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A/N: What is gonna happen now? 

"It is so obvious now that we are being stalked. So what do we do?" Jimin asked Brian. "I honestly don't know. I guess Howie can think of something cuz he is the group's analytical thinker." Brian answered. "Well lemme ask him then." Jimin said. Jimin was afraid that someone was stalking them. What if they abducted them to get more info? This was scary, no creepy and horrific.

He found Jin while he was searching for Howie and asked him for accompanying him in the search, "진형 형이 Howie 찾는 걸 도와 줄래? (Hey Jin hyung will you help me find Howie?)". "확실한 (Sure)" Jin replied and both of them continued the search for Howie. "Howie D?" Jin asked. "Yeah?" Howie replied turning back. "Jimin wanna talk to you." Jin said. "Sure thanks Jin." Howie said with a sweet smile. "Howie, It is so obvious now that we are being stalked. So what do we do?" Jimin asked. "We have to work on it, but indoors like u know we should do it in our own rooms and pass on the msg through messages." Howie said. "Well that sounds perfect." Jin said. "Thank you for the Appreciation." Howie said with his sweetest smile.

"Howard Dwain, there you are." Kevin said "Wild and free." Nick sang. "Shut Up." Howie and Kevin said in unison. "Hey that is rude." Nick said. "Is not" Howie said. "is" Nick snapped back
"Is not"
"is not"

"Ok Ok!!!! That is not rude cuz we are not in mood for your 'Nicking' around." Kevin said. "Fine. Whatever." Nick said. Jimin and Jin couldn't help but laugh at this. "Anyways isn't the premiere in 5 mins??" Nick asked. "Yeah!" Howie exclaimed in surprise. "Let's go then." Kevin said and they all gathered at the lounge for the premiere. AJ, Brian, J-Hope, Suga, V, Jungkook and Namjoon were waiting there for them. Then they waited for the premiere. After the song was premiered there were many positive and encouraging messages for BTSB in social media.

 The fans were waiting for the album. They had planned to drop the album the next month. They were still planing for it. It would have 1 mashup, 4 singles and 8 songs, as far as planned and maybe there would be subunits as BTS had recommended. {A/N: Can I have a Frick and Frack and Vmin subunit please?     Brian: We are not food orders. BTW we will think about it.               A/N: No I want it to happen for sure or I will sue you       Howie: That will only destroy your reputation.        A/N:  .............................................. Fine you are right. Leave it. Have it your way🙄}

"Since A/N said any many people want to see one, let us also have a Frick and Frack and Vmin subunit." Howie said. "Okie dokie." said Nicky. "What other subunits can we have?" Jin asked. "You guys decide. We will go with it as we have never done subunits." AJ said. "Ok. How about AJ and rap line?" Jungkook asked. "Sounds good." AJ said. "Maybe you can be back in rapping." Nick said with excitement in his eyes. "If that was so then I should be the one to be excited not you." AJ said.

"But I wanna see you rap so I am excited." Nick said. "Whatever my little adorable brother." AJ said giggling at Nick's excitement. "How about me, Jungkook, Kevin and Howie as the last subunit?" Jin said "Sure" Kevin and Howie said in unison. "We should keep the subunits secret and will discuss about BTSB or subunits through messages only cuz we are being stalked." Nick reminded. "Yeah!!" everyone else said in unison.  

BTS were heading into their room when they saw Y/N waiting outside their room looking at the ground. All the members were confused and they looked at each other. The Taehyung approached her, "Hey!! Uh.... What brings you here?" he asked as he tapped on her shoulder. "Oh Hey Taehyung!! Well I wanted to talk to you all as we are kinda of same era so I thought I would like to get along with all of you. If you don't mind that is." Y/N said kinda nervous. "I say yes. What about you?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the members. "Sure we would love to." Namjoon said with a smile. "Great." Y/N smiled.

They all entered the room.  "So, first of all I wanna know how is BTSB going on. I mean you guys are being stalked so what is the plan." Y/N enquired. "Well we will only discuss the plan through messages until we are sure of the stalker." Namjoon replied. "Ok I see. Must be uncle Howie's idea. Ain't I right?" she said. "Yeah!! He is really smart." Jin replied. Y/N sat on a chair near the couch where the members were seated.

"May I ask, How old are you?" Jimin asked "I am born in 1998 and am currently 22 years old." Y/N replied. "Oh!!! So you are younger than me?" Jungkook asked. "Which year are you??" Y/N enquired. "1997" "Well then yes I am." Y/N said with a smile. The members were all quite uneasy to talk to her because they knew she wouldn't open up much about herself. Hence they had to be very careful with their questions if they didn't want to upset her. Taehyung wished he could fix the situation but it was not possible. Maybe they should just start talking and everything will set itself??........Who knew??

BTSB: Death surroundsWhere stories live. Discover now