on let's go enjoy)" he said with excitement.  

On the other hand Y/N was thinking, "He seems pretty worried about me. Yes this is very dangerous for my life but I hate the spotlight life there is no relaxation at least now I can live as my true self freely out of this disguise. I wonder if he is worrying too much such that he becomes overprotective. It will not be good for him."

"SIS!!!!" Baylee called out. "Huh!!What happened??" Y/N replied.  "Took you 5 times to reply?? Where are you??" Baylee said. "Oh!! Was thinking about how BTSB will work out." she lied. She felt that if she told this to Baylee he may feel that Taehyung may even hurt her trying to protect her and will see that Taehyung don't dare to meet her. Baylee loved his sister so much so that he never wanted to see a scratch on her hand.  "Anyways I will go meet Uncle Nick. I haven't spoken to him for days." Y/N said with excitement. Baylee chuckled, "Yeah sure."

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