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🎶Happy Birthday BAYLEE!! Happy Birthday BAYLEE!!! Happy Birthday my love BAYLEE!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!!🥳🥳🎶

I am sorry BAYLEE  but for the sake of the story I have to write a chapter on how distress you feel and the worst part is it is coming out on your B'day. Nevertheless remember this I love you and I have no intensions of writing a sad story line on your B'day but my school and me are kinda against each other so this is how it turns out😓

What will happen now that the police has found out about the kidnapping??? Will poor Baylee find out??? Will the rest of the BSB family and BTS be freed????

Police were alerted by what they had heard on the phone call. They set out to find about the members of BSB families. Officers noticed Lil Littrell's mystery fame and felt that the reason for them being kidnapped was that. Suddenly 1 officer noticed about Baylee, "A country singer, currently touring??? Wait so Baylee Littrell wasn't kidnapped???" he said in a loud and clear voice. "What??? We must find him and ensure his safety immediately." a female officer said. "Yes mam." the whole department shouted. A force of police was sent to ensure Baylee's safety. They kept a good check on the city for 1 night before heading to the hotel where Baylee was staying. 

Baylee and his band were practicing at the hotel getting ready for his next show, which he, currently doesn't know, will have to cancel. 

You pull up in that old truck
Trying to impress her struck out on luck
You sit down by the fire and you talk talk for hours
Trying to find a way to make it work

And you know she standing right there
And you know you ain't got a chance
Don't give her your heart cause she'll tear it right apart
And you know that it's time to let her go

I moved on to someone new
Still heart broken she ain't got a clue
And I see you from across the room
You look happy but that ain't true

And you know your standing right there
And you know that you got a chance
Don't give up on my heart I won't tear it right apart
And you know that it's time to let me go
Let you go

You moved on to someone new
I'm still heart broken
What else is new

Don't give up on his heart he won't tear it right apart
And you know that it's time to let us go
I'll let you go

"How did that go guys?" Baylee asked his band. "That went really well Baylee. Well done buddy." said Justin, Baylee's main guitarist. "We have done this many times now and you sound better each time Baylee." said Phil, Baylee's bass player. "Yeah Baylee, don't worry just give it all you've got. We have confidence in you." added Josh, Baylee's drummer. "Yeah you are right. Come on let us grab a bite then." Baylee said. "Yeah sure." Justin and Josh said while Phil nodded. Baylee once again checked his phone, no message from Lil Littrell, in between she had forgotten to update him 1 day but she did it the next day, maybe this time also she forgot. From 2 days he hasn't received and msg from her but he isn't loosing hope that she will msg him.

While the other 3 went, Baylee changed into comfy clothes before he stepped out of the room. Once he did, he was shocked. There was a big force of police standing in front and his bandmates staring at them. "Greetings, mr. Baylee Littrell. You are in grave danger and we have come here to ensure your protection." spoke out 1 of the officers. "What???" Baylee asked in pure shock. "Please get in. We will let you know the whole story." said another officer. Baylee and his bandmates went back into the room with 2 officers accompanying them. 

"I am sorry to let you know this, but BTS and the backstreet families have been kidnapped. We received a call from you dad informing us about it before we heard him collapse and some man take him too. We are very sorry for you. We are trying to track them down and few of us are here to ensure your safety." an officer said. Baylee was devastated and cried very hard. He was more scared about his sister because she has a big secret and she could thus be harmed. He had promised to keep her safe.

 He remembered the day they were playing in the yard and someone caught hold of Lil Littrell by her left shoulder and threatened her to know her identity...only 8 year old back then, she got scared and couldn't speak. Baylee was traumatized. The man had taken out a knife and put a cut on her shoulder and asked her once again what her real name was. She screamed in pain.

Suddenly something got into Baylee, he pushed the man and holding his sister's left arm he ran back into the house. He was horrified seeing her cry as their mother was applying bandage to her wound. He promised her that he will always keep her safe and she embraced him saying she is sure that the promise will never break as Baylee was the best brother in the world. He couldn't break his promise. He felt guilty and he could never forgive himself if anything happened to her.

 He wished he could have been there with all of them. He was crying so bad that the officers felt concerned. His bandmates suggested him to cancel the show. "Yeah!! Cancel the show. I wanna go back to Georgia and help in the search." Baylee said. "But sir, we are here to protect you we can't do that. Please understand." the officer said. "Then what am I suppose to do." Baylee said wiping away his tears. "1 minute sir." the officer said calling his senior.

"Mam, it is me." he said heading out of the room so that Baylee won't listen to the conversation. "Mam he insists on coming to Georgia. He is very disheartened." the officer said. "Ok we can take him to the resort they were staying and ensure his safety there. Let him know that he can't accompany the search team though." the senior officer on the other side suggested. "Sure mam." The officer head back into the room and reported what the senior officer told to Baylee. Baylee agreed. This was better than staying where he was, way better. He wished they were all safe for now.


Happy Belated B'day AVA!!!!!!!🥳🥳

I am planning to write 2 to 3 more chapters and then end this story cuz I have not much ideas thanks to my school. I thought I could write 16 chapters but guess I will write only 12-13😅😓

I love you all bye!!! Enjoy your day!!! 



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