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Here you go, here is the song: 

What is gonna happen now?? Will they escape?? If they do, will Y/N reveal herself?? 

"We have to get out of here quickly." yelled the female officer  as she handcuffed Vanilla and Homan while other officers handcuffed the other men who were working for Vanilla  and Homan.  Everyone started to run for their lives but the building shook so hard that they couldn't balance themselves. "How will we get out of here?" Maxwell asked. {A/N: Baylee, Y/N watch out} Baylee turned around and pulled his sister towards him before a cement slab could fall on her {Baylee: Thanks A/N}  They needed to get out of asap. The walls were collapsing. They found the exit and ran as quickly as possible. Immediately after Jin came out, the building collapsed. Luckily no one was hurt. 

They went back to the resort and freshened up and had some food. While Baylee went to file the FIR so that Vanilla and Homan could be severely punished. BSBarmy and ARMY were very worried about them. It was all over the news about this kidnapping. Many people tweeted out asking them if they were all fine. BSB and BTS posted and official statement saying they were all in healthy condition and that no one was harmed.  It was a relief to know they were they were fine. 

Y/N laid down on her bed stuck in thoughts when Taehyung entered in and sat beside her, "So.....Can I know your real name now?" "Hmmmm....Lemme think about it." Y/N replied back. "Oh come on!!!" Taehyung said pouting. "You look cute when your pouting. Has anyone ever told you that?" Y/N asked. "I do???" He asked flustered. Y/N giggled at him. He sure was cute. They laughed  about that for about 15 mins till they decided to meet the other members of BTS. "Thank you so much you guys. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you." Y/N said to the boys. "We can do anything for a friend." They said smiling. 

In 1 corner Baylee was sitting and wondering how he could thank BTS for keeping his sister safe. If anything had happened to her, what would he have done?? Thanks to BTS she was safe today. {Baylee: Thanks to you too A/N. You helped me save my sister on time. I owe you. What do you want in return for this?           A/N: Aw...Baylee I want nothing. I just  wanted to help you out. If you really insist on giving me something in return, then be my friend.              Baylee: Okay.         A/N: BTW just tell them how thankful you are to them. Don't worry.            Baylee: Thanks A/N I hope you will always help me out like this. Bye best friend.         A/N: 😳😳😳😳 *in heaven*} 

Baylee went over to BTS and found them talking to Y/N. "Hey sis, If u don't mind, I wanna talk with BTS." He said. "Sure why not." Y/N said asking him to join. "In private." He added. "Okay." Y/N said leaving. "I thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much for having saved my sister. If anything had happened to her what would I do?? I had promised her to keep her totally safe.

I have vowed to myself to not let a scratch appear on her skin. The promise would have been broken if you hadn't saved her. I am so sorry that I didn't thank you earlier. I just didn't know with what words should I express my gratitude." Baylee said sniffling. "Don't cry Baylee, she is our friend and friends help each other all the time." Namjoon said smiling at Baylee. Baylee wiped the tear drop which was about to fall out his eye and thanked them once again before calling Y/N back so that she could enjoy her time with BTS. 

BSB were working on the album. They thought that BTS should take 1 more day of rest and enjoy with Y/N. They were happy to know that Y/N was getting along with someone. And not just someone, 7 people who are celebrities, the biggest celebrities. They were writing 1 song for the album. Till now 8 songs had been done. Today they started working in the 8th one. Next week they would move into a studio together and a month later they would release the album and a month after that they would kick off on a world tour. 

A week later, all the BSB family members headed back to Brian's house, while BSB and BTS moved into a studio. Since they had the mashup completely ready they recorded that first. Then they worked on the other songs. They were still needed to write 2 songs and the subunit songs. So in free time they wrote the songs and other time they either worked on the tune or instruments or recorded the already written songs. The day after they recorded the mashup, they posted it on YouTube. People fell in love with the mashup. It was the best mashup anyone had ever heard. BSB and BTS very motivated by the positive approach of people. 

They were in the studio for a month and now they had everything recorded. As planned, a week after the Album would be released, the subunit songs would also be released. The album was awaited by every single soul. Nights would go about in dreams about the album. People couldn't wait for it. 


Yes, Now they just have to release the album and then kick off on a tour. 

BTSB: Death surroundsWhere stories live. Discover now