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🎶Happy Birthday Ava!!! Happy Birthday Ava!!! Happy Birthday to dear Ava!!! Happy birthday to you!!!🥳🥳🎶

Now that Baylee knows everything, will he be able to cope with the reality. My poor Baylee. First of all what will happen to BTS and Backstreet families. Will they survive wherever they are??

Let us read to find out!!! 

Brian woke up with his head spinning. He tried to hold his head in his palms but noticed his arms where tied to a chair. He thus shit his eyes open and noticed he was completely  tied. He heard a small happy sigh and looked up to see Nick, Taehyung and Jimin tied beside him. He saw the smiling face of Nick. Nick was relieved knowing Brian was all right. Taehyung and Jimin woke up at the same time. They looked at each other and them at Nick and Brian who were smiling at each other before Brian's expression changed into a sad one and he told, "I am sorry Nick. I know you would have put a lot of faith in me, but I let you down. I too got caught." 

"No Brian, I know you. I know you would have never given up. but your body could no longer cope with you. I know you would have still tried to move ahead but your body just couldn't handle anymore. Brian I know you, You are the spirit, you never give up during tough times and that is why I admire you so much. Remember you have never let me down. You never will because you are my Frick for a reason and that is, I have full faith in you and I know you will live up to it." Nick said with a very grateful smile.

Seeing his smile Brian couldn't help but smile back. They tried to get their chairs near and then hug each other with their shoulders. Nick said, "You always have my faith no matter what. You will always be my superhero Brian. I can promise that to you for sure." Brian smiled at those words. Nick wasn't wrong. He looked up so much to Brian and he would never stop looking up at Brian. 

Taehyung and Jimin were touched by what they just witnessed. Suddenly Brian asked, "Where are the others?" and that is when Taehyung and Jimin noticed it too. No one except Frick and Frack and Vmin was there. Nick then sighed and spoke up, "4 minutes after I woke up, they brought a big truck which had all of you in. They put Brian, Taehyung and Jimin in this room and took away the others. I guess they are putting them in different cages. I am sorry Brian. All this happened because of me. I should not have followed the stalker."

"No Nick, none of this is your fault. You are very protective about Y...I mean Lil Littrell that is why you wanted to protect her from that stalker and tried to do that. I would never blame you Nick in fact I am proud that I got to raise you and I am happy to say that you have become and better version of yourself after living with BSB." Brian said trying to let Nick know that it wasn't his fault. 

Taehyung noticed something but decided to let it away. "So what will we do now? Wait a minute, If like Nick said, they are really behind Lil Littrell, then isn't she in grave danger. OMG we have to get out of here and find her then." Taehyung said. "Yeah he is right." Jimin said. "As far as I know, I feel she is in the cage next to ours." Nick said. The cage Nick was talking about was completely made of wood with a few holes for air. They cold hear someone waking up. 

Kevin woke up in a wood cage and noticed he was tied to a chair and with him were Mason and Y/N who were also tied to chairs. "Wake up Mas  and Lil Littrell." he said. "Kevin's in there too." he heard a familiar voice muffled. He could always recognize his cousin anytime anywhere. "Brian??? Where are you???" Kevin asked. "In the cage next to you with Nick, Taehyung and Jimin." Brian replied. "Who are you with?? Lil Littrell and anyone else??" Nick asked. "Nick are you okay??" Kevin asked. "Yeah I am fine and tell me about your cage buddies." Nick said. "Oh I am in with Mas and Lil Littrell." Kevin replied. "Is she safe??? Did they hurt her??? Do I need to beat someone up???" Nick asked without a gap for breathe. "Relax!! She is waking up. She is fine, Nick." Kevin said. "Oh!!! That's good." Nick said. 

"Huh!!! Where are we???" Y/N asked. "UHMMM......we all got kidnapped remember?" Mason asked. "Oh yeah I remember. OMG!! Wait where are the others?" Y/N asked. "Well we have Frick and Frack and Vmin in the cage on our left. Don't know about anyone else." Kevin said. "Oh!!! Uncle Nick are you okay?? I am so sorry all of this happened because of me. They are behind me." Y/N said in a very sad tone. "Oh no kiddo, It is no one's fault." Nick said, "BTW I am fine don't worry." "Ok that is good. Taehyung, Jimin and dad, are you okay too?" Y/N enquired. "Yes dear we are all fine." Brian replied "Yeah" agreed Taehyung and Jimin.

 "So now what??" Kevin asked. "We have to get out of here and find everyone." Nick said. "Ok but how will we keep ourselves safe." Y/N asked. "Don't worry. I will be your soldier." said Nick. "Brian I guess I have a safety pin in my pocket. If you can help me get it out I can try and cut out this rope." Nick said. "It will take a long time." Taehyung said.

"I know but something is better than nothing." Nick said. Brian helped Nick to get that safety pin out of his pocket and than Nick did his best to free his hands.  After 30 minutes of constant trying, Nick was able to free his hands. "Finally!! Now my legs I will untie and then I will help you all." Nick said. "Uhmm....What about us??" Kevin asked. "Yeah!! How will you free us??" Y/N asked. "Maybe Uncle Nick will break the cage or something." Mason said. "Mas!!! What an idea!! Lemme try it." Nick said in excitement. 

He freed his feet and then helped the others in his cage. They all together punched hard on the wood and it broke. They went into the other cage and freed Mason, Kevin and Y/N. Then they punched through the back of the wooden cage and escaped from there. Now they had to find everyone else are rescue them. 


Since the title states it, I will put the song. 

BTW what do you think will happen?? Will the escape??? 

BTSB: Death surroundsWhere stories live. Discover now